
Versatile Mage: Shadow of Dimension

This is a world where magic is respected and demons roam everywhere! Demons occupy human territory wantonly. Magic has become the last resort of mankind. The emperor who lives on the roof of the world and the masters of the life forbidden areas of all parties are wary of each other! The summoning plane attached to the magic plane devours the resources of the main plane bit by bit! The emperor who unified the dark plane is dissatisfied and is eyeing the magic plane covetously! Weak humans have become lambs to be slaughtered! In this desperate world, where we should be united, the high-ranking people cut off all hope! The angels who represent the sacred and master the origin of magic regard human hope as a disaster! In this desperate world, there will always be someone who stands up to change! But... the boy who masters magic cannot change the world, and the boy who becomes a demon has no intention of changing the world. The glory of magic cannot open up the future of mankind! The power of the devil loses its heart in repeated wear and tear! Boys with different ideas will eventually go on different paths... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -This is not my original fanfic. -This is actually a Chinese fanfic. -Raw link :https://www.69shuba.pro/book/52225.htm - The original author is: Bai Yi Ben Yi

Ashborn69 · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 12:Year-end Assessment

The year-end assessment is equivalent to the final exam for the promotion from the first year of high school to the second year of high school.

  The assessment is not only related to whether students can continue to study in school, but also to whether they can enter the top class.

  Students with poor grades will be persuaded to drop out by the school, while those with excellent grades will have the opportunity to enter the top class.

  Therefore, this assessment is very important for everyone.

  At the beginning of the semester, the class will conduct a rough test.

  The top students and the poor students in the class are in stark contrast.

  It goes without saying that Zhang Chenran's grades have always ranked first in the school, and even Mu Bai is several levels behind him.

  And classmate Mo, who is still sleeping on straw and tasting gall, naturally became the worst student, and his test cultivation is almost zero.

  After all, this guy has hardly touched fire magic until now.

  "You should be able to release magic in the thunder system, right?" Zhang Chenran couldn't help asking when he saw Mo Fan's fire system results.

  "Tsk, you still know me. This semester I will focus all my energy on the fire system and shock everyone in the final assessment!" Mo Fan, whose disguise was exposed, also directly revealed his internal plan.

  "What about you? You were able to control five stars at the end of last semester. You should have at least six or seven now, right?" Mo Fan asked.

  Well, Zhang Chenran, who had killed several demons, did not hide it and responded:

  "Well, I can already cast magic, but it's a little slow."

  Mo Fan, who wanted to kill everyone, was instantly confident when he heard this.

  It only took him five months to successfully connect seven stars with his lightning magic, while the top student in the school took nearly seven or eight months.

  Isn't it easy to scare everyone to death in the year-end exam?


  Time flies.

  This semester is about to end, and the year-end exam is coming.

  It rained heavily on the way to school.

  "Damn it, why do we have to hold umbrellas when it rains after we have become magicians?" Mo Fan complained.

  "Xiao Hou, can't you cast wind magic? Speed ​​us up!" said Lu Xiaobin, a classmate who was walking with him.

  "You're a water mage, why don't you conjure a water shield for us? Isn't it embarrassing for a water mage to go out with an umbrella?" Mo Fan scolded this guy. Lu Xiaobin's

  face turned pale.

  It's not that he didn't want to, but he only controlled four stars, and he was still far from casting magic!

  "Monkey, can you cast magic successfully?" Zhang Chenran asked.

  "I'm not 100% successful either. I blew up the toilet last time." Zhang Xiaohou was a little embarrassed.

  "Chen, didn't you cast magic a long time ago? I asked you to show it before, but you always said you were not proficient. It's the end-of-year exam, so you should show it to us, right?" Lu Xiaobin said.

  Hearing this, Mo Fan and Zhang Xiaohou turned their eyes to him.

  They have always been curious about the space magic that is rarer than the thunder magic.

  "The basic space magic is probably to take objects from a distance." Zhang Chenran explained.

  As he said that, Zhang Chenran snatched the ice cola that Mo Fan had just bought from his hand and threw it far away.

  The ice cola flew in the sky for less than three seconds before it stopped, as if it was caught by something and held firmly in the sky.

  Then, under Zhang Chenran's control, the ice cola still flying in the air instantly flew back to Mo Fan's hand.

  "Fuck, so handsome!" Lu Xiaobin shouted.

  Zhang Xiaohou seemed to be shocked by this space system as well. He glanced up at the sky, and then stared at the ice cola in Mo Fan's hand.     When Big Mo Fan saw this scene, his mind quickly turned, and he came to Zhang Chenran and stood shoulder to shoulder with him.

  "Chen, my brother treats you well." Mo Fan's eyes were on the girls in school uniforms.

  Zhang Chenran's mouth twitched wildly.

  Because he didn't live on campus, Zhang Chenran would either go to the Hunter Alliance to accept commissions after class.

  But most of the time there were no suitable commissions, which gave him more time to practice magic.

  Or maybe his state of mind changed after fighting with the one-eyed demon wolf, which made his practice smoother. He

  successfully practiced the shadow system to the second level of the elementary level during the final period.

  And he was more skilled in using the space system.

  Although there was no sign of a breakthrough, it didn't even take him three seconds to release the space system magic now, and he could successfully release the magic in two and a half seconds!

  Not to mention the shadow system, the shadow talent he brought after awakening made him not need to control the stars.

  Perhaps this is why his shadow system practice progress is so fast.


  All the first-year students in the school gathered on the playground.

  On weekdays, the playground is where everyone takes practical classes.

  But those wooden rakes have been replaced with a semi-arc examiner's table and a suspended star-sensing stone.

  The star-sensing stone looks a bit like a black pebble, the size of a watermelon.

  This star-sensing stone is an important instrument for this assessment.

  The assessment is very simple, just like when you just awaken, students only need to put their hands on the star-sensing stone.

  The examiner can judge the students' cultivation results for the year by the brightness of the star-sensing stone.

  Soon, the three leaders of the school and the examiner finally arrived.

  Before the assessment, the principal will naturally speak, as is the case every year.

  After the principal's speech, the director of the school gave a speech.

  "Today is a special day, because we have invited the most outstanding female magician in our Bo City. She was directly admitted to the Imperial Capital Magic School at the age of fifteen. I think many of you have heard of her legend!

  That's right, she is Mu Ningxue! Let us applaud and welcome this genius who should have been in the same class as you, but has already been promoted to the Magic University!" Mu He said loudly.

  As soon as these words came out, the playground filled with more than a thousand people was in turmoil.

  "Brother Fan, it's the little princess. It's really her. She actually came to our school." Zhang Xiaohou excitedly pulled Mo Fan's sleeve.

  On the rostrum, a beautiful figure stood there proudly like a lotus in the snow.

  The most eye-catching thing was not entirely her body that exuded the charm of a sexy girl, but her stunning snow-silver medium-length hair.

  "Her aura is so strong." Zhang Chenran was shocked.

  Dark perception told him that the aura exuded by this girl was even stronger than the aura of those practical class teachers in the school.

  Being in Bo City, he naturally heard the news spread by the Bo City Mu family.

  Mu Ningxue, a genius from the Bo City Mu family, was admitted to the Imperial Capital Academy as an exception at the age of fifteen.

  At first, Zhang Chenran thought it was all rumors made up by the family to expand their reputation.

  How strong could a girl from a family who was supposed to be in the same class as the students of the magic high school be?   


   Zhang Xiaohou's excited reaction, Zhang Chenran couldn't help but ask: "Do you know her?"   

"Hehe, more than knowing her, Brother Fan even eloped with the little princess!" Zhang Xiaohou laughed.   

Zhang Chenran looked at Mo Fan with some surprise: "I didn't expect you to have such a charismatic personality"