
Versatile Mage: Shadow of Dimension

This is a world where magic is respected and demons roam everywhere! Demons occupy human territory wantonly. Magic has become the last resort of mankind. The emperor who lives on the roof of the world and the masters of the life forbidden areas of all parties are wary of each other! The summoning plane attached to the magic plane devours the resources of the main plane bit by bit! The emperor who unified the dark plane is dissatisfied and is eyeing the magic plane covetously! Weak humans have become lambs to be slaughtered! In this desperate world, where we should be united, the high-ranking people cut off all hope! The angels who represent the sacred and master the origin of magic regard human hope as a disaster! In this desperate world, there will always be someone who stands up to change! But... the boy who masters magic cannot change the world, and the boy who becomes a demon has no intention of changing the world. The glory of magic cannot open up the future of mankind! The power of the devil loses its heart in repeated wear and tear! Boys with different ideas will eventually go on different paths... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -This is not my original fanfic. -This is actually a Chinese fanfic. -Raw link :https://www.69shuba.pro/book/52225.htm - The original author is: Bai Yi Ben Yi

Ashborn69 · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 10: Complete the commission, the school season begins

"Zhankong?" Zhang Chenran looked puzzled.

  "He is our new military commander who has just arrived in Bo City. I have had the honor of seeing him hunt monsters before. Not to mention the one-eyed demon wolf, even the three-eyed demon wolf of the general level has no power to fight back in his hands."

  Kou Xiuyong talked about the military commander, his eyes full of admiration.

  "General level?"

  This was the first time Zhang Chenran heard someone talk about this nightmare-level existence.

  Judging from Kou Xiuyong's words, the general, who was like a nightmare to them, had no power to fight back in the hands of the military commander?

  How strong was the magic cultivation attainment of the military commander?

  "Zhankong military commander is the only high-level magician in Bo City. If you can witness him take action with your own eyes, you will not be afraid of monsters."

  Kou Xiuyong was very satisfied with Zhang Chenran's surprised expression and laughed.

  High-level magician Zhang Chenran's eyes showed a look of longing.

  His awakened shadow system was born with a certain talent. If he could reach that level


  two weeks later.

  The free hunter team picked several wolf kiss fruits growing in the dens of the one-eyed demon wolf, and the number has reached the requirements of the commissioned task.

  Late at night.

  Zhang Chenran stepped on the corpse of a one-eyed demon wolf.

  After a few seconds, a ball of green light came out of the wolf's mouth.

  After the residual soul was eaten by the tiger pendant, Zhang Chenran slowly breathed a sigh of

  relief. In the past half month, he would occasionally look for the lucky ones who were alone in the den of the one-eyed demon wolf.

  After several battles, Zhang Chenran gradually figured out his own strength.

  Now he can barely deal with one one-eyed demon wolf. If he faces two together, he can only run away.

  It must be said that the one-eyed demon wolf is extremely terrifying in terms of speed, defense and attack.

  After seeing this, Zhang Chenran also understood why the hunter needs to fight in a team.

  If you meet a one-eyed demon wolf alone outside the safe world, you can only wait for death.

  Just one one-eyed demon wolf can bring a catastrophe to an unprepared hunter team.

  What's more, there are countless demon wolves lurking here.

  Without extremely rich experience, stepping out of Anjie will definitely lead to death!

  Fortunately, I followed the right team this time.

  Looking at the corpse of the one-eyed demon wolf under his feet, Zhang Chenran played with the dark dagger in his hand:

  "The attack method of the mage is to release magic remotely. According to my awakened shadow talent, it may be better to be an assassin-type shadow mage."

  The morning light shone, gradually covering this Nanling. It

  was dawn, and it was time to finish work. Zhang Chenran sneaked into the shadows and returned to the team's camp.


  After completing the commissioned task, the free hunter team hurried back to Anjie early in the morning.

  There were no accidents on the journey, and they returned to the Xuefeng Mountain Post Station in two and a half days.

  The leader of the hunter team, Kou Xiuyong, was also happy. The first thing he did after returning to the city was to return to the Hunter Alliance to settle the commission money and hunter points.

  Zhang Chenran also received the first reward after becoming a magician.

  "Brother Chengran, if you want to join our free hunter team later, please contact me at any time."

  Kou Xiuyong patted Zhang Chenran on the shoulder.


  Zhang Chenran did not refuse, but joining the team should be impossible, but there are many opportunities for cooperation.

  However, he probably wouldn't accept any commissions outside the An Realm during this holiday.

  Now he was just a mage who had just trained for half a year, and even if he had a strong talent, he could only barely deal with a one-eyed demon wolf.     If he wants to accept another commission outside the Anjie, he must at least reach the level of the third level of the shadow system, right?

  After tasting the sweetness of the shadow system, Zhang Chenran even forgot that he had a space system.

  This made the space system, which he had not practiced much, even worse.

  Zhang Chenran made plans in his mind to practice in seclusion and master the space system magic before school started.


  During the next vacation time.

  Zhang Chenran saw the horror of his shadow system and still put most of his energy on the shadow system.

  However, this time he did not take the attitude of practicing the space system casually.

  Although he did not understand what was special about this system, he was a top student in the school after all, and it would be unreasonable not to show some results.

  After a month of hard work, the space system was able to successfully release magic, but it was a little slow to release magic. There

  was almost no knowledge of space system magic in the Bocheng Magic Association, and Zhang Chenran could only explore and control it by himself.

  Under Zhang Chenran's exploration, the initial level of space system magic can be roughly understood as taking objects from the air, and releasing a space claw under the control of his own thoughts.

  Perhaps it was because he was not skilled, or because his realm was not high enough, the weight limit of this virtual claw was probably less than 50 kilograms.

  Well, sometimes he would fail to lift 30 or 40 kilograms.

  Space magic is recorded as one of the most difficult magic systems to comprehend, and Zhang Chenran has experienced this.

  If he can master it skillfully, he can play a thousand and one tricks with this elementary magic alone.

  In addition to practicing, Zhang Chenran also went to the Hunter Alliance from time to time to accept commissions.

  However, these commissions are all commissions in the urban area,

  and he will accept even those trivial commissions. Although he doesn't care about that little money, those hunter points have to be accumulated bit by bit.

  Breaking away from the battle with the one-eyed demon wolf to do these trivial commissions, does this make Zhang Chenran feel more and more like his friendly neighbor Spider-Man?

  Well, that's about it.

  But his own shadow system is much more convenient than Spider-Man to do things.

  Time flies, and the holiday life is about to end.

  The life of the second semester of high school officially begins!

  The first day of school.

  Because he was busy with the commission and didn't bring his school uniform, Zhang Chenran had to run home to get his school uniform.

  "Why does the magic world still have a rule that you can't enter school without wearing a school uniform?" Zhang Chenran complained as he ran to the classroom.

  If it weren't for not wanting to expose the shadow department, he would definitely arrive ten minutes early!

  He was already two minutes late. Today seemed to be a magic practice class. Zhang Chenran was ready to be scolded by the middle-aged old man who taught the practice class. He stood at the door of the classroom and shouted:


  This voice attracted the attention of the whole class.

  "Hey, is the sun rising from the west today? Mo Daxue Zha was not late, but Zhang Daxue Ba was almost three minutes late." Zhao Kunsan saw the person coming and immediately became sarcastic.

  Zhang Chenran glanced at him intentionally or unintentionally.

  Zhao Kunsan, who was still preparing to continue to be sarcastic, was stunned by this look.

  At that moment, he was like being stared at by a terrible demon, as if his life had been held in the hands of the other party, making him dare not make any move.

  Originally, that handsome face should have been a killer that attracted many opposite sexes.

  But now, just one glance at him makes people feel daunted. Those eyes are like demons, and people dare not look directly at them.

  Zhao Kunsan opened his mouth to say something, but when he thought of the look just now, he held back what he was about to say.

  "I'm sorry, teacher, I got up late."