

{{"Find yourself to find the key, ask for help and bend the knee, take the weapon and then flee"}} TWO MALE LEADS STORY> To save Prince Ryan of the Valantiyan Kingdom from enemies, attacking and destroying the kingdom, by killing all the people, and consuming their blood to end the human line. On the command of the king, the Wizard teleports Prince to another world, a city called High valley through Magic Portal from an ongoing war… A town far from the city, where he meets a boy named Leo, and got shocked to know that the innocent boy look's just like him with the only difference in the color of his eyes, Leo struggles in every aspect of his life, but by some strong bond and destiny, Leo is the only person, who can help Prince Ryan to his quest to find the weapon that can kill the masters of monsters. The story shows, Leo as an ordinary boy with an intellectually great mind, which doesn't help him in the valley so much, as he gets bullied by seniors of his school and has only one friend Scarlet, also his crush. Most of the time Students make fun of him, but after the arrival of Price Ryan, things change for better in Valley for him. Prince Ryan asks for Leo's help to find the key, who has no idea what's going on, still they manage to find some clues and go on the Quest to find the Key and the weapon so they can save the Valantiyan Kingdom and humanity. ********************************************************************** Contexts Are: ******************************** *How'll they meet? *What happens when they meet? *How does Leo's Life change from the ground to the sky? *How Leo helps Ryan to find the key and weapon? *What happens when Leo gets into the Valantiyan Kingdom? ******************************** Read till chapter 4, to decide your interest. LET'S GET INTO IT-> cover from - Pinterest.com

MKT_jr · Fantasy
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14 Chs

A Peaceful Day

It was the next morning and the quiet one after the whole yesterday scenario. Leo and Ryan were asleep so was Lee.

Leo's eye opens, he turns his head to the right looking for the clock and then he wakes up. He sits on his bed, sees around, and yawns. He notices the quietness in the surroundings and looks outside from his window wondering. 'This is the kind of morning I want until my death. Oh, it's so beautiful and quiet. The morning is good, Now, please my dear god take care of my day!'.

He stands from the bed and starts walking towards his washroom. He completes his routine of refreshment and comes out of it. After a while, he comes out of his room and starts to walk the stairs, but suddenly remembers that Ryan is also in the front room of his room so he tends to check on him.

Leo opens the door of Ryan's room, slowly by handling the knob. We get a peek, he sees that Ryan was already woke and was looking outside the window, sitting on his bed, and thinking about something very deeply. Leo watches him for a while and then enters the room.

"Good morning, Ryan!" Leo greets Ryan boisterously.

Ryan turns around and greets back. "Wish you a very happy morning Leo."

"Why do you greet like that," Leo questioned Ryan's greeting as it was like someone's wishes on a festival or birthday.

"Like what?"

"Like it's some kind of a celebration or something."

Ryan with a profound smile answers Leo's question. "Isn't every day a cause for celebration until death? That is the reason we wish for every day to be happy in Valantiya."

"Wow! Sometimes you blow my mind." Leo said while walking towards Ryan as he was amazed by the meaning of the words that just came out of Ryan's mouth.

"So, what you up to?" Ryan asked Leo.

"Nothing, just regular routine, school and all," Leo replied after he sat beside Ryan.

"Oh, good! By the way, how is your Scarlet situation working?" Ryan asked with a grin on his face.

"Ahh… that! Yeah, kind of fine." Leo replied with low intensity which showed worry in his voice.

"What happened? Something wrong?" Ryan asked with concern.

"Nothing it's just, I don't want her to be a part of this misery and all that we are going through," Leo said meekly and continued. "You understand right? I have very few people around me and I just don't want them to be hurt, especially because of me."

"Yes-yes, totally! I know what Scarlet is to you, and I'll never do anything that can harm her." Ryan replied.

They were sitting in silence and there was some kind of peace that they wanted to stay in forever but they knew it will not going to happen. After a while, Ryan breaks the silence in the room.

"You love her that much? Aye!" Ryan asked all of sudden with a calm voice.

"I was 11 when fate decided to take my parents away from me, and I was 12 when I met her, or I can say that she met me. She was like an angel, came to cure the broken heart." Leo said meekly and continued. "She was very kind to me, I was the first one she talked to in the school and it's been 4 years since we became best friends."

"You still didn't answer, Leo. Do you love her?" Ryan was overwhelmed with the story but he sticks to his question so Leo can't get away this time.

"Well, I want her in my future if that's what you asking." Leo frowned.

"No, I am asking, do you love her? It's that simple." Ryan asserted back.

"Okay! I am getting late for school!" Leo fluttered.

Ryan chuckled out loud. "Ahh! Your face." He was amused by Leo's expressions.

"Okay, take care!" Leo says and starts to walk out.

"Yeah!" Ryan sighed.

Leo turns back and looks at Ryan, he realizes that Ryan is worried and he is deeply missing something. Leo thinks that Ryan must be missing his family or what else it could be. Leo walks to Ryan again.

"How many times have you been out in the valley?" Leo asks Ryan.

"Once or twice may be, why?"

"Then you should go out, the valley is great. In fact, I'll take you to my favorite place where I find peace the most in the whole New Valley." Leo said with excitement to cheer him up.

"But your school? You will miss it." Ryan frowned.

"Don't worry about the school, I already know what they will teach and I also need a break. But only one condition is there!" Leo pointed to Ryan's ability.

"What is that?"

"You won't use your power to get inside my head. My thoughts are personal and private so I want privacy on them." Leo shrugged.

"Of course!" Ryan with a smile promised him that he will not use his powers on Leo. "So where are we heading?" Ryan stands and wears his hoodie and all stuff to be unrecognizable as Leo and Ryan can't be seen together. They both start walking.

"The viewpoint top. It is great, high on hills, and we'll have to trek a bit for it but you will love it." Leo says while they were walking the stairs.

When they both came down, It was all silence. Lee and Wil were nowhere to be found in the house. Leo starts Shouting Lee's name and searches for him in every room downstairs.

"Where are they? They are nowhere to be found?" Leo said while aggressively searching the house.

"You don't need to worry about them, Wil must have taken him out for a walk," Ryan said with a calm voice while standing still in his place and following Leo by his eyes.

"Wil doesn't know anything about here."

"Yeah! But Lee knows, Right?" Ryan asserts.

"What's your point?" Leo exclaimed.

"The way you taking me out, maybe they both went too and you don't need to worry about Lee as long as Wil is with him. Wil isn't a protector without any skill, so stop worrying." Ryan speaks meekly to make Leo understand not to worry.

Ryan and Leo were talking and suddenly the main door opens.