
VegasPete - The Way You Taste

warning: maturecontent. Vegas and Pete live together in the Minor Family mansion. Vegas will have to join forces with the Main Family for an important weaponry deal, causing Pete and Arm to work together undercover. This makes a possessive Vegas mad with jealousy and extremely dangerous. Vegas and Pete end up entering a secret meeting called 'Chess Room' held between Asian mafia leaders to find out who negotiated Pete's life perhaps over twenty years ago. They need 'keys' to enter the chess room: crystal and diamonds pieces of chess: a white knight and a black king. Pete can no longer trust anyway...events bring Pete's dark side to life and a powerful competitor, the white king, claim for Pete. This is my first time writing. Please be kind. English is not my native language. Forgive any grammar/vocabulary mistakes, please. This is a fanfiction story based in Daemi's novel KinnPorsche. All rights and credits/ names of the characters belongs to the KinnPorsche's authors.

Alana_Avatar · Book&Literature
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82 Chs

Cold blood [18+]


I hurried to put my clothes on, leaving Chay in the room.

"Let's get on with what we were doing later, babe." I kissed him.

I stood in front of the elevators waiting for Vegas.

We were on the same floor as Pete and Arm. Yim called me on the phone.

"Khun Kinn warned us about Phi Vegas. We're following Phi Vegas on camera. He took the elevator up to your floor. Wait! He went down two floors earlier. I think he's going to take the stairs, on the other side of the floor, near room 1005. "


I ran to the other side. I opened the door leading to the stairs, but no sign of the bastard.

"Ouch" Vegas hit me on the head with his gun, leaving me stunned. I leaned against the wall to sit on the floor, feeling dizzy. He was behind the door. Smart bastard!

He smirked at me and left.

Instants later, Kinn called me.

"We're in the elevator...almost there. Did you find Vegas?"

"The bastard caught me off guard and hit me. I'm on the floor stairs."

"I'm going over there, Kim! Porsche, you go to the room 1005 with Pol!"


Vegas POV

I stopped in front of the door of room 1005. The door opens by biometrics. I pulled out my gun which has a silencer and aimed at the electronic lock. Easy to resolve.

"Allow me, Nong Vegas" Khun Sanya calmly placed himself beside me. "No need to damage my property. I have a master key. " Khun Sanya approached his watch closer to the biometric reader.

The door opened.

When we entered the room, apparently there was no one. However, we heard a noise coming from the closet.

"Damn it. That hurts" It was Pete's voice.

" Since when did you get so sensitive, Pete?"

I felt my anger rise. I approached the closet, raising my gun.

Khun Sanya approached the closet, activating the presence sensor.

"Please, Nong Vegas, be reasonable. Don't stain my rug."

The closet door opened.

Arm was between Pete's legs, in an awkward position.

You know what?!Fuck those two requirements, Nop.

And fuck your rug, Khun Sanya.

I pulled the trigger aiming that bastards' head to the sound of Porsche yelling something behind me.

I felt that brief moment of satisfaction and smiled softly to myself.

He should be dead by now. I frowned. I pulled the trigger a couple of times before Pete jumped out of the closet and reached me to take the gun of my hand.


Macau POV

"Nop, take me to the main family mansion."

"But Khun Macau..."

"Do what I'm saying."

"Does Khun Vegas know about this?"

"To tell you the truth, I may have crossed the line with my brother tonight...he must be furious with me right now. Better not to risk it and give him time to cool down."

We arrived at the same time as Tankhun.

"What are you doing here, you brat?"

I approached Tankhun and took his hand.

"What's this, Macau?

"This is me cleaning up your shit, cousin."

"What about these bullets?"

"You know what?! Dealing with all of you guys since a young age taught me to read each of you well. You shouldn't play with my brother, you know. You can't handle his anger."

"What happened? Spit it out!"

"You just put a target on Arm's head. You should be proud of yourself." I smiled wryly to first cousin to torment him a little. Deep inside I was worried.

I retired to my room. Tankhun was probably calling Kinn.


Vegas POV

"Oh my God! I don't believe you just pulled the trigger!!" Porsche yelled in panic.

I quickly checked my gun before Pete took it from me.

Dammit! There's no bullets in the clip. Why? I got thinking for a few seconds... Is that it? Macau must have taken the bullets out of my gun when I first got out of the car to talk to Nop. Fuck, Macau! Backstabbing me for a crush? I must get rid of this bodyguard even more now. I do not accept competitors of any kind.

"Have you lost your mind?! What's going on?" – Pete rushed over to me.

Pol was helping Arm to get out of the closet. He looked kind of astonished...maybe scared. Good.

"What's wrong with you? Were you going to kill us? Pete was overreacting.

"Technically I aimed at him, not you."


Pete POV

When the door opened, all I could see was Vegas pointing his gun at us and then to Arm. He pulled the trigger without even blinking or hesitating. In the heat of the moment, I ran out of the closet toward him, ignoring whatever pain I was feeling in my leg. He tried to shoot a few times, until he realized something was wrong with his gun. Those seconds got me by surprise and then almost took the air out of my lungs.

I heard Porsche's voice in the background and then Khun Kinn and Kim entered the room breathing heavily.

"What's wrong with you? Were you going to kill us? I was worked up.

"Technically I aimed at him, not you." Vegas said that like it was nothing.

"Should I feel relieved?"

"I guess". Vegas shrugged.

"Why??? Have you just decided to shoot without even bothering to ask any questions?"

"A picture is worth a thousand words, isn't it?" Vegas gazed Arm briefly.

"What picture? We got stuck inside the closet. There was no room for us. I got cramp in my leg. Arm was pressing the point to help me."

"I knew there was a good explanation for that! I told you." Kinn point it out.

Vegas rolled his eyes.

"What are you talking about?" I was confused.

"He is not dead, is he?" Vegas answered without a shred of remorse on his face.

"It's ok, everything is fine. It was just a misunderstanding." Arm tried to downplay the situation.

"See?! Don't make a fuss about it"

A fuss? You shot him in cold blood, Vegas!

"Shouldn't you apologize?"

Vegas gave me a cold look.

"Vegas should apologize to me. My head hurts. Kim grimaced, putting a hand on the back of his head. "What were you guys doing inside that closet anyway?" Kim asked.

Porsche elbowed Kim for the question.

"We were suspicious if we were being filmed". I pointed to a flashing red light on the air conditioning vent. We went into the closet to try to talk to Pol over the wire to check about that first."

"Oh...it's not a camera. It's a smoke detector system. It's hidden inside." Khun Sanya explained.

"Oh..." I felt kind of stupid.

"End of conversation. Let's go, Pete" Vegas checked his phone, then he casually put his hands inside his pants pockets, turning toward the door.

"I can't leave with you like this...somebody can see us..."

"We better be discreet then. You come with me." He turned to me.


"Pete." Vegas looked me straight in the eye. "I don't fucking care." (Vegas said in English). He spoke each word firmly and slowly.

"Vegas, I'm going back to the main family mansion." I tried to oppose him one last time.

"Don't make me count." (Vegas said in English). He was still calm but threatening.

"..." Damn, Vegas. How dare you to mention our thing in front of other people?! I was more embarrassed than afraid.

I sighed in resignation. Vegas was dangerously calm, but obviously he was fuming with rage inside. And we don't need more drama to end the night.

I looked at Arm apologetically. Vegas gave me an impatient look and pulled me by the arm.

I'll have to apologize properly to Arm on behalf of Vegas later. It was kind of my fault anyway.


Vegas POV

It was not just because of a misunderstanding, Pete. I knew exactly what I was doing and why I was doing it.

It was all clear to me.

On the dance floor at The Diamond private club, Pete and Arm's interaction felt real to me because it was real to at least one of them... I could figure it out now. Right in Arm's face looking worriedly at Pete inside that closet. The concern...the care...just like me about Pete. It makes sense why you didn't believe at first that I loved you, Pete. You've been around a person for years who has feelings for you, and you've never realized it. You are so naive when it comes to desire, passion...love. But I am not. Not when I've had to fake all those emotions so many times to achieve my goals.

Arm's rational personality has disguised this very well so far. That's why I hadn't noticed before. But now I know. You better watch yourself. 'Cause I'll be watching you.

"What's on your mind? Your silence gives me goosebumps. You know you've gone too far, don't you?"

"You shouldn't have agreed to stay at the hotel." I wanted to make Pete feel guilty.

"I know...but...stop the car right there!"

"We're almost home."

"Stop the car!" Pete took the steering wheel from my hand and made me pull over.

"Why did you do that? We're practically behind the mansion. It's too dark here."

Suddenly Pete unbuckled his seat belt and straddled me in the driver's seat. I was taken aback.

"I know I fucked up. But you know why, don't you? His voice was low. His gaze was expressive.

"I want to stop deducing things. Tell me. Enough of misunderstandings between us."


Pete POV

I sighed.

"The only thing I wanted was to end the conversation and get you away from that guy. I don't want you around clients like that anymore."

"If you don't want it, I won't do it. Vegas gave me a straight answer. I closed my eyes briefly feeling Vegas caressing my face.

I lowered my gaze. I let myself slide into his lap until I could feel him. Vegas was curious and in anticipation because I've never done that before. I was feeling a desire growing inside me. All I wanted was to erase any memory Vegas had of other men he'd been with in his car. I want to be a single memory of it. And to make this happen, I need to take action.

"Tie my wrists" I whispered. Vegas got surprised. But I know it raised his arousal level.

I lifted my arms and locked my wrists into the seat's headrest. I slipped back to the starting position, rubbing myself harder on him.

"Ah...this is so good....Pete... is this really you?"


Vegas POV

Pete is usually shy when we make love. The initiative usually comes from me. I was dumfounded when Pete straddled me in the car seat and then asked me to tie his wrists using my belt. His eyes were expressing both some shyness and a growing lust. He was hot!

All the rubbing was driving me crazy. I held his bare waist as Pete's hips moved sensually over me. Pete lowered his head to kiss me. Our kiss was deep and wet. We kissed intensely until we were almost out of breath.

Vegas, please, I need you inside of me. His request sounded like a plea full of desire

"Damn...I don't have lube or condoms here in the car. We'll have to go home."

"No... I can't wait."

"Pete...I may hurt you this way..."

"I don't mind. I want you now. Please, I'm begging you! Don't you like when I beg? His voice was so aroused. Please, do it now...fuck me deep, please...I want it rough. He whispered in my ear and moaned in a very lustful way.

I could not hold back anymore. I took a penknife I had in my car and rushed to rip his pants in the ass. There was no time to take off his pants nicely. I desperately opened the rip in his pants wider with my bare hands.

"You ruined my leather pants, Vegas..." Pete whispered

Pete was totally aroused by my savage behavior. I unzipped my pants and pulled my core out, stroking it a couple of times.

"You're going to get hurt, Pete..."

I meant to stop him, but Pete pressed his body down at once over me. He moaned loudly. "Ah!...fuck!" Then he took a deep breath. I went back to kissing him fervently to distract him from the pain. The sound of his moans was contained inside my mouth.

My core was pressed so hard that I also moaned too. "Ah...fuck, Pete...you area so tight!" I felt his body shudder.

"Agh...ah...it's too big..." Pete was struggling to insert all my length inside him. He didn't give up. I felt him swallow me completely. He was panting heavily. Then he started to move slowly...I felt like I was tearing him. "Ah...Ah...Vegas...It's too much...ugh...ah"

"...Ah...damn...you are so tight, Pete...stop...ugh...It may hurt you so much..."

"Why?...ah...haa...ah..." Pete was sweating already... don't you like it?....ah....hah...haa..." I felt a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"Of course I do! Feeling your insides is amazing, Pete...ah...so good..." I was doing my best to try to speak while feeling him go up and down over me..."Ah...you turn me on so much. I'm just worried about you...but I don't want you to stop either...ah..." I caressed his face to his neck. Pete leaned over and kissed me passionately.

I felt his body tremble when Pete started to speed up the rhythm. He was moaning non-stop.


"Keep going, my love. It's so good...ngh... so tight...ah...you are so warm inside, Pete"

"So enjoy it...and fuck me harder, silly..." Pete smiled lustfully at me. Then he gave me another hot, deep kiss, sucking my tongue hard as he moved intensely over me. This savage Pete is beyond my expectations. How could I risk losing you to anyone, Pete?

I unzipped his pants and opened his crop top. I kissed his belly greedily. My hands gripped his waist tightly. I made his lower back curve even more as Pete welcomed me in full. I started to move my pelvis following his rhythm, making me go deeper and deeper. We started panting and moaning heavily. 'You know you asked for it, don't you, Pete?"

Good thing we are in such a hidden and deserted place. Not that I mind doing it anywhere, but Pete does. There would be no way to stifle all our moans and the noise of our bodies fervently clashing.

"Ah...Vegas...ah...ah...I'm almost...ah...God...ah...don't stop, please..."

"You are dripping, honey..." I pulled him by the hair to reach his gorgeous mouth. "I love you so much...you're mine, you know that, right?!"

"You are mine, idiot...I love you...Ah...hah...ah!" I thrusted harder.

The sight of Pete riding me, filled with lust and sensuality blew my mind. His gaze was so intense and expressive. His cute baby face was so hot. Pete couldn't stop moaning and shivering from my thrust. His wrists were turning bruised every time his body arched with pleasure, pushing against the belt attached to the driver's seat headrest.

I held on as long as I could to prolong that sensation of intense pleasure, but it was already unbearable. "...nmg...ah...I'm almost cumming, babe."

"ah...haa...agh...ah...I want...I want to feel your hot semen inside me...ah...Vegas, Ah!"

We reached the climax together. Pete's body arched back as he received my cum. My core was still throbbing inside him. I filled his tight hole. Pete's hot liquid spread over my belly.

"You're even sexier when you're cumming". Pete managed to blush even redder...how cute. I couldn't help but kiss him deeply again, even though we couldn't breathe properly.

I freed his hands from the belt. he was still sitting on my legs. His gaze avoided mine. He was too embarrassed to face me. Haha...your shy manner makes me more aroused, Pete.

"Did you like it?" Pete asked me unsure about himself.

I held his chin and made him look into my eyes.

"I don't remember having such amazing sex in my car. You will be my only memory. But you will have to keep that memory alive, you know". I smirked in a naughty way, biting his lower lip.

"Good." Although embarrassed, Pete grinned widely. He looked pleased with himself, as if he'd achieved an important goal. I die for his beautiful smile.

Our tongues have met once more. "Pete, you know one round isn't enough for me. I need you all night."

I tightened his waist, which was already marked with my fingers on it. I brought his body closer to mine. My core was getting hard again.

"Calm down, Vegas. Pete pushed me back. Let's go inside the house first. I want to take a shower. Oh shit! How am I supposed to get inside the mansion wearing this? There's a hole in my pants! Right on my butt. You psycho!"

"You didn't mind at the time..." I smirked.

"Idiot" Pete hit me.

"Don't worry, I have a change of gym clothes in the trunk."

"Oh, where's Macau? Did you leave him at the hotel?" Pete asked with concern.

"I had already sent him home. Nop texted me when we were at that room. Macau went to the main family mansion."

"Why did he go there?"

"Because my brother is getting smarter than me."

Pete gave me a questioning look.

"Never mind. Let's go inside. We're not done yet."

I smile lewdly.