
Versatile Mage: Shadow of Dimension

This is a world where magic is respected and demons roam everywhere! Demons occupy human territory wantonly. Magic has become the last resort of mankind. The emperor who lives on the roof of the world and the masters of the life forbidden areas of all parties are wary of each other! The summoning plane attached to the magic plane devours the resources of the main plane bit by bit! The emperor who unified the dark plane is dissatisfied and is eyeing the magic plane covetously! Weak humans have become lambs to be slaughtered! In this desperate world, where we should be united, the high-ranking people cut off all hope! The angels who represent the sacred and master the origin of magic regard human hope as a disaster! In this desperate world, there will always be someone who stands up to change! But... the boy who masters magic cannot change the world, and the boy who becomes a demon has no intention of changing the world. The glory of magic cannot open up the future of mankind! The power of the devil loses its heart in repeated wear and tear! Boys with different ideas will eventually go on different paths... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -This is not my original fanfic. -This is actually a Chinese fanfic. -Raw link :https://www.69shuba.pro/book/52225.htm - The original author is: Bai Yi Ben Yi

Ashborn69 · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 6:Hunter Alliance

The first semester is over.

  The winter in the south is very cold, and pedestrians on the street also wear thick down jackets.

  Zhang Chenran, dressed in black and wrapped tightly, came to the gathering place of hunter mages in Bo City.

  Hunter Union!

  The Hunter Union is bustling with people, like a large stock hall, and also like a job fair.

  There is a huge LCD screen hanging on the wall of the Hunter Hall.

  The latest bounty is announced on the screen, and the price of the bounty is marked on the back.

  The lowest starts at 100,000, and the highest can even reach 1 million!

  Zhang Chenran has learned about the mage profession.

  The Hunter Union is the best choice for casual mages to obtain resources.

  Although he may not have the ability to hunt monsters alone.

  But he awakened the shadow system, which is a very rare mage even in Bo City.

  Shadow mages and wind mages can both serve as scouts in the team.

  But the latter does not have the secretive lurking ability of the former, and is most likely to be discovered by monsters.

  Compared with wind mages, shadow mages may be more popular as team scouts.

  The purpose of Zhang Chenran's trip was to find a team that lacked a reconnaissance mage.

  On the one hand, he wanted to learn about the demons outside the Anjie as soon as possible, and on the other hand, he wanted to find an extra income during this winter vacation.

  Although the risk of this extra income is extremely high, the reward is many times more than his previous jobs.

  However, he seemed to have underestimated the recruitment standards of the Hunter Alliance.

  "The Gale Squad is recruiting a fire mage with rich combat experience, and the team guarantees efficiency to complete the bounty!"

  "The team is in urgent need of an experienced wind mage who can lead away the one-eyed demon wolf!"

  "The Envoy Squad is sincerely recruiting an ice mage with rich combat experience and team awareness!"

  A bunch of mages who joined the team brought a resume.

  The resumes recorded their joining time, bounty success rate, and bounty mission level!

  This put Zhang Chenran in a dilemma. He didn't have these "experiences", so what should he do?

  He didn't even finish a year of magic high school, let alone whether he could find a team.

  If others knew the time when he awakened magic, they might dislike him as a burden.

  After all, we are facing demons outside the city, and we will die if we are not careful!

  With my identity, it is too difficult to find the reason for my team to be collected. With

  a helpless sigh, Zhang Chenran came to the front desk of the hall:

  "Hello, I want to apply for a registered hunter identity!"

  "Okay, please fill in some identity information." The front desk staff handed him a blank profile.

  Zhang Chenran glanced at it and simply filled in his identity.

  The information does not require such detailed identity information. The important information is only the name and the magic system.

  However, he did not fill in the real identity information. After all, he did not want others to know that he had awakened two systems.

  And each system is ridiculously special!

  Especially the shadow system. According to the records of the Magic Association, the primary shadow system magic only has the skills of hiding in the shadow.

  But the shadow system that I awakened has extremely strong lethality.

  The attack method of this shadow system is certainly good for him, but it may not be in the eyes of others.

  This made Zhang Chenran have to be more cautious in doing things.

  After filling it out, return it to the front desk staff.

  The staff member was stunned when he saw the magic system information, and said in surprise:

  "Shadow system!"

  He has only been working here for two or three years. In these two or three years, he has seen many magicians of the seven elements.

  He has even seen lightning magicians with a one in a thousand chance of awakening, but this is the first time he has seen a shadow system.

  However, he also has a simple understanding of the shadow system.     According to the records of the Magic Association, the Shadow Department's skills in the early stages are just hiding and escaping, and there is no substantial damage like the Thunder and Fire Department magic.

  However, with the special nature of the Shadow Department, it is still easy to find a team.

  But the cultivation level filled in by this mage is the first level of the beginner.

  "Please follow me to verify the information of the magic system." The staff said, and then pointed the way for Zhang Chenran in front.

  "Verify the information?" Zhang Chenran didn't think much and followed.

  He was taken to a square room that looked like a combat laboratory.

  Opposite him was a pile of targets, which seemed to be prepared for combat mages.

  "You only need to release the Shadow Department magic here." The staff explained.

  It seems that knowing the special nature of the Shadow Department, the staff also considerately turned off half of the lights in the room for him.

  So simple. Zhang Chenran walked forward a few steps to the shadow.

  Two seconds later, his figure instantly disappeared into the darkness.

  The front desk staff and the verification officer beside him seemed to be stunned.

  It seemed that they didn't expect that this mage could release the Shadow Department magic so skillfully.

  Even in this Bo City, the speed at which the experienced hunters release magic is only this fast, right?

  In fact, Zhang Chenran just stayed in place for two or three seconds longer.

  In the dark, he can release the shadow at any time as long as he wants.

  The reason for doing this is that he doesn't want to expose his ability to think of the star track.

  If he can think of the star track just after awakening for half a year, if this ability is made public, the shock level can be imagined!

  "Mr. Cheng Ran, you have passed the information verification." The front desk staff said.

  Zhang Chenran walked out of the darkness slowly.

  After waiting for a few minutes, the front desk staff handed him a certificate and said:

  "This is the hunter identity registered for you. The relevant certificate alliance will notify you to collect it later!"

  "Okay!" Zhang Chenran reached out and took the hunter certificate.

  This hunter certificate can also be regarded as a resume, but his resume is blank.

  Except for the special shadow system, other places can be seen at a glance that he is a pure newcomer.

  But there is no way, who made me awaken for only half a year!

  Without thinking too much, Zhang Chenran looked for a team suitable for him in the Hunter Hall.

  Even if he didn't have enough experience, he had to try his luck. This trip couldn't be in vain.

  There were thousands of hunter mages in this Hunter Hall, and there would naturally be no shortage of hunter teams.

  There were very few mages who could hunt monsters alone, and most of them formed a team.

  The team needed a perfect lineup, so that it would be safer to deal with monsters and perform tasks.

  There were also many mage teams that lacked reconnaissance and scouts, and Zhang Chenran was looking for this kind of team.

  "The Freedom Team urgently needs a wind mage who can master wind magic. The reward has been accepted, and the reward is 60,000. It is expected to be completed within half a month!" A burly man shouted.

  As he was shouting, he saw a thin man with a hood and about 1.75 meters tall coming to him.

  "Brother, are you a wind mage?" the burly man asked.

  Zhang Chenran shook his head and handed him the hunter certificate he had just applied for.

  The burly man took the certificate and checked it with some doubts.

  The blank resume made him frown, but when he saw the row of magic information, he was stunned for a moment, and then he looked surprised:

  "Are you a shadow mage?"