
Versatile Mage: Shadow of Dimension

This is a world where magic is respected and demons roam everywhere! Demons occupy human territory wantonly. Magic has become the last resort of mankind. The emperor who lives on the roof of the world and the masters of the life forbidden areas of all parties are wary of each other! The summoning plane attached to the magic plane devours the resources of the main plane bit by bit! The emperor who unified the dark plane is dissatisfied and is eyeing the magic plane covetously! Weak humans have become lambs to be slaughtered! In this desperate world, where we should be united, the high-ranking people cut off all hope! The angels who represent the sacred and master the origin of magic regard human hope as a disaster! In this desperate world, there will always be someone who stands up to change! But... the boy who masters magic cannot change the world, and the boy who becomes a demon has no intention of changing the world. The glory of magic cannot open up the future of mankind! The power of the devil loses its heart in repeated wear and tear! Boys with different ideas will eventually go on different paths... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -This is not my original fanfic. -This is actually a Chinese fanfic. -Raw link :https://www.69shuba.pro/book/52225.htm - The original author is: Bai Yi Ben Yi

Ashborn69 · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 8: First Battle with Demons


  The huge explosion of the fire naturally disturbed the one-eyed demon wolf that was living in the cave.

  Two one-eyed demon wolves rushed out of the cave in an instant.

  The terrifying eye patrolled around and saw a burly human wizard not far away.

  The enraged demon wolf instantly moved its strong limbs and rushed towards Kou Xiuyong.

  "There are only two, very good!"

  Kou Xiuyong was obviously prepared. The moment he saw the demon wolf, he ran into the forest behind him.

  The two one-eyed demon wolves that ran out of the cave were quickly attracted away by the free hunter team

  . Zhang Chenran did not dare to waste time and quickly shuttled into the demon wolf cave in the shadows.

  There was no sunlight in the cave, which was just what he wanted. In the dark, his vision was not restricted.

  The deep space of the cave was very large. After a while, Zhang Chenran saw the red wolf kiss fruit on the stone wall of the cave. Perhaps

  because the one-eyed demon wolf lived there, the smell of the wolf kiss fruit was a bit disgusting, and the stench was also mixed with a strong smell of blood.

  Without thinking too much, Zhang Chenran took out a sack and picked all the wolf kiss fruits in the cave and put them into the sack.

  There were not many, only eight.

  Obviously, eight could not meet the number required by the commission. It would take at least ten days or half a month to complete the commission.

  Just as Zhang Chenran was about to call it a day and return, the darkness behind him sent him a dangerous message.

  As long as something is in the dark, every move around it will be noticed by him. This is Zhang Chenran's shadow ability!

  "The one-eyed demon wolf is back? How could it be so fast?"

  Zhang Chenran immediately hugged the sack and hid in the darkness, not daring to make any sound.

  The one-eyed demon wolf with a fishy and evil aura gradually approached, lowering its head and sniffing around, revealing a hideous face.

  There was only one, and it should have been discovered by the one-eyed demon wolf that lagged behind when sneaking in. It seems that I still underestimated the perception of the demon.

  Damn, this beast knows I'm here. Zhang Chenran was thinking about how to avoid this demon wolf.

  The one-eyed demon wolf suddenly attacked him, raised its smelly and strong claws and slapped him hard.

  Fortunately, his shadow ability was amplified in the darkness, and he avoided the fatal claw in time.

  The one-eyed wolf is unique among the demons in terms of defense, speed, and damage.

  If he was hit by this claw, he would definitely die without a burial place.

  The one-eyed wolf seemed to be angry that this human hiding in the dark was playing a trick on it!

  The one-eyed wolf attacked again, and this time its speed was faster than before!

  Zhang Chenran dodged in the darkness in a panic.

  If he hadn't been able to get an amplification in the darkness, his speed would definitely not be as fast as this beast.

  "No, hiding like this is not a solution, try this."

  Zhang Chenran spread out his hands, and the darkness around him seemed to be affected by him, and dark matter instantly appeared in his hands. The

  dark matter was condensed into a dark sphere, and Zhang Chenran threw it under his feet.

  The one-eyed wolf seemed to pay full attention to him, and did not notice the dark sphere that appeared at an unknown time.

  At the moment when the dark sphere touched the ground, the one-eyed wolf rushed over it!

  The dark sphere spread upwards in an instant, and the dark matter instantly invaded and engulfed the enraged one-eyed demon wolf.

  When the one-eyed demon wolf touched the dark matter, its whole body was sending it dangerous signals!

  These dark substances were enough to threaten its life! The

  demon's instinctive sense of crisis made the one-eyed demon wolf stop and want to retreat, but it was too late!

  The dark matter attached to the skin of the one-eyed demon wolf.

  "Ah, ah, woo!!!!!!"

  The terrible dark erosion and life withering made the one-eyed demon wolf wail in pain.

  Dark matter likes these creatures with thick skin and flesh the most. The stronger the defense of the creature, the more painful it will be when it is eroded by the dark withering!

  The one-eyed demon wolf cannot clean up these dark substances, so it turns its anger to the human who released these dark substances.

  As long as this human is killed, these dark substances will also dissipate!     "These dark matter are so strong!"

  Zhang Chenran was shocked when he saw this. He didn't expect that his shadow system was so special. It

  was so special that a ball of dark matter could cause such great damage to the one-eyed demon wolf.

  Seeing this scene, Zhang Chenran couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

  "If it was outside where the sun could shine, I should be the one to run, but now."

  A dark spear suddenly appeared in Zhang Chenran's hand.

  His shadow system has the effect of a thought star track.

  As for the transformation of dark matter, he has also cultivated and mastered it to the level of being able to do it at will.

  The spear in his hand was thrown out fiercely by him.

  The one-eyed demon wolf, who was still roaring just now, was instantly not calm.

  That ball of dark matter was enough for it, and it didn't dare to take this dark spear hard again. Maybe this spear would directly take its life!

  The one-eyed demon wolf is also a very strong existence among the slaves. It twisted its strong limbs and dodged the dark spear.

  It grinned fiercely, jumped onto the wall, and pulled its limbs back, running towards Zhang Chenran.

  Facing the attacking one-eyed demon wolf, Zhang Chenran was not panicked at all.

  Witnessing the horror of his own shadow system just now, he had the confidence to face the demon calmly.

  The darkness around him was pulled by Zhang Chenran, and a dark barrier formed by the gathering of dark matter blocked his way.

  "Ah, ah, ah, ah!!!!!"

  The one-eyed demon wolf had been tortured by the dark matter and didn't want to waste any time.

  Now it just wanted to get rid of this human as quickly as possible, even if it was in this way of exchanging injuries for injuries.

  The claws of the one-eyed demon wolf tore it apart after the dark barrier stopped for a moment!

  But unfortunately, the human behind the barrier was obviously prepared.

  After the one-eyed demon wolf tore open the dark barrier, Zhang Chenran had already escaped above.

  While the one-eyed demon wolf hadn't reacted yet, Zhang Chenran fell from the sky with both hands tightly holding the dark long knife!

  The dark long knife was inserted straight into the neck of the one-eyed demon wolf. Zhang Chenran held the handle of the knife and slashed it back fiercely!

  Under the erosion of the dark matter before, the skin of the one-eyed wolf had already rotted.

  The long knife easily tore the skin of the one-eyed wolf, cutting a shocking scar!

  Now not only the skin, but also the blood and bones of the one-eyed wolf were infected by the dark matter.

  The dark withering that was more painful than before made the one-eyed wolf completely unable to resist.

  Its huge body fell down, and it let out a low roar unwillingly.

  Gradually, even the roar faded slowly.

  After dozens of seconds, the three-meter-tall body of the one-eyed wolf had turned into a black fossil.

  The dark matter had completely eroded its body!

  Confirming that the one-eyed wolf was completely dead, Zhang Chenran breathed a sigh of relief.

  "I didn't expect my shadow system to be so strong!"

  Zhang Chenran spread his hands, looking at the darkness lingering in his hands, and couldn't suppress his ecstasy in his heart. He

  was able to kill a one-eyed wolf in the first battle! Even

  an old-fashioned mage in the beginner level might not be able to do it, right?

  Zhang Chenran took a deep breath.

  This experience also made Zhang Chenran more determined to become stronger!

  With such a powerful shadow talent, if his cultivation level is improved, he will not be afraid of the stronger monsters behind!

  At this time, a small group of fireflies floated out of the mouth of the magic wolf.