
Versatile Mage: Shadow of Dimension

This is a world where magic is respected and demons roam everywhere! Demons occupy human territory wantonly. Magic has become the last resort of mankind. The emperor who lives on the roof of the world and the masters of the life forbidden areas of all parties are wary of each other! The summoning plane attached to the magic plane devours the resources of the main plane bit by bit! The emperor who unified the dark plane is dissatisfied and is eyeing the magic plane covetously! Weak humans have become lambs to be slaughtered! In this desperate world, where we should be united, the high-ranking people cut off all hope! The angels who represent the sacred and master the origin of magic regard human hope as a disaster! In this desperate world, there will always be someone who stands up to change! But... the boy who masters magic cannot change the world, and the boy who becomes a demon has no intention of changing the world. The glory of magic cannot open up the future of mankind! The power of the devil loses its heart in repeated wear and tear! Boys with different ideas will eventually go on different paths... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -This is not my original fanfic. -This is actually a Chinese fanfic. -Raw link :https://www.69shuba.pro/book/52225.htm - The original author is: Bai Yi Ben Yi

Ashborn69 · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 9: Vessel of the Dead Souls

A small firefly light ball floated in the darkness.

  The light it emitted did not illuminate the darkness, as if it was an ethereal thing that did not exist.

  At this time, the tiger wing pendant that was always on his chest trembled slightly.

  The firefly floating in the darkness seemed to have found its home. It was attracted by the pendant and was finally swallowed!

  Zhang Chenran was stunned, and something seemed to come to his mind. He took out the tiger wing pendant hanging on his chest:

  "This thing turned out to be a vessel of the dead soul!"

  In order to find out what this tiger pendant was, he looked through many things about the magician's personal belongings.

  The most common pendants like this are magic tools and magic tools.

  At first, Zhang Chenran thought that this tiger wing pendant was also a magic tool or magic tool.

  But when he still couldn't use this pendant after awakening magic, he denied this guess.

  In addition to the guesses such as magic tools and magic tools, there are also similar magician items, the vessel of the dead soul!

  Zhang Chenran had seen information about the vessel of the dead soul in an ancient book.

  The only function of the vessel of the dead soul is to store souls.

  Not only human souls, but also demon souls can be killed and stored.

  Demon souls are also called essences and residual souls!

  Essence is the complete soul dropped by demons, while residual soul is the incomplete soul.

  A slave-level essence can be sold for millions of dollars.

  Because essence is the key item for making cultivation vessels, the higher the quality of the essence, the more perfect the cultivation vessels made!

  Normal people and even magicians cannot see essences with their naked eyes.

  Only necromancers or people wearing dead soul vessels can see these souls.

  If the demon does not store the residual soul when it dies, the residual soul will dissipate between heaven and earth.

  It is for this reason that Zhang Chenran concluded that this tiger wing pendant is a dead soul vessel.

  "The light is dim, it should not be an essence." Zhang Chenran recalled the soul of the one-eyed demon wolf just now and guessed.

  Too much time has been wasted, Zhang Chenran did not dare to stay any longer, grabbed the sack containing the wolf kiss fruit on the ground and shuttled out of the cave.


  Somewhere outside the forest.

  The members of the Free Hunter Team had just reunited, and those who didn't see Zhang Chenran were very anxious.

  "We have been delayed for so long, and Cheng Ran hasn't come back yet. Nothing unexpected will happen, right?" The bald man Wang Yi couldn't help but speak.

  Captain Kou Xiuyong, Chu Zhen, and Ni Ying were silent, looking uneasy.

  They had already led the one-eyed demon wolf into the trap, and it would take at least a few minutes for the one-eyed demon wolf to break free from the trap.

  It would probably take the shadow mage less than two minutes to pick a few fruits.

  But several minutes had passed.

  Zhang Chenran still didn't show up, which made them worry.

  Just when everyone was worried.

  A black shadow emerged from the shadows, and Zhang Chenran's figure slowly appeared.

  "Cheng Ran!" Chu Zhen saw the person coming, and his face was surprised.

  "Are you okay?" Kou Xiuyong asked hurriedly.

  Zhang Chenran shook his head to indicate that he was fine, and then handed him the sack in his hand:

  "The wolf kiss fruit in the cave has been picked."

  Just now, hunting the one-eyed demon wolf in the cave delayed time, and when leaving the cave, he almost ran into the one-eyed demon wolf army.

  Even though he had the ability to hunt the one-eyed demon wolves, Zhang Chenran was not crazy enough to dare to fight two one-eyed demon wolves alone.     They had no choice but to bypass the two one-eyed demon wolves, which made the free hunter team wait for a while.

  "It's good that you're fine." Kou Xiuyong smiled.

  "In this case, we have to move to the next target location quickly." Chu Zhen reminded.

  The wolf kiss fruit grows in the one-eyed demon wolf's nest, but the output of each nest is not too much.

  However, the one-eyed demon wolf has too many habitats in Nanling

  to count. After the wolf kiss fruit in the demon wolf's nest here is picked, it will be replaced by the next demon wolf nest.

  Otherwise, the number of wolf kiss fruits will not meet the standard and the number required by the commission cannot be completed


  It was almost evening when they arrived at the next preset location. It

  was late at night when the tent was set up.

  By the campfire, everyone was talking and laughing while eating the freshly cooked food.

  "Speaking of Cheng Ran, you have just been a hunter for a short time, why don't you join our free hunter team? With your joining, the efficiency of our team in completing commissions will definitely increase sharply in the future!" Kou Xiuyong suddenly said.

  When talking about this topic, the atmosphere suddenly became quiet, as if everyone was waiting for Zhang Chenran's answer.

  I still want to go to school. Zhang Chenran remained silent under the gaze of everyone, and said slowly after a few seconds:

  "I'll think about it."

  Hearing this, the free hunter team sighed in their hearts.

  Everyone could hear that he was politely rejecting the captain's invitation.

  When hunting the one-eyed demon wolf, Zhang Chenran thought about this question, whether he should leave the magic school and transform into a hunter wizard as soon as possible to integrate into this cruel world.

  Outside the Anjie is the territory of demons, and no one can tell what will happen. It is a gamble that risks life.

  However, the resources that can be obtained are not comparable to those in the magic school.

  If you look at it this way, it is not unacceptable.

  But he quickly denied this naive idea.

  Even in the magic high school, what can be learned is only elemental magic, which is not comprehensive.

  Perhaps, after graduating from the magic high school, it can be regarded as a true step into the way of magic.

  And real magic is not just that!

  If you want to understand magic and become stronger, it is a better way to get into a magic school in a big city.

  "If you want to hunt a one-eyed demon wolf, how long will it take?" Zhang Chenran asked the question that he had always been curious about.

  "A few minutes, this thing has thick skin and flesh, it's basically impossible to kill it without several fire bursts." Kou Xiuyong replied. Zhang

  Chenran was stunned and continued to ask:

  "The speed of the one-eyed demon wolf is so fast, even fire magic may not be able to hit it 100%, right?"

  "So we all work as a team, even a fire magician of the third level of the elementary level can only be slaughtered by the one-eyed demon wolf." Kou Xiuyong explained with a smile.

  Then I won't go against the will of heaven. Zhang Chenran's pupils were full of shock and disbelief.

  From what Kou Xiuyong said, even a junior level three magician can't face the one-eyed demon wolf alone.

  The junior level three is the strongest among the elementary level mages, and even such a magician can't hunt the one-eyed demon wolf alone.

  And a shadow mage who has practiced for half a year killed the one-eyed demon wolf alone?

  Zhang Chenran was both happy and incredible about the harvest today, and even a little scared after thinking deeply.

  "You look surprised?" Kou Xiuyong asked in confusion.

  "Nothing, I just feel that the demons are a little too scary."

  "Hahaha, it's normal for someone like you who doesn't often deal with demons to think so, but if you see Zhan Kong Wei Tong take action against the demons, you won't think so."

  "Zhan Kong?"