
Versatile Mage: Shadow of Dimension

This is a world where magic is respected and demons roam everywhere! Demons occupy human territory wantonly. Magic has become the last resort of mankind. The emperor who lives on the roof of the world and the masters of the life forbidden areas of all parties are wary of each other! The summoning plane attached to the magic plane devours the resources of the main plane bit by bit! The emperor who unified the dark plane is dissatisfied and is eyeing the magic plane covetously! Weak humans have become lambs to be slaughtered! In this desperate world, where we should be united, the high-ranking people cut off all hope! The angels who represent the sacred and master the origin of magic regard human hope as a disaster! In this desperate world, there will always be someone who stands up to change! But... the boy who masters magic cannot change the world, and the boy who becomes a demon has no intention of changing the world. The glory of magic cannot open up the future of mankind! The power of the devil loses its heart in repeated wear and tear! Boys with different ideas will eventually go on different paths... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -This is not my original fanfic. -This is actually a Chinese fanfic. -Raw link :https://www.69shuba.pro/book/52225.htm - The original author is: Bai Yi Ben Yi

Ashborn69 · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

 Chapter 7: Lure the Demon Wolf

"Are you a shadow mage?" The burly man looked surprised.

  He had worked with a military mage who majored in the shadow system, so he had witnessed the peculiarities of the shadow system.

  Now a shadow mage came to his team to apply, which surprised him a little.

  "I can use Shadow Escape skillfully, can I join the team?" Zhang Chenran tried to ask without much hope.

  "Of course!" The burly man agreed without thinking.

  He had witnessed the peculiarities of this shadow mage. In some ways, shadow mages are more reliable than wind mages.

  Then, Zhang Chenran followed the burly man to find other members of the team.

  "This is the new member, the shadow mage!" The burly man briefly introduced Zhang Chenran, and then said:

  "This is a member of our free hunter team. I am the captain Kou Xiuyong, a fire mage!"

  There are four members in the team, including the captain.

  "Wang Yi, an earth mage!" said the bald man who looked a little honest.

  "My name is Chu Zhen, a fire mage!" The weak girl, whose personality was extremely inconsistent with the magic system, chuckled.

  "Ni Ying, an ice mage." The cold and indifferent lady introduced herself casually.

  She looked Zhang Chenran up and down.

  This shadow mage wrapped himself up tightly, and only the upper half of his face could be seen.

  Ni Ying labeled him as a loner and difficult to approach in her heart .

  Zhang Chenran introduced himself simply:

  "My name is Cheng Ran!"

  "Brother Cheng Ran, after leaving the Anjie, you will reach the territory of demons. Even those of us who have been hunter mages for many years must obey the rules.

  You may have been out of the city less often, so just let us arrange this commission."

  Kou Xiuyong found a large backpack from somewhere and threw it to Zhang Chenran while explaining.

  Zhang Chenran took the large backpack, and a wisp of dark matter approached the backpack.

  The large backpack was filled with tools for survival in the wild. It seemed that every hunter mage who stepped out of the Anjie would prepare such a large bag of things.

  After all, no one can tell how many days it will take to complete the task in the wild.

  The free hunter team headed all the way to the border.

  Considering that the newly recruited shadow mage might be a novice.

  Captain Kou Xiuyong told Zhang Chenran what not to do outside the Anjie as they walked.

  Outside the Anjie is the territory of demons, especially in this Nanling area where the terrible wolf tribe lives!

  The wolf tribe has a keen sense of smell and moves quickly. If they are not careful and leave any flaws, the entire hunter team will be wiped out at any time.

  The free hunter team came to the only way out of the city, the Xuefeng Mountain Outpost!

  This is the place guarded by the Bocheng Guard Mage. As long as the mountain outpost does not collapse, the demons cannot step into the city! If

  you want to leave the city, you must check the relevant documents.

  Captain Kou Xiuyong seems to have some friendship with the guard officer here. Seeing that it is an old friend, the guard officer directly lets him go.

  There is more than one hunter team leaving the city. After stepping out of the Anjie, each hunter team dispersed to their respective goals.

  The route that the Free Hunter Team was heading had been cleared by the Guardian Mages and the hunters, so there weren't many demons.

  This time, the commission was to find a special plant called Wolf Kiss Fruit.

  This plant only grows in the nests where the One-eyed Demon Wolf lived, and it can be used to make an antidote that prevents the wolf's claws from bleeding and the wounds from rotting and becoming inflamed.

  In Nanling, there are a lot of Wolf Kiss Fruits, but they are also very difficult to obtain.     Many hunters who don't have much experience don't dare to accept such a task.

  After all, no one knows how many wolves there are in the lair of the one-eyed demon wolf, and the risk is extremely high.

  It is obvious that this is not the first time that the free hunter team has accepted such a task.

  It was late at night when they arrived at the preset location.

  The weak girl Chu Zhen observed the terrain for a while and said, "Let's rest here tonight."

  After that, everyone began to put down their backpacks and set up tents.

  Kou Xiuyong gave Zhang Chenran a few simple instructions and then began to keep watch.

  The night watch is a rotation. Perhaps because they are worried that Zhang Chenran has no experience, the team did not assign this task to him.

  This commission cannot be completed in one or two days.

  If you want to pick the wolf kiss fruit in the lair of the one-eyed demon wolf, you must plan carefully.

  It is best not to have any battles with demons and complete the commissioned task at the lowest cost.


  After observing the demon wolf's lair for a few days.

  It was determined that there were less than five one-eyed demon wolves in the lair, which was within the scope of what they could handle, and the free hunter team began to take action.

  The hunters of the team began to set up traps to lure the one-eyed wolf in the morning before the wolf woke up.

  "Cheng Ran, we will lead the one-eyed wolf out of the lair in a while. When you hear the noise, you will use the shadow escape to pick the wolf kiss fruit in the lair as quickly as possible." Chu Zhen said.

  "Okay, I remember it." Zhang Chenran responded.

  Immediately, his figure turned into darkness and merged into the shadowy jungle.

  Lurking at the entrance of the wolf's lair, Zhang Chenran quietly waited for the signal from the free hunter team.

  After waiting for a few minutes.

  A small ball of fire crossed the silent forest and arrived not far from the entrance of the wolf's lair.

  The originally small fire instantly emitted a scorching flame, and the small ball of fire suddenly exploded!

  Boom! ! ! ! ! !

  The fireball showed an explosion effect, and the strong fire wave spread around with the position of the fire just now as the center!

  The area of ​​several meters was instantly engulfed by this terrible fire wave!

  "Fire magic!"

  Zhang Chenran, who was lurking in the dark, was shocked when he saw the explosion not far away.

  This was the first time he saw real magic, and it was violent fire magic!

  However, the damage range did not seem to be as large as his own shadow damage range.

  Was it because he only wanted to lure out the one-eyed demon wolf and did not use his full strength?