
VegasPete - The Way You Taste

warning: maturecontent. Vegas and Pete live together in the Minor Family mansion. Vegas will have to join forces with the Main Family for an important weaponry deal, causing Pete and Arm to work together undercover. This makes a possessive Vegas mad with jealousy and extremely dangerous. Vegas and Pete end up entering a secret meeting called 'Chess Room' held between Asian mafia leaders to find out who negotiated Pete's life perhaps over twenty years ago. They need 'keys' to enter the chess room: crystal and diamonds pieces of chess: a white knight and a black king. Pete can no longer trust anyway...events bring Pete's dark side to life and a powerful competitor, the white king, claim for Pete. This is my first time writing. Please be kind. English is not my native language. Forgive any grammar/vocabulary mistakes, please. This is a fanfiction story based in Daemi's novel KinnPorsche. All rights and credits/ names of the characters belongs to the KinnPorsche's authors.

Alana_Avatar · Book&Literature
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82 Chs

Room 1005

Pete POV

Enjoy the hotel my ass!! No touching my husband, Mr. shameless! No touching! This guy has a bad habit of touching people. I couldn't let that disgusting client get his hands on Vegas again. I acted on impulse and put Arm and me in a hotel room. Sorry, Arm!

"Good night, Mr. Park! See you tomorrow night." Arm friendly bowed.

"Good night, Mr. Gu! You are so charming...this whole deal is really paying off." Mr. Park smiled lustfully at Arm.

"Mr. Angel". He got out of the elevator and headed to his room.

"Urgh! You can read "bitch" on this man's forehead. So gross. This guy is bold and not afraid to die. He was not afraid of me at all." That face is deceiving. He must be a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"Nobody trades guns being nice."

"This is the room. We must wait for Pol's signal to be able to leave the hotel. If this wire works. I could only hear him say to wait and now it's muted."

"Are they even listening to you?"

"I guess so, but not very well. Pol was waiting for Khun Kinn to get to the van. Okay, guys, in case you're hearing us, we're entering room 1005".

"Wow, what a nice room! Look at this view!"

"Hmm, nice!" A red light spot inside the air conditioner vent called my attention "Hey, honey! Give me a hug!

"...a hug?" I took Arm by surprise.

I pushed Arm against the wall and whispered in his ear, pretending to be kissing his neck. "Look at the air conditioning vent. What's that? Are we being watched?"

"It's possible...what should we do?" Arm whispers in my ear.

"Hmm...we must talk to Pol. I have an idea" I whispered back.


"Let's take a shower together, my love." We were walking hugging each other to the bathroom. "No!" Remembering well, Nop found a hidden camera in my bathroom...maybe there's one there too. "I have a better idea haha. Don't laugh, honey, but I have this fantasy...you know...uh...of us inside the closet.

"Are you serious?"

I frowned.

"Oh! I mean... whatever you want, my angel.... I'm dying to do whatever we gonna do inside the closet..."

"Shit! How do we open this closet? The door does not open"

"Oh! It has a sensor, Angel"

"Wow, cool...okay, let's go inside then, honey"

We entered the closet. It's very dark. The light inside the closet only comes on when the door opens. We positioned ourselves poorly in there. There is not enough room for both of us.

"Pol, can you hear me? Maybe there's a camera filming us inside the room. Can you check with Khun Sanya? How do we get out of here, any plans? Pol?"

"No answer?"

"No. I don't know if they're listening to us. Ouch!"

"What's wrong, Pete?"

"I have a cramp in my leg."

"Is that your leg? I'll help you."

"Damn, I can't move"

"Pete, I think we're locked in here. This door is automatic, but the presence sensor is outside. It doesn't open."



Porsche POV

"Did you tell them to leave the room, Pol?"

"Affirmative, Khun Kinn, but I don't think I was heard, sir. And I can barely hear what they're saying. The sound is muted now."

"Jesus, why don't you just call to the room?"

"They are not answering the phone, Khun Vegas."

"I'm going there. Something might have happened."

"Calm down, Vegas"

"You won't stop me, Porsche."

"Good!I think I'm hearing something! Pete, Arm, can you hear me? I'll put it on the speaker so you all can hear it too."

["It's too hot in here, Arm"]

["Can I press my finger?"]

["Go lower. Yes...yes, right there"]

["I'm almost there"]

["Ouch! That hurts!"]

["With two fingers, okay?"]

["It hurts too much, enough"]

["Just a little more and you will feel better, I promise"]

["Okay, okay...I can handle it."]

["Now it's for real, okay?]

["Just do it!"]

["Fuck, it's too tight here"]

"...the sound is off again" Pol said awkwardly.

Shit! What's happening? We're astonished listening to that weird dialogue, trying to understand what was going on. But Vegas was sitting still, fists clenched, a grim face.

"I'm sure there's a good explanation for that". Kinn tried to ponder not daring to look at Vegas.

Vegas stood up, which made us all lean back startled. He calmly arranged his suit on his body. His face showed no emotion.

"Vegas...?" I called him with some apprehension...

He just smirked back at us and got out of the van. That was weird.

We spent a few seconds looking at each other. We were kind of unresponsive.

"Hmm...is he carrying a gun?" I asked thoughtfully.

"Fuck! Of course he is carrying his gun!" Kinn replied startled.

We widen our eyes.

"Fuck!" I got desperate.

"Hurry! We must stop him!" Kinn yelled.

"The van door is locked, Khun Kinn! Khun Vegas locked us inside."

"Vegas! Vegas, open the door, you bastard!" I screamed and punched the door.

"I'll call Kim...Hey, Kim.?!." Fucking Kim answered Kinn, but he hasn't answered me until now.

"Let's go out by the front, Pol" I pointed to Pol the driver's cabin.


"What, Kinn? Porsche bugged you to call me?"

"You need to intercept Vegas before he gets there."


"Because he's mad and he has a gun."

"No shit"

"Room number 1005. Go!"