
Vampire Deus

Dark Destiny was a 23 year old man, he grew up in an orphanage, without the love of his parents, his girlfriend was unfaithful, feeling betrayed and alone in the world, an encounter, will change the course of his life, will lead him to know his origins and the truth about the world, unknowingly he would become one of the most powerful entities in the world. >

KURO_SCAN · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

A complicated battle

A torrent of Crimson energy engulfs Dark, his right eye changed to a blood red color.

Dark intercepts the attack with his fist, a shockwave shoots out to the surroundings.

-Ooh, you're not so bad.

Duke Alaric smiles at Dark's strength -but it's not enough to compete with me.

(Shit, that broke the bones in my hand) regenerating his broken hand, Dark quickly retreats backwards

[I suggest escaping quickly] Ra talks to Dark in his head.

(I know it's for the best, but will that guy let me go?) A cold sweat runs down Dark's forehead, as he stares at Duke Alaric.

Dark's face tenses up as he sees Duke Alaric disappear in front of his eyes.

Feeling a great impact in his ribs, Dark shoots out of the crater towards the sky, falling like a doll and spinning around the ground, burying his 4 limbs in the ground he manages to stop himself.

-Damn it!

he screams spitting blood from his mouth, his internal organs have suffered considerable damage.

-Come on, the fun has just begun.

A big sadistic smile forms on Duke Alaric's face.

(In order to escape I need to at least distract him for a second).

Dark slowly gets up from the ground, as he watches Duke Alaric approach, step by step, with his gaze fixed on him.

Dark was starting to get impatient, this is his first real fight, he's only been training for a month and Akira always holds back to fight Dark.

[A shout from Ra alerts Dark.

A shiver runs down Dark's spine, jumping forward a blade of violet energy passes millimeters from his face.

-You could have dodged that!

Surprised by Dark's dodging agility, Duke Alaric praises him.

- You have done well in your training boy, but you need years to be worthy of the princess.

-You flatter me.

Dark says with his breath hitching as he stares at Duke Alaric.

(I have to beat him so I can be with Stella... it doesn't look like he's getting serious, it's like he's playing games with me).

Dark realizing the wall he has to overcome, instead of being intimidated, he is excited.

(In what power rank will this Duke be, according to Akira's words he could face a Vampire of high Rank)

A small smile forms on Dark's face.

(No one said it would be easy, if it costs it's because it's worth it)

A big smile forms on Dark's face, calming his breathing and concentrating on the man in front of him.

Controlling the Energy inside him, Dark remembers what he learned from Akira.


In Akira's personal training room.

-Dark maybe you have already realized, but you have two types of powers inside you, I will teach you how to use the Energy correctly, the more you concentrate the energy, the more power and efficiency, come closer".

Following Akira's indications, Dark approaches her.

Letting out uncontrolled Energy from his hand

- See that's energy in a state of chaos, remember, bigger is not better, it's just wasted energy.

Controlling her energy and focusing it on her hand with a thin layer.

- You see, I'm using the same amount of energy but with better control, you can generate more power.

Akira stops controlling his energy and hits Dark in the face.

- What's up?

Akira asks innocently

-It hurt-

Dark, who had lost his balance after Akira's hit, pulls himself together.

Hearing his words Akira controls the energy generated in his hand.

[This is bad]

Dark tries to dodge but

Akira hits Dark in the face sending him flying.

-That hurt a lot more.

Dark writhes in pain on the ground.

Akira approaches him and extends his hand to help him to get up.

-That's the difference, controlling your energy correctly is decisive.

-I understand-


[The best option I have is to dodge and try to hold on.]

Concentrating energy on his legs, a thin layer of crimson energy forms.

-Ooh, I'm starting to get bored- -Ooh, I'm starting to get bored.

Duke Alaric's face becomes serious.

Putting himself on Guard Dark tries to run into the forest quickly away from Duke Alaric.

-Running away? It's useless-

He quickly runs towards Dark

[Master the enemy is approaching quickly]

Hearing Ra's words, Dark concentrates even more energy into his legs, trying to keep his distance.

A large Dragon of Violet energy shoots towards Dark.

-A dragon?

Dark's eyes widen as he sees a dragon heading towards him.

Dark's left eye lights up with amethyst light, creating a copy of the Dragon, a Crimson Energy Dragon, impacts against the Violet Energy Dragon.

Generating a large explosion from the impact of the two forces, creating a large crater in the ground.

Dark who was sent rolling on the ground due to the explosion, quickly gets up and starts running.

(Hopefully that will be enough)

Sensing several points of energy in the sky, Dark looks up to see 7 Dragons heading his way.

(Ra Can you help me by gathering energy?)

[Yes master]

A jet black Katana appears in Dark's hand.

(I will gather energy, concentrate on dodging master)

(We need to talk about you, Ra, when we get out of this, we'll have a conversation.)

[... Get ready]

Nodding at Ra's words, Dark focuses on dodging the Dragons heading his way.

Duke Alaric looking down at Dark from the sky, laughed at the sight of Dark dodging his Dragons with all his might,

-To think he would last so long-

impressed by Dark's performance

- Should I send a couple more? -

Duke Alaric Creates -3 more Dragons and sends them towards Dark

10 Violet energy Dragons were trying to attack Dark. When an energy Dragon hit the ground, it melted leaving a small hole in the shape of a Crater.

-I should end this soon.

a murmur leaves Duke Alaric's lips.

Dark noticing that 3 more Dragons were heading towards him, a shiver ran through his whole body.

-A little more... I must hold on.

Dark was patient with the situation, he tried to be as calm as possible.

[Master is ready]

-Thank you Ra- Turning around to face the 10 Dragons in the sky Dark raised his Katana and swiftly brought it down, sending a great 50 meter long Crimson Energy slash, managing to knock down 6 of the 10 Dragons.

Duke Alaric's eyes widen in awe of Dark's feat.

-So if you put your mind to it, boy, you can do it!

Laughing happily Duke Alaric says

- I don't want to drag this out any longer, with your death I'll reach the Royal family".

Dark runs in the direction of the forest to get away from the Duke.

The Duke's expression changes, letting out all his murderous intent on Dark.

-The games are over.

The duke appears in front of Dark in less than a second.

[A desperate cry comes from Ra.

Dark without thinking jumps to the side with all his strength.

-How did he...?

Without being able to finish speaking, Dark is pierced by an arm.

Duke Alaric appears at his back with his arm embedded in Dark's abdomen, throwing his body to the floor, Duke Alaric generates multiple energy stakes that pierce Dark's body nailing him to the floor.

-ah... -

a dry scream comes out of Dark's mouth before a stake pierces his throat.

-You see kid, I was just playing.

Laughing at the sight of Dark's figure, Duke Alaric extends his hand and a large amount of Energy gathers in the palm of his right hand.

-The best way to kill you is to disintegrate you.

Staring into Dark's eyes, "You were unlucky," says Duke Alaric arrogantly.

Dark's eyes open

A Violet sphere of light forms in the Duke's palm.

- Farewell.

Suddenly a two-colored pillar of light emerges from Dark.

-Crimson and violet?

Duke Alaric is shocked at the sudden sight.

Dark with multiple holes all over his body slowly gets up from the ground, healing all his wounds, staring at Duke Alaric.


A whisper escapes from Dark's lips.


A great pillar of two-colored Energy rises up to the heavens, the source of that energy, Dark Destiny stands firmly before the enemy.

The 4 Violet Energy Dragons that were soaring through the skies, disappeared in an instant.

A wide-eyed man stared at such a scene.

-What the fuck are you?

Duke Alaric looks at Dark in astonishment.

[Master 90 seconds is the limit]

(We must do it fast, we only have one chance)

Filling his legs with chaotic two-colored energy Dark shoots towards Duke Alaric, a sword of Crimson and Violet Energy forms in his right hand.

-Wait what!

Duke Alaric tries to react to Dark's sudden burst of speed.

[The best thing to do is to split him in two and escape as fast as possible] Ra says trying to find a solution.

(Gather energy in my left hand)

Duke Alaric evades the sword of light millimeters away.


Duke Alaric laughs believing he has evaded Dark's attack.

A two colored sphere of light shoots out from Dark's left hand, impacting Duke Alaric, disappearing the lower part of his body, Blood and entrails fall to the ground, Dark violently turning his body cuts his head with the energy blade in his right hand.

All this in less than 1 second

[Master I estimate that the Duke's regeneration should regenerate everything in 3 seconds].

Hearing Ra's words, Dark kicks Duke Alaric's head which is suspended in the air.

-And he's gone!

Dark starts to run but is pierced by an energy sword.


Dark is surprised to see a violet energy sword piercing him.

Jumping forward he manages to escape, turning his head back he sees the body of Duke Alaric with one of his arms pointing at him and regenerating parts of his body.

-That's not enough!

Dark is horrified at the sight

[Master run! As long as you don't fully regenerate you won't be able to move easily]

Dark starts running through the forest without looking back, small energy Dragons were streaking through the skies impacting the ground, trying to attack Dark.

<< 85 seconds >>

Dark's body creaked, an intense pain ran through his entire body, even though he has healed his wounds, his body's resistance decreases abysmally.

(Ra gathers as much energy as you can)


If Dark surpasses Duke Alaric in anything it is in raw Energy, he possessed abysmal amounts of Energy.

Seconds pass while Dark runs and dodges the attacks directed at him.

-The forest is running out.

a murmur leaves Dark's lips.

As he exits the forest a great plain appears in front of his eyes.

<< 20 seconds >>

Ra's voice echoes in his head

(Damn I don't even know where I am).

Dark is frustrated by the situation, Looking towards the plain he begins to run.

(It would really be nice if he could learn to fly)

-I've had enough of this kid!

Duke Alaric appears and rises into the sky - I'm going to destroy everything!

Dark turns around only to find an immense amount of energy, a 30 meter sphere rising in the sky.

-Are you kidding me?" a cold sweat runs down Dark's forehead.

<< 10 seconds >>

[Energy charged and maxed out]


The 30 meter sphere falls towards Dark

<< 9 Seconds >>


Clasping his hands together in front of him, gathering all of Ra's stored energy and releasing it all at once.

<< 8 seconds >>

Two Energies collide Violently in the air.

Dark's body crunched, his bones breaking, blood gushing from all over his body.

<< 7 seconds >>


Duke Alaric's voice echoes in the place.

[I suggest doing a forced release, but it will shorten the master's life.]

(Do it!) Dark gives a cry in despair.

<< 6 Seconds >>

Duke Alaric releases more Energy and the sphere begins to advance towards Dark.

(Ra What's going on?) Dark asks in desperation as he feels the sphere's energy approaching him.

[The master's physical resistance is insufficient and he will die if he forces the release.]

<< 5 Seconds >>

Desperation was beginning to eat away at Dark.

(How much Energy is left?!!!)



Duke Alaric shouts victoriously.

<< 4 Seconds >>

-Shit, I can't resist!

Dark's arms were beginning to give out, almost instantly.

The Energy sphere falls on Dark and explodes, generating a large crater of 10 km long, disappearing all traces of life in the surroundings.

Duke Alaric stares at the large crater for a few seconds.

Laughing loudly, he walks away from the site of the explosion.