
Versatile Mage: Shadow of Dimension

This is a world where magic is respected and demons roam everywhere! Demons occupy human territory wantonly. Magic has become the last resort of mankind. The emperor who lives on the roof of the world and the masters of the life forbidden areas of all parties are wary of each other! The summoning plane attached to the magic plane devours the resources of the main plane bit by bit! The emperor who unified the dark plane is dissatisfied and is eyeing the magic plane covetously! Weak humans have become lambs to be slaughtered! In this desperate world, where we should be united, the high-ranking people cut off all hope! The angels who represent the sacred and master the origin of magic regard human hope as a disaster! In this desperate world, there will always be someone who stands up to change! But... the boy who masters magic cannot change the world, and the boy who becomes a demon has no intention of changing the world. The glory of magic cannot open up the future of mankind! The power of the devil loses its heart in repeated wear and tear! Boys with different ideas will eventually go on different paths... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -This is not my original fanfic. -This is actually a Chinese fanfic. -Raw link :https://www.69shuba.pro/book/52225.htm - The original author is: Bai Yi Ben Yi

Ashborn69 · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 2: Magic Awakening

In an old courtyard.

A handsome young man is reflected in the mirror.

Zhang Chenran, who had just finished work, was shirtless and his eyes were full of fatigue.

He looked at his neck in the mirror.

There was an inconspicuous black pendant hanging around his neck.

The pendant was in the shape of a tiger, and the tiger seemed to be crawling, injured.

There was also a pair of wings behind it, which gave an inexplicable sense of disobedience.

Zhang Chenran accidentally obtained this pendant before he came to this world. He came to this world the day after he obtained it.

He didn't bring anything with him; only this pendant came with him to this world.

Or it could be said that this pendant brought him to this magic world.

After that, he carried this pendant with him for sixteen years.

Although he didn't know what this pendant was, the thing that could bring him to this magic world was definitely not simple!

Zhang Chenran pinched the tiger wing pendant and took a deep breath:

"Two more months."


Time flies, and the two-month summer vacation passed quickly.

September 1st.

Zhang Chenran received the news and went to Tianlan Magic High School with a nervous look.

This was the first time he was so nervous since he came to this world.

Because today is the day when he awakens magic, awakening magic is of great significance to everyone.

Whether or not you can awaken magic is related to whether you can have the capital to gain a foothold in this world in this life.

Zhang Chenran also knows a little about awakening.

In addition to the random awakening magic system of the awakening stone, there is also a krypton gold awakening.

You can buy a guide stone from the Magic Association and awaken it.

The guide stone is a magical stone produced between heaven and earth. The energy contained in it can allow the unawakened magician to find the system corresponding to the guide stone in the spiritual realm.

However, this kind of guide stone is controlled by the Magic Association, and it costs tens of thousands at a time. If it is replaced by a high-quality guide stone, it can even be as high as 100,000!

Zhang Chenran also wants to awaken the system he wants through this method.

For example, the elemental thunder, fire, and violence system is very popular no matter where it is placed.

However, the expensive price made him give up this idea.

Let's not talk about whether he has so much money; even if he has it, he is reluctant to take it out.

As for the magic system he awakens, he can play whichever one he awakens. Who calls himself a civilian player?

"Even after coming to the magic world, I still can't escape the fate of being at the bottom. I hope I can be assigned to a better department."

Zhang Chenran prayed silently in his heart.

"Hey! Brother Chen, are you in the same class with us?" A familiar voice came from behind.

Zhang Chenran turned his head and saw a boy who looked like a mud monkey.

Next to him was a boy with black hair and a handsome face.

A hint of doubt appeared in Zhang Chenran's eyes.

He has known Zhang Xiaohou for a while and has a deep impression of him.

Zhang Xiaohou has good grades and works hard. It should be no problem for him to be admitted to this magic high school.

But Mo Fan surprised Zhang Chenran a little, but he didn't ask too much.

In this cruel magic world, the price to pay for learning magic through the back door is not small.

Zhang Chenran nodded slightly:

"Not only the three of us, there are many familiar faces in the class."

In addition to him and Mo Fan, there was also Mu Bai, who had always been ranked second to him in middle school, and several classmates whose names he could not remember.

They were all led by Mu Bai and revolved around him.

The opening ceremony of the new school was of course indispensable!

On the playground, all the 1,500 freshmen in the school were divided into 20 classes, and they stood in a neat square formation.

"Classmates, do you know what it is to become a magician?"


"No matter what position you are in in the future, don't forget that our magicians are to explore human development and protect humans as their most important mission. Don't forget that outside the comfortable city, there are still demons eyeing us covetously!"

The principal gave a long speech and finally got to the point!

"Today is the day for you to awaken magic. I wish you a bright future in your future magic career!"

As soon as the principal finished speaking, the students off the field could no longer contain their inner joy.

After all, who doesn't want to control the flames full of destruction, who doesn't want to control the ice to freeze all evil?

And today is the first step for them to embark on this magic journey, the awakening of the magic system!

The awakening is carried out by 20 classes at the same time.

Because of his best grades, Zhang Chenran's student number in Class 8 of Grade 1 is number one!

The higher the student number, the higher the test score. The second student after Zhang Chenran is Mu Bai!

It is said that after awakening the magic system, the speed of cultivation for academic masters like them will become faster than that of normal people.

Because they have already integrated the magic knowledge, they can practice with ease.

Of course, this is just an unfounded statement.

After all, how can people who are obsessed with magic knowledge to this extent not work hard to practice after awakening magic?

The head teacher, who is also the magic instructor of Class 8 of Grade 1, Xue Musheng, stood at the front of the class.

The awakening will be carried out in public, and all the students have to do is to walk up and awaken when their names are called.

"Number one, Zhang Chenran!" shouted the magic instructor Xue Musheng.

"Zhang Chenran! Is he the Zhang Chenran who crushed the top student Mu Bai? He does look more handsome than Mu Bai, but I heard that he is more withdrawn, not my type."

"Hehe, Jimei, you don't understand this, right? What a withdrawn person like this lacks most is love. We will feel a sense of accomplishment only when we conquer him, right?"

"That's true, but if he awakens the water or light system, then the top student will become a poor student in a second."

"Brother Chen, don't listen to their nonsense. Let's awaken the rarest thunder system to slap them in the face!" Zhang Xiaohou said.

Zhang Chenran naturally ignored those rumors and walked straight to the awakening platform.

"Put your hands on the awakening stone and look for the magic stardust that belongs to you in your spiritual world." Xue Musheng reminded.

Zhang Chenran took a deep breath and slowly stretched out his hands and placed them on the floating awakening stone.

The so-called spiritual world is a void that appears in a person's mind when he closes his eyes.

Normal people will constantly imagine in their minds, and when they completely empty their minds and think about nothing, their minds will be a void.

This piece of nothingness is like a night sky without stars!

What you need to do when you awaken is to embellish the piece of magic stardust that belongs to you under this night sky!

Gradually, Zhang Chenran sensed that in the spiritual world of nothingness, there seemed to be a mysterious and cunning force gradually occupying this spiritual world.

The spiritual world of nothingness seemed to be torn open by a crack in the sky!

This crack continued to pour into black.

Black instantly spread in this spiritual world, filling the entire spiritual world, leaving no piece of nothingness!

Zhang Chenran stared at this scene in a daze.

The spiritual world of nothingness without any color has now become a black spiritual world!

What's going on?

Just as Zhang Chenran was puzzled, a piece of stardust appeared in front of him at some point.

This piece of stardust is black and completely integrated into this spiritual world.

He can't "see" it, but he can really feel that he has awakened the black stardust!

Black stardust is not elemental magic. Zhang Chenran was stunned at first, and then he started to think.

Elemental magic is the most common magic system, but there are other special magics besides elemental magic.

Zhang Chenran didn't know about other special magics besides elemental magic, because that was not something he could touch.

While Zhang Chenran was still thinking, a silver arc was cut through the dark spiritual world.