
Versatile Mage: Shadow of Dimension

This is a world where magic is respected and demons roam everywhere! Demons occupy human territory wantonly. Magic has become the last resort of mankind. The emperor who lives on the roof of the world and the masters of the life forbidden areas of all parties are wary of each other! The summoning plane attached to the magic plane devours the resources of the main plane bit by bit! The emperor who unified the dark plane is dissatisfied and is eyeing the magic plane covetously! Weak humans have become lambs to be slaughtered! In this desperate world, where we should be united, the high-ranking people cut off all hope! The angels who represent the sacred and master the origin of magic regard human hope as a disaster! In this desperate world, there will always be someone who stands up to change! But... the boy who masters magic cannot change the world, and the boy who becomes a demon has no intention of changing the world. The glory of magic cannot open up the future of mankind! The power of the devil loses its heart in repeated wear and tear! Boys with different ideas will eventually go on different paths... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -This is not my original fanfic. -This is actually a Chinese fanfic. -Raw link :https://www.69shuba.pro/book/52225.htm - The original author is: Bai Yi Ben Yi

Ashborn69 · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 4:First Practice

"Oh my god, someone in the next class has awakened the Thunder Element!"

On the playground, a student suddenly exclaimed.

"Thunder Element? Is this a blessing that has been cultivated for several lifetimes?"

"Where is it? Oh my god, such a cool purple color. The head teacher of Class 7 must be shocked!"

"This student who awakened the Thunder Element is going to blow the whole audience away!"

"That's not necessarily true. Class 8 has also awakened dimensional magic, which is much rarer than the Thunder Element!"

"Dimensional magic? What is that? We haven't been taught that in our nine-year compulsory education, right?"

"I don't know, it's very rare."

The Thunder Element shocked the whole audience instantly!

The Space Element that Zhang Chenran had awakened earlier was countless times rarer than the Thunder Element, but it didn't cause as much of a sensation. On one hand, people didn't know what kind of existence the Space Element was in magic. On the other hand, the Thunder Element, the first of the elements, was well-known.

The fact that only one Thunder Element was awakened among more than a thousand students in the whole school was enough to show how shocking and significant this first element was!

"Thunder?" Zhang Chenran was naturally attracted by the dazzling purple.

But his eyes were not on Class 7 next door but on Mo Fan, who was awakening above Class 8.

Just now, he was still wondering about the changes in his spiritual world and was not attracted by the awakening of the Thunder in Class 7. It was during this moment of distraction that he saw the same purple color appearing on the awakening platform of Class 8!

The floating awakening stone glowed with purple light, which was no weaker than the Thunder student in Class 7 next door. There were even arcs of electricity jumping on the awakening stone.

Purple represents Thunder. Mo Fan also awakened the Thunder Element?

Zhang Chenran glanced at Class 7 next door and then put his eyes back on Mo Fan.

"Huh? Why is it so noisy?" Mo Fan slowly opened his eyes, and the joy on his face was evident.

However, when he opened his eyes, he found that his head teacher was looking up at the class next door, fascinated. Even his classmates behind him were looking at the class next door.

Except for Zhang Chenran, who was the first to awaken the Space Element, no one noticed that at this moment, the light emitted by the awakening stone that Mo Fan touched changed from purple to red.

At the same time, the awakening stone was also emitting a fiery energy. The energy was transmitted from the palm to the whole body, just like the feeling when he awakened the Lightning Element just now!

Mo Fan was confused for a moment and glanced at the class next door and the head teacher. He turned his gaze to Zhang Chenran, who had been paying attention to him. This guy was also confused, as if he was shocked by him.

Soon, Mo Fan instantly understood what was going on, and his whole heart filled with crazy joy.

Mo Fan took a deep breath and looked at the only person behind him who witnessed his awakening of the two elements. He stretched out his index finger to his mouth, and then put his hands together and shook them frantically.

He also awakened two elements. Zhang Chenran came back to his senses, and after seeing Mo Fan's hand gesture, he understood and made an OK gesture.

After seeing Zhang Chenran's actions, Mo Fan breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't just expose his amazing talent of awakening two elements. At this moment, he didn't know that he was not the only one who had awakened two elements.

"Wow, wow, it's the Fire Element!"

"This is incredible, there's another Fire Element in our class!"

"Who said he would fail to awaken? It's the Fire Element, how enviable!"

"Another Fire Element appeared in Class 8!"

Xue Musheng also noticed Mo Fan at this moment. He found this student, who he didn't like just now, particularly pleasing to the eye.

"Not bad, not bad. What's your name? Oh, Mo Fan, right? The Fire Element is very good. Well, you must work hard in the future. If you have any questions, just ask the teacher!"

The head teacher Xue Musheng patted Mo Fan's shoulder with great satisfaction. Of course, at this moment, Mo Fan was still immersed in his own ecstasy.

But he knew that he couldn't get too carried away and show his joy. At the same time, he would occasionally glance at Zhang Chenran, who knew his secret.


After awakening, each class returned to their own classrooms. After the textbooks were distributed, Zhang Chenran's face turned a little ugly. The space system that he awakened was rare, but it seemed that there was no knowledge about space magic in the textbook. There wasn't even any magic knowledge about dimensional magic!

Fortunately, there was still a correct way to practice.

I just don't know if the space system that I awakened would be different from the elemental magic practice method. Now I am also a magician. I will go to the Magic Association to have a look. Zhang Chenran couldn't help thinking.

Now only places like the Magic Association that record a lot of magic knowledge can have what I want to know.

"Why are you frowning?"

In the cafeteria, Mo Fan sat opposite with a plate in his hand, with a grin on his face.

Zhang Chenran's mouth twitched violently. I was the one who comforted this guy before, and now it was his turn to "comfort" me.

"Chen, we are good brothers who have known each other for several months. Don't tell anyone about what happened today." Mo Fan whispered.

"As long as you don't want to expose me, I won't tell anyone."

Zhang Chenran agreed, thinking it's better to have less trouble than more.

"Okay, brother!"


At night.

After the first day of campus life, Zhang Chenran returned home and couldn't wait to start his first practice.

After successfully awakening, he was already a magician. After becoming a magician, what he had to do was to release magic!

There are only three steps to release magic: Meditation, control, and release!

First, meditation improves one's mental power and stardust cultivation.

Secondly, control the seven stars in the stardust, let them connect into a star track, and finally, release the magic!

These three short steps take a lot of time and energy to complete!

The space system that Zhang Chenran awakened is a magic system that requires strong mental power to control. Being able to awaken the space system at the initial stage shows that his mental power is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

What's more, he has awakened more than one stardust in the space system.

In the dark spiritual world, the silver stardust is so dazzling that it is hard not to be noticed.

Zhang Chenran tried meditation when he was in school. Meditation is very simple. You only need to see the seven lively and shining stars in your own magic stardust to complete it.

After an afternoon of meditation, Zhang Chenran barely saw the first star. After returning home, Zhang Chenran did not plan to continue to meditate on the space system.

Instead, he set his sights on the black stardust.

This piece of black stardust has been very strange since he awakened. It is not as dazzling and energetic as the space system. It is so quiet that Zhang Chenran feels he can manipulate it at will. It is as if it is admiring and fearing him.

Zhang Chenran tried to communicate his spiritual thoughts with this quiet black stardust for the first time. In a thought, the star track is formed!