
Versatile Mage: Shadow of Dimension

This is a world where magic is respected and demons roam everywhere! Demons occupy human territory wantonly. Magic has become the last resort of mankind. The emperor who lives on the roof of the world and the masters of the life forbidden areas of all parties are wary of each other! The summoning plane attached to the magic plane devours the resources of the main plane bit by bit! The emperor who unified the dark plane is dissatisfied and is eyeing the magic plane covetously! Weak humans have become lambs to be slaughtered! In this desperate world, where we should be united, the high-ranking people cut off all hope! The angels who represent the sacred and master the origin of magic regard human hope as a disaster! In this desperate world, there will always be someone who stands up to change! But... the boy who masters magic cannot change the world, and the boy who becomes a demon has no intention of changing the world. The glory of magic cannot open up the future of mankind! The power of the devil loses its heart in repeated wear and tear! Boys with different ideas will eventually go on different paths... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -This is not my original fanfic. -This is actually a Chinese fanfic. -Raw link :https://www.69shuba.pro/book/52225.htm - The original author is: Bai Yi Ben Yi

Ashborn69 · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 5:Shadow System

The moment Zhang Chenran's spiritual thoughts touched the black stardust, the seven stars in the stardust appeared instantly. They floated quietly, not as lively and rebellious as the stars in his space stardust.

The stars in the space stardust were like mischievous children, impossible to control without strong spiritual power. But the seven stars in the black stardust were different. They sensed Zhang Chenran's spiritual thoughts and instantly aligned into a star track.

One thought star track!

Zhang Chenran opened his eyes, and the mysterious, cunning darkness appeared in them. A strange feeling spread throughout his body. The next moment, he felt like he had turned into a bodiless shadow lurking in the darkness. This sensation was peculiar, as if he could freely traverse through the dark. In this state, his spiritual perception and speed were magnified many times over.

Diving into the darkness consumed a significant amount of the black stardust's magic power, likely because he had just awakened and didn't possess much magic energy. However, the consumed magic energy recovered within seconds, akin to a self-replenishing blue buff.

"I've turned into a shadow?" Zhang Chenran mused as he observed his vanishing body.

"Is my second system related to dark magic?"

In the darkness, Zhang Chenran felt an indescribable affinity, thoroughly enjoying the sensation. The darkness seemed to offer even more. He could lurk within it, and any shadow in the old yard felt at his command, providing feedback and dark energy.

Zhang Chenran spread his hands, and wisps of darkness gathered in them. The dark energy transformed from floating shadows into tangible dark matter. The breath emitted by these dark substances was terrifying, capable of snuffing out life.

As the dark matter coalesced, Zhang Chenran clenched his fist, forming a dark spear. "This is much cooler than the thunder and fire systems," he remarked, awestruck.

Holding the dark spear, Zhang Chenran's figure vanished into the darkness outside the house. The old courtyard was secluded, surrounded by woods. Zhang Chenran randomly chose a target and hurled the dark spear. It pierced a tree and embedded itself in the soft soil, then disintegrated into dark matter, spreading around.

The dark matter sapped vitality from the surrounding trees, eroding them. Within seconds, the affected trees were lifeless, transformed into withered husks.

"It has strong penetration, range, and continuous damage," Zhang Chenran assessed. He rubbed his temples, pondering, "What kind of magic have I awakened? It might rival even the thunder system. Fortunately, no one knows about my second system."

Reflecting on his rare space system, Zhang Chenran realized that if people knew about his dark magic, it would be scandalous.

"The Magic Association must have information about magic systems. I'll need to investigate further," he decided.

After experimenting a few more times, Zhang Chenran resumed his regular practice.


Winter vacation was approaching, and the first semester was ending.

"Alright, everyone open your books on demons and monsters. Today, we'll continue discussing common demons. If a magician encounters a one-eyed demon wolf, what should they do?" Zhang Jianguo, the demonology teacher, began the lesson enthusiastically.

The one-eyed demon wolf was a focal topic. In the south, the wolf clan dominated, with these wolves being the most prevalent. Ordinary people couldn't handle such creatures; only magicians could.

For magic students unable to release magic yet, encountering any demon was disastrous. Zhang Jianguo's week-long focus on the one-eyed demon wolf had the students restless.

Mo Fan, bored, noticed Zhang Chenran slacking off. Zhang Chenran was staring out the window, fiddling with something in his desk.

"You're not paying attention today, that's rare!" Mo Fan remarked.

Zhang Chenran put away the dark dagger he was playing with, glanced at the teacher, and said, "I've learned everything this semester. Just thinking about holiday plans."

"What plans?"

Zhang Chenran didn't answer.

"How's your cultivation progress?" Zhang Xiaohou asked from behind.

"Same as always," Mo Fan replied nonchalantly.

"It's barely five stars. The space system stars are tough to control," Zhang Chenran sighed.

"Five stars! I heard Xu Zhaoting and Mu Bai from the next class only have four stars, and that's the best in the school!" Zhang Xiaohou exclaimed.

"Four stars?" Zhang Chenran was surprised. Since learning about his shadow system at the Magic Association, he had focused on it over the space system. The shadow system provided powerful attacks and excellent concealment, proving more practical than the rare space system, which he still couldn't release magic from.

But mastering five stars with casual practice, while the best in school was four? Was he too strong or the school too weak?

Controlling stars depended on mental strength, and perhaps his dual system made his mental power stronger. Zhang Chenran looked at Mo Fan, wondering if Mo Fan, also with a dual system, could master six stars or even cast magic.