A thief who made his living by committing crime in Miami is reincarnated in the world of Varialesia. He finds himself in the form of a small snake and with a status board. My 1st novel ever :D.
Ugh, I suddenly felt very stuffy, where was i again?
Right, I was sleeping in the corner of my Gym somewhere, but why cant i open my eyes? I try to move my arms but just cant get the sensation. And where are my legs?
I float somewhere for what seems like eternity. Oh! I died in my sleep didn't I. Whatever, I didn't really care of living.
Yay, now I'm hallucinating, what a shitty life I had. I reminisce and think about my early days. I was an Orphan, who was granted a small but crappy education. Before I knew it I was already a teenager and committing crime. Id pickpocket and beg for cash on the streets whenever it suited me. I bought a cheap gym membership for 20$ a month and lived in it. Free water and all.
[Cool bro]
I know right. My life was totally awesome. I was able to sneak into someones crib and get enough cash to also acquire my very own laptop. My life was me hanging in the corner of the gym, playing on my laptop, or being outside and acquiring that nice money.
[Awesome man]
Yeah i know I'm awe-
[YO! Shut it and listen, i don't have all the time in the world okay. Well actually i do but that's not important right now]
Wait what?
[Yeah man, I'm here. Whats good. Your also dead man.]
How'd i die? Also nice to meet you, God?
[One, that's Irrelevant and id rather not look into it. Two, God is raping Seraphim somewhere in the corner and I can guarantee you I'm a virgin. Now stop asking questions and just listen. I'm going to transport you into the world of Varialesia. Make sure you think "Status" at some point. Ill give you some special things for your journey. Have fun!] *oh yeah what species did i pick again? whatever doesn't matter*
Status? Like in those RPG games and Manga's I no-lifed? Hey where are you? Also your a virgin? Haha what a loser even I'm not. I ask some questions, but it looks like I'm just talking to myself again. Suddenly i feel extremely nauseous as if I was in one of those crazy roller-coasters. I'd totally throw up right now if i could. Whats happening to me?
W-where am I? I have a body now, I can tell. But it currently feels like I'm surrounded by some sticky liquid. I attempt to move, I SHAKE, I WRIGGLE, wait wriggle? Why does it feel like my body is a hot-dog right now.
Say what now?
*Crackkk* CRACK*!
I hear a loud crack, and it feels like my ears were ruptured. On the bright side, I think I can open my eyes now.
I open my eyes, and what do i see? Oh, wow I'm in a small hole made out of dirt. Nice. Around me I can see my shell and another three amber eggs, I wonder what species I am. There's some light shining in what seems to be the exit to my hole but I'm not interested in that.
***drum roll***
STATUS Plisu Desu!
[Name: Anikit Kosu]
Species: Small Amber Forest Snake
[Hp:4/4] [Mp:0/0] [Sta:3/3]
[Str=2], [Spd=3], [Def=1], [Magic=.25]
Titles: [Blessed by JY]
Jobs: N/A
Passives: [Blessed by JY], [Growth-lvl-JY], [Cold Blooded]
Skills: N/A
Oh..., guess I'm a snake now. JY? Is that the name of the guy i was talking too? Or girl i guess.
Anyway, holy crap I'm really weak aren't I. Guess I'll die in like 2 minutes once I walk, well I guess it's slither out of this hole now.
[Looks like you got here successfully :), I gave u a special care-package so be grateful ok :D. Now listen carefully, I'm gonna explain how this world works. There's no such thing as those attribute points that you can distribute. You simply grow stronger over time depending on innate potential and your species. Don't worry you have plenty of that, you were blessed by me :). Creatures, Humans not included, can evolve to a higher level of existence. Also you can get a description of all your skills, passives etc and what they do(courtesy of me). Cya!] **don't die >xD**
Wait, how can I evolve?
HELLO? That had better not have been a preemptively recorded message...
Alright screw that JY guy. What should I do now? He said I could check my skills right?
Ok lets see what these JY things do.
{[Blessed by JY]}- Wow you were lucky to get this huh.
{[Blessed by JY]}- Extremely lucky.
{[Growth-lvl-JY]}-Orgasmic Levels of lucky...
That literally tells me nothing!!! Well i assume they are good, especially that Growth part. I know what cold-blooded means too.
Soooo.... should I slither out of this hole?
No-no-no its a bad idea. My hp says 4. There's no way I could fight anything. But-but- BUT I'M HUNGRY. A burning hunger suddenly rips through me, and I instinctively dive to my shell and begin to gobble it up.
Before I know it, there aren't any shells shards left. My hunger is now sated for the most part, I no longer felt hungry.
I curl contentedly on the matted dirt.