
Versatile Mage: Shadow of Dimension

This is a world where magic is respected and demons roam everywhere! Demons occupy human territory wantonly. Magic has become the last resort of mankind. The emperor who lives on the roof of the world and the masters of the life forbidden areas of all parties are wary of each other! The summoning plane attached to the magic plane devours the resources of the main plane bit by bit! The emperor who unified the dark plane is dissatisfied and is eyeing the magic plane covetously! Weak humans have become lambs to be slaughtered! In this desperate world, where we should be united, the high-ranking people cut off all hope! The angels who represent the sacred and master the origin of magic regard human hope as a disaster! In this desperate world, there will always be someone who stands up to change! But... the boy who masters magic cannot change the world, and the boy who becomes a demon has no intention of changing the world. The glory of magic cannot open up the future of mankind! The power of the devil loses its heart in repeated wear and tear! Boys with different ideas will eventually go on different paths... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -This is not my original fanfic. -This is actually a Chinese fanfic. -Raw link :https://www.69shuba.pro/book/52225.htm - The original author is: Bai Yi Ben Yi

Ashborn69 · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 14: Tricks

"Ning Xue, what do you think?" Mu He, the school director, asked with a smile.

  "Normally." Mu Ning Xue did not look at him again and chose to move on.

  The faces of the principal and several other school leaders froze.

  If even such a thunder mage was only average in her eyes, how high must this girl's vision be?

  "Hehe, in fact, it is already very good. Ning Xue is in the Imperial Capital Academy, where magic geniuses from all over the country gather. The initial thunder seal is just their basic skills. She thinks it is normal because she is used to measuring it by the Imperial Capital's standards." Mu Zhuoyun explained with a smile. It can also be regarded as

  a step down for several school leaders.

  "Is that so? Then Zhao Ting still has a chance to enter the Imperial Capital Academy." The principal also took the step and said.

  The others also echoed.

  "If nothing unexpected happens, Xu Zhao Ting should be the first in the whole school, right?" said Chen Guangliang, the director of the teaching department.

  "As far as I know, Zhang Chenran from Class 8 has always been better than him, and Mu Bai is also able to compete." said the vice principal.

  A group of people began to move, slowly walking towards the examination room of Class 8.

  "Oh my God, the school leadership group is here."

  "So nervous, so stressed, my hands are shaking."

  "Good, it's time for me to perform!"

  The students of Class 8 couldn't keep calm all of a sudden.

  Everyone's fate depends on this annual assessment, and just a compliment from these school leaders can change their lives.

  This also made the assessment condensed to the extreme in an instant.

  Coincidentally, Zhang Chenran just walked onto the stage, but was stopped by the bald examiner.

  "Student, you go down first." The bald examiner suddenly said.

  Zhang Chenran was stunned at first, and then asked in confusion: "Why?"

  "Ahem, I saw it wrong just now, the next two will be your turn."

  The bald examiner, who had no expression just now, actually explained with a smile.

  Hearing the restlessness below, Zhang Chenran looked in another direction.

  The school leadership group was gradually moving towards this side.

  Seeing this, Zhang Chenran sneered, but didn't say anything. He waved his hand helplessly, and then walked off the stage.

  The bald examiner didn't understand what he meant by this action, nor did he care.

  However, he also couldn't detect that the tiny dark matter, like dust, had already attached to his body.

  "What's wrong?" Teacher Tang Yue asked in confusion.

  "The examiner called the wrong name, I'm still behind." Zhang Chenran explained briefly, and then returned to the team.

  Tang Yue frowned slightly after hearing this.

  How could the examiner make such a mistake at such an important stage of the student's assessment?

  If these things cause the student's mentality to change, the results will also be affected.

  But seeing the two big figures of the Mu family in the school leadership group, Tang Yue seemed to have noticed something.

  But she had no choice but to remain silent.

  She didn't notice my dark matter? Is my shadow system too special, or is Teacher Tang Yue's second system not a shadow system and therefore didn't notice it?

  Zhang Chenran looked at Teacher Tang Yue's back, his mind flying with thoughts.

  Seeing Zhang Chenran walk off the stage, Mu Bai couldn't help but smile.

  The supporting role should just watch today's protagonist stand on the stage and shine!

  "Next, Mu Bai!" the bald examiner shouted, his voice several notches higher than before.

  Hearing this, Mu Bai stepped forward.

  He had been waiting for this year for a long, long time, and he must be taken seriously by the family!

  Mu Bai took a deep breath, suppressed his excitement, placed his hand on the Star Sense Stone, and tried to concentrate all his attention.

  Mu Bai had trained many times in this area, and with his skilled experience, he completed the meditation well.     White ice light quickly spread out from the star-sensing stone and all of them were densely spread around the star-sensing stone.




  The three examiners gave their scores instantly, and all of them were S!

  "I remember Xu Zhaoting seemed to have only two S's and one A+?"

  "So Mu Bai is actually better than Xu Zhaoting!"

  The final score was 3S!

  This is definitely the best score in the whole school, no doubt!

  The next item, magic release.

  Mu Bai stared at the humanoid puppet with a firm gaze, and connected the seven stars very skillfully!

  "Ice vine!"

  Without any pause, Mu Bai showed the results of his long-term hard practice in one go.

  The frost quickly covered the entire humanoid puppet, as if it was painted with a layer of ice paint, which looked extremely amazing.

  The cold air was rampant and spread throughout the entire examination room.

  The ice vine did not stop. It ended after covering the puppet and began to spread to the ground of the examination room.

  Other classes also successfully released ice vines, but they were far from achieving the effect of Mu Bai.

  The school leaders and several examiners flashed a little approval in their eyes.

  Mu Bai was very proud, and his eyes intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Mu Ningxue.

  But Mu Ningxue never looked at him, and her eyes were always on Mo Fan in the team.

  A burst of anger instantly ignited in his heart, and Mu Bai gnashed his teeth.

  In a moment, you will be asked to leave the school in front of all the teachers and students in Mu Ningxue. Mu Bai controlled his face, which could be distorted at any time, and put all his anger on Mo Fan.

  With that strong anger and resentment, Mu Bai walked off the stage unwillingly.

  But when he walked off the stage, he signaled the bald examiner with his eyes. The bald

  examiner understood what Mu Bai meant.

  The bald examiner leaned forward. As an examiner, no one would find it strange that he came to the Star Sense Stone to check.

  When he took out the small piece of dark stone, his movements suddenly stopped, as if he was caught and couldn't move.

  The bald examiner was stunned. Even if he used all his strength, he still couldn't move his hand.

  The bald examiner's pupils shrank violently. The dark stone was in his hand. If he was discovered, he would be finished!

  But no matter how hard he tried, it was impossible. He couldn't even touch his left hand with his right hand, as if he was separated by a wall of air.

  The students of Class 8 below, the three examiners in charge of scoring, and the school leadership group were all puzzled.

  What was this bald man doing in such an important assessment?

  Seeing this scene, everyone was very puzzled, only Mu He and Mu Bai's faces changed.

  Why did this man fail at such a critical moment?

  "What's wrong with you?" The examiner in charge of scoring at the back couldn't help asking.

  "No, I..." The bald instructor's face was stiff and at a loss.

  Tang Yue, who was in charge of leading the team below, sensed something and turned to look behind him.

  Zhang Chenran at the back clenched his fists in the void, and when he saw that he was discovered by Tang Yue, he stopped teasing the bald examiner.

  Zhang Chenran slowly walked out of the team and looked at the bald man standing next to the Star Sense Stone:

  "Examiner, it's not a good idea to tamper with the assessment, right?"