
Versatile Mage: Shadow of Dimension

This is a world where magic is respected and demons roam everywhere! Demons occupy human territory wantonly. Magic has become the last resort of mankind. The emperor who lives on the roof of the world and the masters of the life forbidden areas of all parties are wary of each other! The summoning plane attached to the magic plane devours the resources of the main plane bit by bit! The emperor who unified the dark plane is dissatisfied and is eyeing the magic plane covetously! Weak humans have become lambs to be slaughtered! In this desperate world, where we should be united, the high-ranking people cut off all hope! The angels who represent the sacred and master the origin of magic regard human hope as a disaster! In this desperate world, there will always be someone who stands up to change! But... the boy who masters magic cannot change the world, and the boy who becomes a demon has no intention of changing the world. The glory of magic cannot open up the future of mankind! The power of the devil loses its heart in repeated wear and tear! Boys with different ideas will eventually go on different paths... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -This is not my original fanfic. -This is actually a Chinese fanfic. -Raw link :https://www.69shuba.pro/book/52225.htm - The original author is: Bai Yi Ben Yi

Ashborn69 · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 1: Getting to Know Each Other


After the school bell rang, students swarmed out and discussed the content of today's exam.

This exam is also the most important turning point in life.

Those who can pass the magic high school have the opportunity to become magicians admired by thousands of people, and those who fail to pass the exam can only do low-level jobs honestly.

Yes, this world where magic is respected is so cruel!


Zhang Chenran looked up at the sky and sighed helplessly.

He has been in this world for sixteen years. He has no father or mother and has grown up in an orphanage since he was a child.

With the care of the country, Zhang Chenran successfully completed nine years of magic education.

In addition, after having the ability to make money, he studied during the day and worked at night to make money.

Just to allow himself to survive in this terrible world.

Because of his young age, he made very little money, but he didn't starve to death.

Of course, Zhang Chenran also knew what he needed most in this world.

In addition to money, the most important thing is knowledge.

Even in this world where magic is respected, knowledge is power!

With so many years of hard work and a strong interest in magic, Zhang Chenran successfully achieved the first place in Shuilan Middle School.

"Mu Bai! Did you solve the elemental magic problem?" asked a male student wearing a small bow tie.

"Perfect answer!" said Mu Bai, who can be called a male god in all aspects.

"So confident? It should be you who gets the first place this time, right?"

Mu Bai, who was full of confidence, suddenly froze and glanced in another direction intentionally or unintentionally, and then said indifferently:

"It doesn't matter to me whether I get the first or the second place. I only care whether I can awaken ice magic. If I can't awaken magic, it doesn't matter how much knowledge I know!"

Because of Zhang Chenran, Mu Bai's grades were always suppressed.

Mu Bai was very unhappy about this.

But there was nothing he could do because Zhang Chenran had the ability.

However, these two top students ranked first and second were two extremes in the eyes of outsiders.

Mu Bai's popularity in the school was unique because of his grades and his school idol-level face.

On the other hand, Zhang Chenran had a very low sense of presence in the school. He always ranked first in the grades but acted low-key.

If it weren't for his handsome face that was slightly better than Mu Bai's, people in this middle school would only remember his grades, instead of comparing him with Mu Bai, who ranked second.

Therefore, the two were respectively given the titles of the school hunk and the cold school hunk.

"Mu Bai certainly doesn't care about these things, unlike some people who pretend every day and like to fool around with those things that have no future," said Zhao Kunsan, the classic lackey, loudly and sarcastically.

During the two months of vacation, you can take two more summer jobs, which should make a lot of money. Zhang Chenran, who had just finished planning in his heart, looked at Zhao Kunsan, who was looking at him with a sneer on his face, in confusion.

His face seemed to be asking: Are you calling me?

Seeing this, Zhao Kunsan's mouth twitched violently.

Just as he was about to speak, Mu Bai, who was beside him, looked like a good person and said in a deep voice: "We are all classmates, you should be careful when you speak!"

Zhao Kunsan smiled again and again.

After a set of plays were done, the two of them left on their own, leaving Zhang Chenran with a puzzled look.

"You're not talking to me, are you?"

Zhang Chenran was a little confused. At this moment, he saw a familiar figure.

The handsome boy holding a black umbrella walked out of the school gate with a bitter look on his face.

"Have you decided what job you want to do in the future?"

A voice came from behind. Mo Fan turned around and saw Zhang Chenran holding an umbrella. He responded unhappily:

"What do you mean by deciding what job you want to do? It's not like I have no hope at all."

Although he was stubborn, he knew that with his magic knowledge, he could not get into the magic high school.

"If you didn't work hard before, what's the point of working hard in the last little time?" Zhang Chenran paused and continued:

"If you really want to become a magician, then spend money to go to the Magic Association to awaken. The lack of magic knowledge is not the key to practice, the key is whether you can awaken magic."

After living for sixteen years, Zhang Chenran also has a general understanding of this world.

Awakening magic depends on awakening stones, and awakening stones are managed by the Magic Association.

Magic High School can provide students with free awakening, but if you don't get into Magic High School, you can't awaken for free.

But this is not the only way to awaken.

Those students who didn't get into Magic High School can also go to the Magic Association to awaken magic directly, but they have to spend money.

"I..." Mo Fan opened his mouth and then fell silent.

This may also be a way to awaken magic, but if you want to understand real magic, you must go to Magic High School.

The knowledge learned before Magic High School is all miscellaneous magic knowledge theory, which cannot be regarded as complete magic knowledge.

What if I practice randomly and end up going astray without taking the regular path?

"I'm going to work, bye!" Zhang Chenran looked at the time on his phone and hurriedly left.

"Bye." Mo Fan waved his hand stiffly and walked away slowly.

Zhang Chenran looked back at the somewhat frustrated Mo Fan and sighed helplessly.

He and Mo Fan have not known each other for long.

The two did not have much intersection in school before, but Zhang Chenran would go to the library from time to time to read magic books.

Not long ago, Zhang Chenran noticed that this student in the same class with him, who had poor grades and was inconspicuous, was also working hard to learn magic knowledge.

And he was learning elementary school magic knowledge, well, starting from the basics of the first grade.

For a moment, Zhang Chenran saw how he had worked hard to study his magic knowledge.

At that time, he was just like him, understanding the theory of magic knowledge little by little.

It's just that Zhang Chenran had enough time to study, while Mo Fan woke up too late.

Zhang Chenran couldn't help but wonder, how could Mo Fan, who had very poor grades and had no interest in magic knowledge, suddenly become interested in magic?

The two met from this topic.

Through conversation, Zhang Chenran found that he had become different from others.

He grew up and shed the childishness that should belong to a middle school student.

Maybe at a certain moment, or maybe something incredible happened, he understood what he needed.

If I didn't have the memory of another world, maybe I would be the same as him?

But after coming to this world, Zhang Chenran always knew what he wanted.

He never wasted any time!

Zhang Chenran glanced at the black-haired boy and the middle-aged man with a sallow face not far away, and envy appeared in his eyes.