
Versatile Mage: Shadow of Dimension

This is a world where magic is respected and demons roam everywhere! Demons occupy human territory wantonly. Magic has become the last resort of mankind. The emperor who lives on the roof of the world and the masters of the life forbidden areas of all parties are wary of each other! The summoning plane attached to the magic plane devours the resources of the main plane bit by bit! The emperor who unified the dark plane is dissatisfied and is eyeing the magic plane covetously! Weak humans have become lambs to be slaughtered! In this desperate world, where we should be united, the high-ranking people cut off all hope! The angels who represent the sacred and master the origin of magic regard human hope as a disaster! In this desperate world, there will always be someone who stands up to change! But... the boy who masters magic cannot change the world, and the boy who becomes a demon has no intention of changing the world. The glory of magic cannot open up the future of mankind! The power of the devil loses its heart in repeated wear and tear! Boys with different ideas will eventually go on different paths... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -This is not my original fanfic. -This is actually a Chinese fanfic. -Raw link :https://www.69shuba.pro/book/52225.htm - The original author is: Bai Yi Ben Yi

Ashborn69 · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 3:Space System

On the awakening platform, a black ray appeared in the center of the floating awakening stone. The black energy only appeared for a moment before it was covered by a dazzling silver light. Then, the awakening stone burst into a silver light from the center, and the light almost covered the entire awakening stone, even shining on the students below.

"Silver light? What kind of magic is this?"

"Fire is red, wind is green, water is blue, ice is light blue, earth is brown, light is gold, and thunder is purple. What kind of magic is this silver light?"

"Isn't Zhang Chenran awakening elemental magic?"

The students below began to discuss in low voices. The knowledge learned before the magic high school was not comprehensive, and they could only understand elemental magic. There are seven systems of elemental magic, and most people will awaken these seven systems at the beginning. If you awaken a special magic system other than elemental magic, you will be the most handsome boy in the whole school!

"This, this is dimensional magic!" the head teacher Xue Musheng couldn't help but say in surprise. The unfamiliar name of the dimensional magic system made the students below look confused. This involved their knowledge blind spots.

"Dimensional magic is a special magic system outside of elemental magic. You can learn about it if you are admitted to the magic school in the future," a teacher from the next class, who knew a little about it, came out to explain briefly. He then continued, "The magic system of silver light, if I remember correctly, should be the space system! The space system is a magic system that only high-level mages have a chance to awaken. It is very rare, and the difficulty of practicing is much more challenging than elemental magic!"

Hearing this, everyone present was secretly amazed. So, isn't the dimensional magic space system rarer than the thunder system that has a one-thousandth chance of awakening? In the southern city of Bocheng, the mid-level magician is the ceiling of combat power. Not to mention that only high-level mages have a chance to awaken the space system, there are not many high-level mages in Bocheng. There are very few records of dimensional magic, and there is almost no information on space magic.

After awakening, Zhang Chenran slowly opened his eyes, his eyes full of complexity. In addition to joy, there were more doubts. There were two pieces of stardust in his spiritual world. If nothing unexpected happened, he should have awakened two systems. These two systems are special systems other than elemental magic. But what puzzled him was that his spiritual world turned into endless black when he awakened. He could slightly sense that his body had undergone some inexplicable changes after awakening.

"Not bad, not bad, Zhang Chenran, you awakened the space system, which belongs to dimensional magic. As long as you work hard to practice, I believe your future achievements will be limitless," the head teacher Xue Musheng praised with a smile.

"Space system! I didn't expect that the first awakening in our class would be the space system!"

"I heard that this dimensional magic is even rarer than the thunder system, the first of the elements. It is completely one in a million!"

"That's right, this directly wins at the starting line, I envy you so much."

The probability of awakening the thunder system, the first of the elements, is only one in a thousand, but the probability of awakening the space system is almost impossible. The space system can be said to be unique to high-level mages. Only high-level mages with strong mental power have the probability of awakening this special system. However, even among high-level mages, there are not many who have awakened the space system, not to mention whether there are space system mages in this small city of Bo. Now that a mage who has awakened the space system has appeared in front of them, everyone is also amazed.

"Space system," Zhang Chenran's eyes were slightly absent-minded, and he returned to the class team under the gaze of everyone.

"Brother Chen! You are so amazing, you actually awakened the space system, which is rarer than the thunder system!" Zhang Xiaohou's face was full of admiration.

"I may not only have the space system," Zhang Chenran chuckled and responded, "Maybe you can too."

The second system, the space system, is known, but the first black stardust's magic system is still unknown. Zhang Chenran couldn't help but feel a little depressed. Awakening two systems would have made others ecstatic. But Zhang Chenran was very puzzled. The only magic he knew was elemental magic, and he had to start from scratch to learn other magics. Wouldn't all the magic knowledge he had learned before be wasted? Although those miscellaneous magic theories were not worthy of being called real magic knowledge.

Zhang Xiaohou shook his head repeatedly and said helplessly, "Forget it, just don't give me the light and water magics."

"Next, Mu Bai!" the head teacher Xue Musheng suppressed his excitement and continued to shout.

"He is Mu Bai? He is handsome and his grades are top-notch, but he is overshadowed by Zhang Chenran who ranked first in every aspect. Otherwise, he would be the top student in any other school."

"Although Zhang Chenran is much more handsome than Mu Bai and his grades are also top-notch, I still like Mu Bai. After all, he is from the Mu family!"

"You are a little superficial. Zhang Chenran has awakened the space system. Not to mention our school, even in the whole Bo City, he is the rarest one. What's more, Mu Bai has not awakened yet. If he awakens the light system or the earth system, which are useless in the early stage, he would not even be worthy of carrying shoes for Zhang, the top student!"

Hearing the whispered rumors, Mu Bai's mouth twitched slightly, and he didn't know how many times he cursed these ignorant classmates in his heart. But as a member of the Mu family, he had long been conditioned to maintain his image in front of outsiders, so he quickly adjusted his mood. Pretending to be indifferent, with a humble smile on his face, he placed his hand on the awakening stone under Xue Musheng's simple guidance.

The suspended awakening stone suddenly glowed with starlight. These lights formed star marks that crawled onto Mu Bai's hand like special blood vessels. A frost lingered around the awakening stone, and the cold air became stronger and stronger, finally slowly freezing the edge of the awakening stone.

"Very good, you have awakened the ice magic of the Mu family. I believe your future will be bright!" Xue Musheng's eyes were full of praise. First, Zhang Chenran awakened the special space magic, and then Mu Bai awakened the ice magic. Putting aside the awakening magic of these two people, their grades alone can make Class 8 rank among the top in this session. Not to mention the space magic that is so rare that it cannot be found in the entire Bo City. And Mu Bai, who has an excellent ice talent and is supported by the Mu family.

"Next, Zhang Xiaohou!"

Zhang Xiaohou, who was as nervous as a mud monkey, was a little nervous. Not long after his hand was placed on the awakening stone, a strange wind vortex appeared on the awakening stone.

"Very good, Wind Element, you have a good talent, remember to practice well, don't be lazy!" Xue Musheng smiled with satisfaction again.



"Number 49, Mo Fan!"

"Mo Fan? I heard that this guy seems to have come in through the back door."

"Who is this? He's quite handsome."

"A very bad student. I used to be in the class next to him. If it weren't for Zhang Daxueba hanging out with him, I wouldn't even remember this person!"

"Zhang Daxueba? The one who just awakened the Space Element? These two people are completely different, right? How can they play together?"

"I don't know, it seems that they just hung out in the library together when they were about to graduate. Who knows what topics they have in common."

"Don't make noise!" Xue Musheng glared at the students who were whispering.

Under Xue Musheng's instructions, Mo Fan placed his shaking hands on the awakening stone.

"Oh my God, someone in the next class has awakened the Thunder Element!"