
Versatile Mage: Shadow of Dimension

This is a world where magic is respected and demons roam everywhere! Demons occupy human territory wantonly. Magic has become the last resort of mankind. The emperor who lives on the roof of the world and the masters of the life forbidden areas of all parties are wary of each other! The summoning plane attached to the magic plane devours the resources of the main plane bit by bit! The emperor who unified the dark plane is dissatisfied and is eyeing the magic plane covetously! Weak humans have become lambs to be slaughtered! In this desperate world, where we should be united, the high-ranking people cut off all hope! The angels who represent the sacred and master the origin of magic regard human hope as a disaster! In this desperate world, there will always be someone who stands up to change! But... the boy who masters magic cannot change the world, and the boy who becomes a demon has no intention of changing the world. The glory of magic cannot open up the future of mankind! The power of the devil loses its heart in repeated wear and tear! Boys with different ideas will eventually go on different paths... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -This is not my original fanfic. -This is actually a Chinese fanfic. -Raw link :https://www.69shuba.pro/book/52225.htm - The original author is: Bai Yi Ben Yi

Ashborn69 · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 11:New Practical Class Teacher, Tang Yue

"I'm sorry, teacher. I got up late." Zhang Chenran bowed his head and admitted his mistake, his attitude was very sincere.

  Although this reason was silly and old-fashioned, he also knew the teacher.

  As long as he admitted his mistakes sincerely, I believe the teacher will not embarrass himself.

  After all, he has always been the top three students, so it is inevitable that he will make one or two mistakes.

  Sure enough, the teacher forgave him the next moment.

  "Don't do it again, go back to your seat."

  A mature and somewhat bright voice came to his ears.

  Zhang Chenran, who was forgiven by the teacher, was about to return to his seat, but he stopped as soon as he took the first step.

  Something is wrong, this voice is wrong!

  Shouldn't the teacher who teaches the magic practical class be the old man with a hoarse voice?

  Zhang Chenran looked up suddenly, and saw not a middle-aged Mediterranean old man, but a female teacher who could be called a beauty.

  The beautiful teacher was wearing an orthodox black professional suit.

  A majestic and beautiful mountain peak bulged between the white chest lining, ready to burst out, and it was doubtful whether the small button could withstand the surging momentum.

  This was definitely the first beauty Zhang Chenran had seen since he came to this magical world.

  Well, at least now.

  But what surprised Zhang Chenran was that there was a familiar breath on this beautiful teacher.

  He knew that familiar breath best, after all, he relied on it to hunt the one-eyed demon wolf!

  Could it be that she also practiced the shadow system?

  Without thinking too much, Zhang Chenran took a step back to the back seat and sat down.

  "Brother Chen, I didn't expect you to be late. It's rare!" Zhang Xiaohou leaned out and said in surprise.

  "I was busy saving the world and forgot to change my school uniform." Zhang Chenran said.

  "What's wrong, are you Spiderman?" Mo Fan on the side couldn't help but tease.

  "Study hard and don't believe in those non-magical science fictions." Zhang Chenran, a top student, reminded the poor student beside him.

  Mo Fan's mouth twitched.

  What the hell is non-magical science fiction, I'm not a non-magical science!

  "What's the name of this new teacher?" Zhang Chenran asked in a low voice.

  "Oh, I thought you, a cold and abstinent school hunk, really weren't interested in women! But this new beautiful teacher is really something. See how that little button can withstand the surge for so long without breaking?"

  Mo Fan talked endlessly about what was in his mind.


  Zhang Chenran looked at him expressionlessly.

  "Ahem, I've strayed off track. Her name is Tang Yue."

  "Magic practice teacher?"


  "What department?"

  "I don't know. We should know when we go to the playground to practice magic later."

  The whole morning was a magic practice class. After the theory class, Teacher Tang Yue took everyone to the playground and personally demonstrated the elements of magic release.

  The playground was the practice field. They were divided into several independent spaces by a magic shield.

  All the overflowing power would be absorbed by these invisible magic shields to prevent accidental injuries to students who did not have any defense capabilities.

  "Watch out, today I will demonstrate to you the elementary fire magic - Fire!" Teacher Tang Yue stood in the middle of the class.     All the students formed a semi-arc and scattered behind Teacher Tang Yue. It was hard to say whether everyone was watching the teacher's opening ceremony

  . "Be calm, peaceful, and focused. Even if I am talking to you now, my mind is completely focused on my fire nebula, oh, stardust." Teacher Tang Yue said.

  When everyone felt that Teacher Tang Yue was standing there like a statue, suddenly, her pear-shaped curly hair began to fluctuate. There was

  no wind in the entire playground, and her hair seemed to spread out in a hot air!

  At the same time, a bright red star trail appeared around Teacher Tang Yue. After flashing around her, it quickly condensed on her fair and smooth right hand.


  A ball of hot red energy quickly grew on her palm, extremely irritable!

  The arm was thrown out violently!

  The ball of fire flew out like an arrow from a string, startling a ball of red beauty in the air, and then pierced into the body of the puppet accurately like a bullet!

  "No more?"

  "Why is there no movement?"

  "It was clearly shot!"

  The atmosphere was silent for a second. The puppet hit by the fire did not react at all. The momentum released by Teacher He Tangyue formed a sharp contrast.

  Amidst the doubts, Teacher Tangyue slowly turned around, facing all the faces that still looked a little immature, but a confident smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

  Whoosh whoosh! ! ! ! !

  Suddenly, a shocking red color jumped up from the puppet's body.

  It was not the kind that ignited slowly, but it was flying wildly, as if it wanted to burn everything that could burn in one breath.

  The human-shaped puppet that was intact just now was instantly engulfed by the red flame!

  The dazzling red light reflected Teacher Tangyue's beautiful pear blossom curly hair, and her fair face was dyed even more red at this time.

  The smile on the corner of her lips was a wanton burning flame behind her, which made this originally gorgeous teacher only be described in one sentence—beautiful beyond words!

  This scene stunned the whole class.

  Even Zhang Chenran's pupils shrank violently!

  This is just a fire magic of the first level, Fire Sizzle - Burning.

  But why is the speed of flame swallowing faster than Kou Xiuyong's fire magic of the second level, Fire Sizzle - Burning Bones!

  Not only the burning speed, but also the flame breath far surpasses it!

  This teacher Tang Yue's first level magic is stronger than Kou Xiuyong's second level magic?

  "Is this real magic?"


  "I thought that Teacher Tang Yue was no different from those teachers who only talk about theory, but now it seems that they are not at the same level at all!"

  The voices that were still questioning instantly turned into all kinds of flattery.

  Teacher Tang Yue's confidence when emitting the power of fire is like a dream goddess in fantasy, which makes people unable to extricate themselves!

  She is an intermediate magician. Zhang Chenran, who came back to his senses, remembered the scene when he first met Teacher Tang Yue. Seeing this scene, he was more certain of his previous guess!

  That dark breath should not be wrong. Even though Teacher Tang Yue is an intermediate magician, he did sense the breath that belonged to darkness.

  Even if a mid-level mage has a strong control over magic, it is impossible to make the primary level one magic reach the effect of strengthening several times.

  If it is not a special talent like his own shadow system, then it must be an external object that blesses the magic damage.

  It seems that I still know too little about this world. Zhang Chenran sighed.

  Teacher Tang Yue seemed to regard the students' admiring eyes as a normal thing, and smiled:

  "After teaching you, if nothing unexpected happens, I should be the practical class teacher of the top class. If you want to continue to take my class, then work hard to shine in the year-end assessment. I will wait for you in the top class"