
VegasPete - The Way You Taste

warning: maturecontent. Vegas and Pete live together in the Minor Family mansion. Vegas will have to join forces with the Main Family for an important weaponry deal, causing Pete and Arm to work together undercover. This makes a possessive Vegas mad with jealousy and extremely dangerous. Vegas and Pete end up entering a secret meeting called 'Chess Room' held between Asian mafia leaders to find out who negotiated Pete's life perhaps over twenty years ago. They need 'keys' to enter the chess room: crystal and diamonds pieces of chess: a white knight and a black king. Pete can no longer trust anyway...events bring Pete's dark side to life and a powerful competitor, the white king, claim for Pete. This is my first time writing. Please be kind. English is not my native language. Forgive any grammar/vocabulary mistakes, please. This is a fanfiction story based in Daemi's novel KinnPorsche. All rights and credits/ names of the characters belongs to the KinnPorsche's authors.

Alana_Avatar · Book&Literature
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Bring the demon out of me

Vegas POV

When a new song started, it seemed to describe my emotions as I was staring at Pete across the dance floor.

[...When my eyes are on u

Summakildeuthan jeonyul (a breathtaking shivers)

Oh you know you get me loose

Make me go biteulbiteul (staggering)

A dance floor made for 2

Dari bureuneun seonyul (a melody sung by the moon)

Oh it's only me and u

Make me go biteulbiteul (staggering)

You bring the demon out of me

Blame it all on your body

We might be an hour late

We ain't got no time to waste...]

(Author's Note: song: BTBT (Feat DeVita) – artist: B.I. I suggest listening to this song first to feel the mood of this part of the chapter)

We ain't got no time to waste, Pete! A few footsteps were keeping us apart from each other. Who would have the nerve to stop me from reaching Pete at this moment?! Besides all my cousins?!

Suddenly, as I took the first step, I felt someone tugging on my arm. What the hell! I turned to the person, frowning.

"What the...Mr. Park?"

"Aren't you going to dance, Khun Vegas? Come on! Mr. Gu has already joined his fiancé. They seem to be having fun. We could do the same."

I felt confused and turned quickly to where I was staring at Pete before being interrupted. Arm was with Pete, which eyes were closed. Arm was hugging Pete from behind. Their fingers were intertwined. I could notice their promise rings shining in their fingers. Both their hands were resting on Pete's waist. The music that was playing was slower and it sounded very sexy. Their bodies moved rhythmically to the beat of the music. Pete rested his head in Arms chest. I was shocked.

"This song is so sexy...it suits any lovebird couple a lot...haha" Mr. Park pointed at Arm and Pete with a sly smile on his face. They should get a room. And maybe we could do the same, Khun Vegas..." Mr. Park ran his index finger across the neckline of my shirt in a provocative way.

I wanted to break every finger on that hand.

"Please go have some fun with my cousins, Mr. Park" I smiled. Get the fuck out of my face before I kill you! You are pathetic!

I leaned against a pillar near the dance floor in self-penance, watching Pete dance with Arm. Arm rested his chin on Pete's shoulder, tightening the hug. I don't understand what's happening to me. Why don't I move? I would have punched Arm and dragged Pete out of there by now. But I was paralyzed.

When the music ended, Arm loosened his arms from around Pete's waist. Pete turned to face Arm, his eyes still closed. They brought their foreheads together and then Arm rested a kiss on Pete's forehead.

Wait a minute! Is it a romantic scene taken from some damn novel? The worst thing was seeing a bunch of girls around them, with teary eyes looking at Pete and Arm like they're rooting for a happy ending from their favorite couple! And among them was that asshole Tankhun. Maybe this was actually Tankhun's plan since the beginning, to separate me from Pete. He is the one to blame. I should have suspected earlier.

"Tankhun was right. This is more about acting than action after all. All those hours they spent watching TV series and movies with Tankhun were worth it." Porsche whispered to me, keeping an amazed look at Pete and Arm. I wanted to punch Porsche too. His amazed smile was bothering me.

I hope this is acting, because you're a hell of an actor, Pete. I can no longer tell whether I was angry or jealous. Probably both. But not just that. That uncomfortable feeling that was aching in my chest was fear. Is it possible that Pete and Arm are in love?


"This is already becoming a habit."

"What are you doing, you freak?" Tankhun hit the back of my head with something hard.

"I can read your thoughts, idiot!

"Are you out of your mind?" (Vegas said in English)

"I didn't go to all this trouble for you just stand there. Do something!"

"Like what?" My head was hurting. What do you mean, idiot?

Tankhun rolled his eyes and turned his back on me, joying the others on the dance floor again. Pete was no longer there.

"Where's Pete, Porsche?"

"I think he went to the restroom"


Macau POV

I kind of relate to my brother's jealousy. And I don't even have a boyfriend to be jealous of. I think Arm and Pete are quite convincing. My brother must be furious, punching some wall...some people...or both.

I must have some sort of daddy issues. I always fall in love with older guys who happen to be straight and don't give a damn about me. First Dr. Top...and now I have a crush on...

"Is everything okay, Khun Macau?"

"Shit!" I jolted.


"...Uh, yes! yes! I'm okay! haha"

"You look concerned..."

"Do I?! Uh...I can't, uh, find my brother. He's vanished."

"He probably went to the bar or to the restroom. Soon he will be back, don't worry."

"Where's Phi...Phi Angel?"



Awkward silence.

"By the way, you don't need to call me Khun. It makes me feel old, you know, like my uncle...too old" I frowned. Arm laughed.

"Nong Makau?!"

"Too young" I don't want to be your Nong.


"Macau. Just Macau is fine!"

"I don't think that would be..."

"Don't worry, we're close, aren't we...? I smiled. Oh no! I think I was too bold. "I mean... a little close... almost close...maybe?!..." My voice was fading.

Arm nodded. Awkward silence again. What do I say now?

"Macau, let's go dance before Khun Tankhun comes dragging us to the dance floor himself." Arm broke the silence and pulled me by the arm.

"Okay...Phi Gu..." I smiled.

Pete POV

When the music changed and my eyes met Vegas's, I felt a chill down my spine. I felt my face getting hot. I've never felt constantly in love with anyone the way I do with Vegas. Love and passion together. I've never been such a romantic guy. But maybe I'm getting soft.

The slow beat of the music and its lyrics felt like a spell. I was willing to go to him without thinking about anything else. I've almost taken the first step, but then I saw that annoying client grabbing Vegas, making him turn away from me. I came to my senses again.

At the same time, Tankhun pushed Arm to my side.

"Go...dance with your fiancé!" Tankhun was acting like a movie director. He was having a lot of fun with that.

Arm and I looked at each other awkwardly. Tankhun won't leave us alone if we don't play our role as a couple in love, will he? It's all fake anyway.

As we started dancing to the music, I closed my eyes wondering what it would be like to dance with who I really wanted to be with. I bet Arm did the same. Vegas was so close. I kept my eyes closed. I didn't want to see him talking or dancing with someone else. I just pictured the two of us.

When the song ended, we did exactly as Tankhun wanted. We reproduced a romantic scene from a boys' love comic book. Our improvisation was very natural. It felt so real.

I opened my eyes. I felt relieved to be going through that awkward situation with my friend Arm. At the same time, I was sad that it wasn't the face I most wanted to see.

I glanced at Vegas and Tankhun arguing. I decided to look for a private place to get news from Venice.

According to the club's blueprint, the most hidden restroom in the club is on the second floor, near one of the emergencies exits. As I suspected no one was there.

Everything was going very well apparently. I couldn't call it a mission. It felt more like a night out with friends! But I wanted a quiet place to try to talk to Nop. Knowing that both Vegas and Macau weren't in the mansion with Venice made me uneasy. In exchange for full security and secrecy, no one could enter the club with a cell phone.

Rules are extremely strict. But Tianshi's earrings are highly sophisticated wires that went unnoticed by the club's entrance scanner. I instructed Nop to be alert in case I got a chance to talk to him. However, the Hotel's signal jammer is quite effective. I can't contact him.

"Was that necessary?" Vegas whispered into my ear.

"Fuck! Are you a ghost? What are you doing here?" He's always so silent to get close to me.

"You did not answer my question"

I was looking at Vegas through the mirror above the sink counter. He was behind me. I could feel the heat of his hands resting on my waist, touching my skin.

"What do you mean?!This outfit...?" I lowered my gaze.

"You look gorgeous, Pete...so sexy...I couldn't breathe when I first saw you entering the club" Vegas' hands began to move gently over my belly, making me shiver. He leaned his body against mine, leaving no space between us. I closed my eyes...no longer to imagine...but to feel the intensity of his touch.

"But I'm not just talking about your outfit..." Vegas started kissing my neck. I place my right hand on top of Vegas's, intertwining our fingers. Our hands go up inside my crop top, placing them over my heart. My heart was beating so fast... with his other hand, Vegas held me tight around the waist. I rested my other hand over his. I want to feel the warmth of his body on mine.

"It felt good?"

"...really good..." Vegas was arousing me.

"Arm's hands touching your belly...did it feel good?" Vegas pressed his hands to my skin with anger.

"No! I'm not talking about him! Don't say nonsense! Besides, you were the one who told me to do whatever was needed."

I held his wrists to stop touching me. "We need to go back before someone suspect us."

"That's why I asked my first question." Vegas freed his wrists, and held my hands against the counter, bending me over aggressively. "Was it really needed, Pete?" I felt resentment in his words.

"We were just pretending to be a couple. What are you doing? Someone can come in here!" I felt Vegas rubbing himself against me. "Stop it!" Vegas started kissing and biting my back too. "You are leaving visible marks. Stop!"

"Are you feeling me, my angel? If you don't wanna it, you shouldn't use this kind of outfit for me to see. In fact, no one should see you like this but me. These pants fit your body so well... I can almost feel your skin through this fabric." Vegas uses his tone of voice to seduce me. I could feel his core hardening. I felt a shiver in my body again.

"What's that on your neck?" Vegas noticed the leather necklace around my neck, with a pendant attached. "Is there's a name engraved on it? Gu Wei's...Is that a collar with the owner's name on it, huh? Should I put my name on it? That way no one will dare touch you, Pete" Vegas intensified the friction.

"I'm not your dog. I don't like you referring to me as one, remember?". I felt so furious that I spun around, causing Vegas to lean his back against the counter. We exchanged positions, but this time we were facing each other. I pressed the palm of my hand to his chest where his shirt was open. "I don't mind having your name engraved on my necklace as long as you have one with my name on it too." I leaned over him, kissing his neck. It was my turn to leave a mark. Vegas held my butt tightly with both hands, rubbing his already hard core against mine. Even in our clothes, I could feel it.

Vegas turned me abruptly against the counter again, this time holding my fists behind my back with one hand, while with the other he tried to unzip my pants. He wanted me right there. Our breaths started to come fast with excitement. We were panting."

"Even that sweet kiss on your forehead? All those touches" He pressed me even harder against the counter. "Was that necessary? Or perhaps desired?"

"Are you crazy? Of course not! That was acting! That's all."

"And you need all that to close a deal, huh? Are you sure it's just that?" I felt a mix of anger and resentment in his voice again.

"At least I'm just pretending to be in love to close a deal. And not taking clients for a ride to get that..." I was hurt by the insinuation.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean." Vegas was still pressing me from behind, against the counter, trying to unzip may pants. I was opposing him, trying to hold his hand.

Knock, Knock, Knock

We hold still.

"Phi Vegas...?! Uh...It's me, Yim. Our security team told me you are there with...well, uh, maybe you are taking too long to return..."

I got loose from Vegas again.

"Pete, wait..." Vegas tried to hold my hand, but I didn't turn to face him.

"He's right. Your client may find it suspicious both of us missing. He must be looking for you. Stay away from me for the rest of the night."

I unlocked the door Vegas had locked. Nong Yim was waiting outside. I just glanced at him.

"I'm leaving first."


Vegas POV

Damn! Apparently, I screwed it up again.

As much as I try to dominate him, the truth is that from the beginning Pete never submits to me. Sometimes he just pretends because he doesn't want to get into an argument. Sometimes he wants to satisfy some whim of mine. But he never does that when he's angry with me. And I don't know why he's angry with me. I'm the one who's mad at him!

Ever since we're back on the dance floor, he pretends he doesn't see me. And so we behaved until it was time to leave.

I tried to hide it, but I glanced at him all the time. His appearance was still drawing people's attention in a lewd way, and it was making me anxious. On the other hand, I did my best to put Porsche and Kinn between that needy client and myself.

"Thanks everyone for a pleasant evening. Tomorrow night we'll meet at the port to take care of the not-so-fun part. Mr Gu, Mr. Tianshi, I've heard you arrived in Bangkok today. You're staying here at The Diamond Hotel, right? Which room are you in? Let's go to the hotel together."

"No" I was serious. Over my corpse Pete will be staying in a hotel room with another man.

I felt everyone looking at me.

"My brother, uh, has already prepared our residence to accommodate Mr. Gu and Mr. Tianshi, Mr. Park." Macau hurried to explain.

"Don't be a killjoy, Khun Vegas! Let the couple have privacy and enjoy The Diamond together. Maybe Khun Vegas wants to enjoy the hotel too?!" I hate it when this guy tries to touch my arm and gives that sly smile.

Pete placed himself between Mr. Park and I, lightly touching my arm where Mr. Park almost touched me.

"We appreciate your hospitality, Khun Vegas. You'd better rest peacefully in your house. You must be tired. We will stay at the hotel tonight and leave after shipment tomorrow." For milliseconds, his gaze pierced mine.

There was nothing more I could say.

"All set then, Let's go, Mr. Park, We will accompany you to the lobby." Kinn pulled Mr. Park by the shoulder to join him, followed by Arm and Pete.

"Where's Chay, Yim?'

"Oh, they already went to their room, Phi Porsche."

"They? Which room?"

"Here in The Diamond. Khum Kim booked a room".

"WHAT? Tell me the number!"

"I'm sorry, Phi. We cannot disturb the privacy of our guests."

"We're talking about my brother, young man!"


"I'm going to kill Kim."


Some of Kinn's bodyguards showed up and put drunk Tankhun into another car to take him to the main mansion. Kinn pushed Porsche into the car. Porsche was trying to call Chay and Kim non-stop, to no avail. Macau and I got into our car. I called Nop.

"Nop, wait for us in the parking lot at the back of the Hotel."

I parked my car next to Kinn's car. They got into a van already parked there.

"Nop, take Macau back to the mansion."

"What about you, Bro? What are you going to do?" Macau watched me with a worried look on his face.

"Don't worry. I won't kill anyone if I don't have to." I smirked.

"Please don't kill my crush..." He lowered his gaze and whispered to himself something that I couldn't understand...


"Nothing...take care, Bro"

I got in the van and sat in one of the seats next to Porsche.

Pol was inside the van trying to track Pete's wire.

"Which room are they in, Porsche?"

"Room number 1005."

Macau POV was kind of random and out of context, I know, but I couldn't help myself. I love this character. He is so cute. And I ship him and Arm because of the VegasPete chapters at the hospital (original KP Novel....VP special?! I'm not sure). I'm thinking of writing a short fanfic about them later. I know ArmPol is a strong ship. Don't be mad at me, please! It's just fiction of fiction.

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