
Vampire Deus

Dark Destiny was a 23 year old man, he grew up in an orphanage, without the love of his parents, his girlfriend was unfaithful, feeling betrayed and alone in the world, an encounter, will change the course of his life, will lead him to know his origins and the truth about the world, unknowingly he would become one of the most powerful entities in the world. >

KURO_SCAN · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

A light breeze

-What?" Irina was surprised by the words she had heard.

There was an explosion in one of the buildings and that caused damage to other facilities so classes will be suspended indefinitely and all students will be dismissed immediately.

Stella, who was aware of the reason for the explosion, crossed her arms and the tip of her index finger was touching her cheek.

-Take your graduation certificate and documentation," the receptionist laughed with irony for the situation in which the university found itself.

Stella, who just noticed, approached the counter.

-Excuse me, I recently married a student from here, Dark Destiny by name, she's in the same faculty and year as her," pointing to Irina next to her.

-Her name? -

-Stella Tepes- Stella has a big smile on her face as she calls herself Dark's wife.

-Take this, sign this as received- -Stella signs and returns the sheets.

Stella signs and returns the sheets, followed by that a certificate is handed to her along with Dark's papers

-Thank you." A smiling Stella thanks the receptionist.

-But he is also my husband," a pout forms on Irina's face.

Stella notices that, laughs softly and says -Our husband-.

Irina smiles at Stella, "Let's go to the bedroom".


Entering Irina's room, unlike Dark's room it has a little more "Life", there's picture, clothes, it looked more crowded

-This is where you used to live-

Stella looks curiously at the surroundings.

-Yep, sometimes I go back to my parents, but usually I always lived here.

Irina looked nostalgic, knowing that this would be her last day in that room.

-Well, let's fix this quickly, so we can get back before Dark wakes up.

Irina and Stella quickly put all the things in boxes and stacked them outside the room.

A few minutes later they had everything put away

-I need to call a truck.

Stella makes a call and minutes later a moving truck appears outside the bedroom.

In less than 15 minutes all the boxes were loaded and ready to leave the place.

Irina turns one last time before closing the door of the room.

[I guess this is the last time, thanks for everything.]

Closing the door, as if she was closing a cycle in her life, walking down towards the main entrance Irina sees Stella next to Dark who had just arrived

Dark who kept ignoring Stella and Stella trying to get Dark's attention.

[I never thought I'd get to have a moment like this].

Irina looked into her past, the first time she came to the dorm was the first day she saw Dark, the first time she fell in love, 5 years have passed since that moment and at no time in those 5 years did it cross her mind to be in a situation like this, she had people she talked to, but none of them were her friends, they were just acquaintances, but now, she has a family of her own.

Dark notices Irina and walks towards her.

-Are you ready?" A smile forms on Dark's face.

Irina nods

-Let's go," Dark takes Irina by the hand and walks beside her.

-Stella, who was giving directions to the shipment, approaches them.

-Let's go back to the mansion," Dark says while still holding Irina's hand.

Dark climbs into the container with Irina, Stella was about to get in when

-You go ahead, you have to lead.

Stella seemed dejected by Dark's words, but she accepted to go ahead.

Closing the door, sitting on the floor of the container Dark sits Irina between his legs.

Irina curiously asks, "How did you know we were here?

-I didn't know, I went to the university but they said they were going to close indefinitely, besides, they gave Stella my papers, I assumed they would be here and that's why I came.

-Besides I thought you would be moving in with us so it was obvious you would come- Giving a kiss on her cheek Dark hugs her tighter.

-I see," Irina responds softly as she drops her weight on Dark's body.

-The truck moves a lot.

Irina turns around and kisses Dark on the lips softly for a few seconds and pulls away, resting her head on Dark's chest.

A few minutes later they arrive at the mansion

Opening the door to the container, Stella appears with an obvious pout on her face.

-It's not fair that only Irina can be like this with Dark," she says whispering and with an evident bad mood.

Dark and Irina help to unload Irina's boxes, a few minutes later the truck was completely unloaded.

-Thank you for your patronage" The driver thanks and quickly leaves the place.

-I guess I'll bring the boxes in," says Dark, but before grabbing a box Stella stops him.

-Darling, that's what maids are for," immediately after saying that, two women appeared and started to load the boxes.

-Good morning Clarisse," Dark recognizes the white-haired woman.

-Good morning, Master." Continuing with her work, Clarisse leaves.

-What do we do?" Irina asks.

-Wait for the boxes to come up," Stella says as she sits down in the garden.

Dark and Irina, noticing this, also sit down and wait for the boxes to be moved.

-Then, the University is over," Dark was the first to speak.

Irina nods at Dark's words - but what caused the explosion," Irina says curiously.

Stella noticing Irina's words, her eyes turn white -Didn't you say so?- looking at Dark.

Dark avoids Stella's gaze

Irina confused asks, "What do you mean?

-Dark was the one who caused the explosion, after you were attacked," says Stella with exasperation as she remembers the state of the facilities.

-Look, the boxes are in, let's go to the room," Dark quickly flees from the place.

-So that's why it was... well I'm glad in a way, I attacked the place because they attacked me" A smile forms on his face.

-Let's go after him, we're two against one, you know what I mean- Stella says laughing seductively

[We're a team eh, it feels nice to have a friend.]

A big smile forms on Irina's face.

-Count on me- Standing up quickly and extending one of her hands towards Stella to help lift her up.

-Let's show what we're capable of-.

Stella starts walking next to Irina and enters the mansion.


It's been a month since Irina started living together with Dark and Stella, it's two months until Dark's match against Duke Alaric.

Most of the days, Dark spends training all day with Akira, especially the days that Akira doesn't have Royal duties, in that time Stella and Irina have become very close, while they are away from Dark, both girls train together in the castle's garden.

-Shall we go back to the mansion?" Dark who just finished his training with Akira, approaches Stella and Irina who were in the castle garden.

-I guess? It's been a week since the last time we went back - Stella agrees with Dark's suggestion - What do you think Irina - Turning her gaze towards Irina

-Ah, yes," Irina, who was training her energy control, nods at Stella's question.

-I'll go back first then," Dark decided to go back first, he seemed to be in a hurry.

-Will you do something?" Stella asks curiously.

Irina who is next to him, also sees Dark with curious eyes.

-I want to eat ice cream," Dark being honest with himself, he tells the truth without any concealment.

Irina and Stella, when they hear Dark's words, they both look blank.

-Well I'm going," Dark laughs for the two girls and approaches the teleportation circle.

Waving his right hand in the air, Dark says goodbye to the girls, while a light began to emerge from the circle.

15 minutes later

Stella and Irina are standing on the teleportation circle.

Stella sends energy towards him, but... he doesn't answer.

-Ah?" Stella notices the anomaly and is surprised.

Irina noticing the confusion on Stella's face - What's wrong Stella?

-It doesn't work, it won't activate," she says a little nervously.

-Irina is confused by Stella's words.

-No, the only way it can't be used is if it's not of royal blood or if they have destroyed the circle on the other side..." An unpleasant sensation runs through Stella's body.

-What can we do?" Irina asks with concern.

-I have to talk to Akira.

Stella quickly goes in search of her sister


The moment Dark arrived at the mansion.

Leaving the basement Dark goes to his room on the 3rd floor.

-I forgot to take that cell phone, although if I did it would probably end up being destroyed," Dark walked through the corridors of the mansion with his hands in the pockets of his suit.

Arriving at the room Dark takes the cell phone and money to be able to use suddenly, Dark hears a shout from Ra.

[Master take cover!]

-Ra? - It had been a while since he talked to her.

Feeling a Large amount of Energy approaching towards him, he creates a barrier around him, as he braced himself for the impact, Dark couldn't help but curse the situation

-A large impact fell on Dark followed by a large explosion.

A few seconds later Dark appears in the center of a 60 meter crater, with his clothes torn, his right arm mutilated, wounds all over his body and blood gushing out.

[Master! Are you alright?] Ra talks to Dark worried about his master's condition.

-Yes... It's not serious...- In the month that he's been training with Akira, he learned many things and in many ways "tortured in many ways".

Dark regenerates his arm and heals the wounds of his whole body almost instantly.

Dark looks up to the sky to find a tall, white-haired, middle-aged man wearing a white suit staring at him.

-Another one of those idiots? Dark is annoyed by the sudden attack on the mansion, if he had gone back to Stella or Irina, the situation would be much worse.

-Are you Dark Destiny?" asks the man arrogantly.

[Master I suggest to prepare for an imminent combat.]

(I understand)

The brief exchange with Ra served to confirm his suspicions.

-It's rude to attack without first introducing yourself, don't you think? Manners make the man," says Dark annoyed with the man floating in the sky.

The man opens his eyes with surprise and smiles- I apologize, you're right, I'm Duke George Alaric, Part of the Honorable Kingdom of Tepes- With a noble bow Duke Alaric introduces himself.

(It's the duel guy, right?)

[Yes master, your match was set to stop in two months time]

(He came before...) There was never a deal stating, the prohibition of attacking before the match, so Dark wasn't upset that they attacked him, he's upset that the way they did it, plus they destroyed the mansion in the process.

-Then, I introduce myself, I am Dark Destiny, husband of Stella tepes and Irina Scarlett," a slight arrogant smile forms on Dark's face.

-Dark Destiny requests a Duel- Duke Alaric looks at Dark with disdain.

-What's in it for me to accept," Dark asks annoyed by the Duke's unreasonable request.

Duke Alaric laughs loudly, narrowing his eyes at Dark -You have no choice, it's the law of the strongest- shooting at Dark.

(Ra!) Screaming inside Dark unleashes his power.