
Versatile Mage: Shadow of Dimension

This is a world where magic is respected and demons roam everywhere! Demons occupy human territory wantonly. Magic has become the last resort of mankind. The emperor who lives on the roof of the world and the masters of the life forbidden areas of all parties are wary of each other! The summoning plane attached to the magic plane devours the resources of the main plane bit by bit! The emperor who unified the dark plane is dissatisfied and is eyeing the magic plane covetously! Weak humans have become lambs to be slaughtered! In this desperate world, where we should be united, the high-ranking people cut off all hope! The angels who represent the sacred and master the origin of magic regard human hope as a disaster! In this desperate world, there will always be someone who stands up to change! But... the boy who masters magic cannot change the world, and the boy who becomes a demon has no intention of changing the world. The glory of magic cannot open up the future of mankind! The power of the devil loses its heart in repeated wear and tear! Boys with different ideas will eventually go on different paths... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -This is not my original fanfic. -This is actually a Chinese fanfic. -Raw link :https://www.69shuba.pro/book/52225.htm - The original author is: Bai Yi Ben Yi

Ashborn69 · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 13:The Assessment Begins

Mu Ningxue's words were very brief, and her cold and noble temperament was revealed in her every move.

  "Brother Fan, if you work harder in the next two years, you will be admitted to the Imperial Capital Academy. Once you get there, the Mu family will not be able to reach you no matter how long they are. By then... hehehe." Zhang Xiaohou said with a smile. As soon

  as Zhang Xiaohou finished speaking, Zhao Kunsan, Mu Bai's lackey, jumped out again.

  "It's so funny, your brother Fan is going to be persuaded to quit today, and he still wants to take the Imperial Capital Academy? Whether he can stay here or not is the same thing." Zhao Kunsan said sarcastically.

  "Zhao Kunsan, are you sick? When did brother Fan offend you? Do you want to jump out and bark like a dog when we say a word?" Zhang Xiaohou was also unable to bear it.

  Things were getting worse and worse.

  Originally, Zhang Chenran simply thought that Zhao Kunsan was a simple person who simply couldn't see others doing well.

  But no matter what he said before, Mo Fan would not be angered to this extent, and this time it seemed to be because of Mu Ningxue.

  After taking a look at Mo Fan and Zhao Kunsan who were cursing at each other, Zhang Chenran asked in a low voice: "Monkey, how did the Mu family deal with Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue when they eloped?"

  Zhang Xiaohou sighed and explained briefly.

  Mo Fan seemed to have angered the old man of the Mu family after eloping with the little princess of the Mu family, and in anger, the area where Mo Fan's family lived suffered.

  This is also one of the reasons why Zhao Kunsan has been looking for trouble with Mo Fan.

  If it weren't for Mo Fan, families like Zhao Kunsan who revolve around the Mu family could have lived a good life. If

  you anger the local tyrant of Bo City, no one can live a good life. Zhang Chenran nodded slightly.

  "The assessment starts now. Anyone who makes a loud noise will be disqualified from the assessment!" The bald examiner shook his body, and all the grudges in the rivers and lakes disappeared.

  Seeing Mu Ningxue's arrival, Mu Bai no longer concealed his purpose and also mocked Mo Fan in a low voice.

  Originally, as a member of the Mu family, he disdained to personally step down and mock Mo Fan. In the past, Zhao Kunsan had always been used as a gun by him.

  Now he didn't need to pretend anymore. After all, Mo Fan, a poor student, could be persuaded to drop out with his performance.

  It was normal for some unqualified students to be asked to leave during the annual assessment.

  The cleanup would not be notified to the whole school. The school was not so inhumane.

  But there was one situation where the school would directly announce the students to leave, that is, those who had no improvement in their cultivation since awakening.

  The school did not need to give face to such students who were using school resources but wasted their time.

  After all, school resources were also very precious. Cultivation was not a joke, and it was not a way to get by!

  The school would notify the whole school to ask these extremely lazy students to leave.

  And Mo Fan's performance was exactly that of such students.

  The annual assessment officially began!

  All 30 classes in the school were taking the test at the same time.

  However, the order of the test was random, and it was not conducted in order of grades.

  The first person to be tested was a girl named He Yu. Before she went on stage, she was in tears and still looked so timid.

  Under everyone's gaze, she was very shy when she stepped in front of the Star Sense Stone, as if she was afraid that she would be expelled.

  "You can start now." said the bald examiner.

  He Yu timidly closed his eyes and placed his hand on the Star Sense Stone.

  Gradually, the light from the Star Sense Stone spread to the surrounding area of ​​the Star Sense Stone, and the light almost filled it!




  At that moment, almost three examiners gave the results at the same time.

  The test score was A!

  This was already a level that could enter the top class.

  "Does the next item need to be tested?" asked the bald examiner.

  "I only mastered six stars, so forget it." He Yu shook his head repeatedly.     The girl was walking down happily, and she wanted to share her joy with her classmates, but everyone stood one meter away from her, as if they were keeping strangers away.

  "Next, Zhang Xiaohou!" The examiner read out the name.

  Zhang Xiaohou put his hand on the star-sensing stone.

  The light in the star-sensing stone was much stronger than He Yu's.

  The final score was A+!

  This score basically ensured that she would be admitted to the top class.

  "Teacher, I want to take the next test!" Zhang Xiaohou said.

  There are two tests in total, in addition to the stardust test, there is magic release!

  In fact, the second magic release is specially designed for top students.

  Among more than a thousand students, about a hundred students have touched the field of magic release.

  If you can release magic completely in the test, the score of the annual test will also increase.

  In order to obtain more school resources, top students who can touch this field will basically try.

  Zhang Xiaohou's release was not very smooth, because he was nervous and still couldn't release the complete magic.

  However, the examiners could see that this student was able to release magic, and because he was nervous and didn't release it, they would still give him some extra points.

  "Don't be discouraged, with your grades you will definitely be able to enter the top class. Magic release practice is important, but the state of mind is also indispensable. A qualified magician must not only have a solid foundation, but also a calm state of mind." Teacher Tang Yue comforted Zhang Xiaohou like a gentle elder sister. Zhang

  Xiaohou nodded, not quite understanding.


  The grades of the students behind in Class 8 are mostly B or C, and there are not many A's.

  "Look, the school leaders are about to patrol here."

  "They are looking at the examination room of Class 7, and the guy with the thunder system is being tested!"

  "Xu Zhaoting, he is basically the first in the whole school, right?"

  "Not necessarily, Zhang Chenran is someone who can always suppress him, and Mu Bai's cultivation is also very high."

  Hearing this, everyone cast a curious look.

  In addition to the school leaders, there is also the particularly conspicuous silver-haired girl.

  In the examination room of Class 7.

  Xu Zhaoting was already standing at the release site. He was adjusting his breathing and adjusting the pressure of being watched by all the teachers and students in the school. He

  was different from Zhang Chenran, who was always one step ahead of him in the next class

  . Since he awakened the thunder system, he has become the focus of the whole school. These eyes have been spurring him to practice all the time.

  Zhang Chenran from the next class awakened the rumored space system, but he has never been restrained by those eyes.

  He was envious, but he couldn't stop. These efforts were only for today!

  "Thunder Seal!" After the sound fell, his hand was raised!

  Purple arcs of electricity suddenly jumped up, like crazy python soldiers called by the snake king. They twisted their shocking bodies and rolled up a scorched air!

  The arc hit the humanoid puppet fiercely.

  The puppet trembled violently and became charred under the thunder mark. The thunder and lightning crackled and the mark whipped the humanoid puppet beyond recognition. The

  black gully on the training ground looked very scary!

  This overbearing lightning almost instantly captured the eyes of the people in the examination room, and even the top students who released magic

  could not help but gasp. This lightning power is totally incomparable to other systems.

  It actually directly blasted the humanoid puppet to pieces!

  This is the first element, the power of thunder