
Viajante Witcher - SI AU

Don't expect anything elaborate. I'm just writing as a way to clear my mind and escape my depression. In case I ever post this, you don't have to leave your useless comments, just constructive ones. Whether they are encouragement, because you are enjoying it, or because you can see where it could be improved. Regarding chapters, I have no idea, I will just write and release when I can. I need to finish my degree soon, get a job or I won't be able to pay my bills anymore. The grammar will suck anyway, because I'm really lazy, and no, I don't have people to correct it because it needs money, and I'm unemployed. I don't own any universe that will be used, much less its characters. As for the timeline, I don't give a shit. My patreon is.... https://patreon.com/Noxville753 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Emerson_Leite · Video Games
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65 Chs

21. Nova Força

It seemed that only a few seconds had passed since I lay down on those chairs. But the rest of the afternoon and night went by without my even noticing.

Getting up, and craning my neck, I notice that two of the oldest High Vampires are standing, waiting for me, sitting on the other side, in a light sleep, Geralt, and the few rays of sunlight, coming in to illuminate the place.

"Good morning." I mumble, to the couple standing in front of me. "Who would you be?" I ask, looking at the pair's features.

He looked like a nobleman, well-crafted body, dark hair combed back, gold on his fingers and neck, eyes calm and peaceful.

She, a beauty to be envied. Red hair, (is that a pattern?), gray eyes, yellow dress with black and red details, seductive lips, a complete beauty to be described.

"Petar de Sansmerci at your service , my lord." says the man, with a deep bow.

"Hedelle de Mortblanc at your service, my lord, all services." she says, bowing deeply.

"Thank you, but have your services been done? Where are the other elders?" I ask.

"The perpetrator of all that mess is under surveillance by the renowned elders, while the younger children have either been exterminated, or taken to another region. As for the lamias who were there, they are waiting for your orders in the upper courtyard." Petar answers me.

I stand up, and as I pass the man, I give him a light slap on the shoulder followed by a smile, as I make my way to bother Geralt. With no more than 3 steps to go, those golden cat eyes open and stare at me.

"I hate being woken up." he grumbles.

"I thought you hated portals." I retort.

"That too." and he replies, getting up.

"Relax my friend, get some rest for you will need it. Later, I need you to come in and help Sylvia on her journey. So relax and rest," I tell him, and turn to go towards the upper courtyard.

Arriving there, which was not difficult as I have been down this path before, I encountered a rather bizarre scene. Henrietta was trying her best to hit Dettlaff, while being held by her knights, and Regis.

Around Dettlaff, four Vampire Elders were holding him tightly, while he was desperately trying to reach Sylvia, who was on the other side, bound in chains, courtesy of the Vampires.

"Your Majesty, please calm down. We'll sort everything out soon." I say, putting my hand on Henrietta's shoulder, who seemed to have 'calmed down a bit', but was actually just holding on as long as she could.

Laughing at her situation, I face her sister. It really is a world where women are beautiful, even if they wear simple clothes.

"Sylvia Anne, you will be sent to your favorite world, so you can see what it has become. Your mission there, is to solve those problems, and if you succeed, you will be free." I say, and she just gives me a knowing smile.

I really wish I could laugh at her situation, but let her think that she has everything in her hands, sometimes desperation makes us wake up much faster.

While Sylvia was being led away by the soldiers, accompanied by some elders, I stared at Dettlaff. His tantrum has stopped, now that his beloved, or current hatred is no longer present.

"I respect your decision, even if you have done so much as put the lives of innocent people in the crosshairs, I still respect you. But I can't let you free, out of just respect, so tell me, why should you be free?" I ask the man.

"I don't have an excuse. I don't have any regrets. If I could, I would do it all over again, to put my claws into the heart of that creature in human skin." he spits on the ground at Henrietta's feet.

"You killed good men, people who carried in their hearts every one of Toussaint's dogmas. You're just a monster," Henrietta hisses.

"Wrong." I say, making the pair stare at me strangely. "He became a monster at the hands of his sister. I don't know a monster who has the capacity to love like his.

Was what he did vile? No doubt about it, but it was against people who did worse things to those he loved, and that is justifiable, at least to me. When you love, you become the worst of monsters to protect the person.

His knights were just humans, who raped a little girl, beat a little girl, abandoned a little girl, cold, hungry, and without a shred of hope of getting out of that situation alive.

If those are Toussaint's dogmas, I recommend you change them, because I would have done the same myself if it was one of mine," I say to Henrietta, who is unmoved by my point.

"What will you do to me?" asks Dettlaff.

"What do you want done to you?" I ask back.

"I don't care anymore." his answer hits hard. He has truly given up his life with the loss of love, for him, death is more than welcome.

"Go to Kaer Morhen, take the elders with you, there will be a time soon that your strength will be of help to this world. After that, if we survive, I can extend you a better invitation." I say, receiving shocked looks from both him and Henrietta.

"Are you going to let him free?" she asks me, irritated.

"Your sister is getting a second chance, because he doesn't deserve it too?" I ask, looking directly into her eyes. We stare at each other for almost 1 minute, but nothing she gives me an answer.

I take a cloth bag from my waist, and hand it to Dettlaff. "Upon arrival, hand this to Vesemir, and tell him that his arrival is for a future battle. If he has managed to recover his test, let him wait for a while longer to start recruiting.

Inside are some bottles of the food he said he is preparing for you. Vesemir will deliver it to each of you when you get there. I will be back soon, but until then, I will be here, preparing Geralt's vineyard to generate the promised food.

Régis, you and these three lamia at your side will stay here, I have plans for your alchemical skills. I trust you on this. May I?" I ask one of the older Vampires.

He may not be the strongest, for not running around to satiate his hunger and develop his skills, but he is still one of the smartest.

"I would be honored, my lord." he says.