

{{"Find yourself to find the key, ask for help and bend the knee, take the weapon and then flee"}} TWO MALE LEADS STORY> To save Prince Ryan of the Valantiyan Kingdom from enemies, attacking and destroying the kingdom, by killing all the people, and consuming their blood to end the human line. On the command of the king, the Wizard teleports Prince to another world, a city called High valley through Magic Portal from an ongoing war… A town far from the city, where he meets a boy named Leo, and got shocked to know that the innocent boy look's just like him with the only difference in the color of his eyes, Leo struggles in every aspect of his life, but by some strong bond and destiny, Leo is the only person, who can help Prince Ryan to his quest to find the weapon that can kill the masters of monsters. The story shows, Leo as an ordinary boy with an intellectually great mind, which doesn't help him in the valley so much, as he gets bullied by seniors of his school and has only one friend Scarlet, also his crush. Most of the time Students make fun of him, but after the arrival of Price Ryan, things change for better in Valley for him. Prince Ryan asks for Leo's help to find the key, who has no idea what's going on, still they manage to find some clues and go on the Quest to find the Key and the weapon so they can save the Valantiyan Kingdom and humanity. ********************************************************************** Contexts Are: ******************************** *How'll they meet? *What happens when they meet? *How does Leo's Life change from the ground to the sky? *How Leo helps Ryan to find the key and weapon? *What happens when Leo gets into the Valantiyan Kingdom? ******************************** Read till chapter 4, to decide your interest. LET'S GET INTO IT-> cover from - Pinterest.com

MKT_jr · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Origin OF ICE and FIRE

"Your brother? With enemies? Isn't that implicate that he is a traitor?" Leo exclaimed.

"We don't know that, and we can not judge him by one picture." Ryan reprimanded.

"C'mon Ryan, you know him, you know what he could do in anger and jealousy." Wil asserted Ryan the second he tried to defend Wil's brother.

"You doesn't seem very brotherly… to him?" Leo was dubious because it sounded very uncanny that a brother, instead of defending a brother, whining about him.

Wil removes his scarf from the neck. There was a scar on his neck, it looked more like a straight vertical cut made by a sharp knife. It was brown as it was very old but it seemed very serious as it was a deep cut covered with stitches

"I was eleven when he did this," Wil said furiously.

"Oh!" Leo's expression was filled with shock. "Why would someone do that to his brother?"

"I won the race, but he was an alpha of our so-called pack. From there I became the lone wolf." Wil asserted with a smoldering attitude.

Leo looked lamented and Wil dejected. There was an awkward silence in the room for a few seconds and Leo was still processing these incidents of brotherhood.

"Can we come to the point again?" taking their attention, Ryan turned to Leo and asked. "What else do you remember about this dream?"

"It was dark, somewhere in a jungle they were waiting for someone and then this boy arrived. He was covered with a long-big piece of cloth. They went on riding the moment he arrived and they stopped in front of a cave. The darkness was too much but one of them had a stone in his hand, and the light was coming out of it, it was so glittery that its Green glow penetrated the darkness and the one with the stone took him into that cave."

"You remember anything else about this dream?" Ryan asked with frown brows.

"The entrance was more like a tunnel but after few steps…" Leo ponders and walks to the pinboard. He picks out one of the many sketches from the board and showed it to Ryan and Wil. In the sketch, only the back of that boy was visible and he was standing In front of a man.

The man had a long wooden stick in his hand, it was coming to his shoulders and his whole face and body were covered with loose clothes. "Your brother met him, he bowed to this man, and then he gave something to him," Leo told them about the dream while he was still remembering it.

"What… what he gave to them?" Ryan asked boisterously, holding Leo's hand.

"Hey! Calm down, I am trying to remember. Please let me." Leo reprimanded.

"Sorry, but please Leo every piece of information is important to us," Ryan said with a calm voice.

"It was an attribute of some map, some important location they were talking about someplace, the origin of Ice and Fire… the name was edenwa…"

"Edenwalor!" Ryan completed the word in shock. Wil and Ryan looked amazed and bewildered at the same time.

"It means, Myths aren't just myths!" Wil said with flickered eyes.

"What do you guys talking about?" Leo frowned.

"They say there are multiple dimensions, multiple universes but only one source of FIRE and WATER. That place has the power to destroy everything to its last atom" Ryan took a pause "and everything means infinite worlds and infinite living creatures." Ryan stated all of that with a straight face and cold voice.

Leo swallowed in fear and asked. "Are you guys serious?" Leo was bewildered, it was more of a baffling situation for him and sounded far-fetched.

"That's not it. My father told me that this place has weapons and powers that can be used to destroy the inevitable." Wil stated the fact he had heard from his father.

Ryan and Leo found Wil's statement exigent at once they heard and it caught both of their attention. Leo looked at Ryan and Ryan nodded his head a single time. They reached the conclusion in just expressions that this is the place they are looking for as well.

"This is the place, Mr. Rega intended to tell you, Ryan," Leo said.

"Yeah! This is what my father meant too. We have to find this place." Ryan stated with a straight face and they both were looking at him.

After a while, they went to eat at the dinner table, where Leo cooked food and they all sat to eat. Lee was still staring at Wil and Wil passed a smile to Lee in the manner of friendship. Lee starts to eat so does everyone.

"How are we going to find this place?" Leo suddenly asked.

"I don't know yet, we have to figure it out," Ryan replied.

"Ah! What's with the food man, It is delicious." Wil said while enjoying the food.

"Thanks for the appreciation dude," Leo said.

"Dude? What is that?" Wil stopped eating and asked out of curiosity.

"It's a word you call someone close to you!" Ryan jumped to answer.

"Oh! It means I and Leo are good now." Wil said with a smile.

Leo looked both of them in and said shrugged "No, we are not! You'll have to earn the peace between us." And nodded once.

"Looks like both the owners aren't happy with me," Wil said meekly turning at Lee as well.


It was late at night, and Ryan and Leo were sleeping. Lee was laying on the stairs when Wil saw him while walking as he never sleeps. Wil came close to Lee and slowly sat beside him.

"Hey mate, How are you doing?" Wil asked while looking at Lee with flickered eyes.

Lee just avoided him replying and stayed the way he was. He ignored the initiative taken by Wil and continued to disgrace him.

"C'mon Lee, I am not that bad and, I am not an enemy for sure, I was just worried about Ryan. I didn't know whether he is doing fine or not, I had to find him." Wil said.

"Yeah! And now you are staying here." Lee replied.

"Oh, so that's what it is about. You are insecure about me." Wil said and frowned. Lee did not react to it at all which made it clear to Wil that it is the reason he was being so lousy about it.

"You know Lee, When Ryan was 12, he use to play with his other friends, which made me pretty jealous as well. There was a point when I couldn't even bear him to talk with others." Wil very calmly thinks about Ryan and his journey and tells it to Lee which grabs his attention too. "And then the big day came when Ryan has to pick his protector. Many Alphas with their packs and pride, the best swordsman of the kingdom, and the Greatest students of Mr. Rega's school were present. When Ryan's father aka King Robert asked him to pick his protector, among everyone present there, he named me." Wil's voice was getting deeper and his eyes were wet as well. He wipes his eyes and continued. "Ryan said that It's very overwhelming, The greatest of the great wants to be his protector but It was never a hard choice for him to pick me because no skills and greatness can overpower the loyalty of a friend. That day I realized, it doesn't matter how many people come into his life, he trusted me with his life, so the bond that we share will never disappear."

Lee heard all of that, he understood the thing that Wil was trying to implicate and he was touched by the story that Wil just told him. Lee puts his head on Wil's lap and says meekly. "Welcome to the family."