

{{"Find yourself to find the key, ask for help and bend the knee, take the weapon and then flee"}} TWO MALE LEADS STORY> To save Prince Ryan of the Valantiyan Kingdom from enemies, attacking and destroying the kingdom, by killing all the people, and consuming their blood to end the human line. On the command of the king, the Wizard teleports Prince to another world, a city called High valley through Magic Portal from an ongoing war… A town far from the city, where he meets a boy named Leo, and got shocked to know that the innocent boy look's just like him with the only difference in the color of his eyes, Leo struggles in every aspect of his life, but by some strong bond and destiny, Leo is the only person, who can help Prince Ryan to his quest to find the weapon that can kill the masters of monsters. The story shows, Leo as an ordinary boy with an intellectually great mind, which doesn't help him in the valley so much, as he gets bullied by seniors of his school and has only one friend Scarlet, also his crush. Most of the time Students make fun of him, but after the arrival of Price Ryan, things change for better in Valley for him. Prince Ryan asks for Leo's help to find the key, who has no idea what's going on, still they manage to find some clues and go on the Quest to find the Key and the weapon so they can save the Valantiyan Kingdom and humanity. ********************************************************************** Contexts Are: ******************************** *How'll they meet? *What happens when they meet? *How does Leo's Life change from the ground to the sky? *How Leo helps Ryan to find the key and weapon? *What happens when Leo gets into the Valantiyan Kingdom? ******************************** Read till chapter 4, to decide your interest. LET'S GET INTO IT-> cover from - Pinterest.com

MKT_jr · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Beautiful Valley

Lee and Wil entered. They were walking beside each other very friendly and Wil was laughing at something, Lee said. Wil and Lee stopped and found that Ryan and Leo were staring at them 5 steps away.

"Hey, Leo!" Wil said with a bewildered smile after controlling his laugh.

"Where did you take him without asking me?" Leo asked Furiously.

Lee woofed and said something instead of Wil. Leo looked at Lee while Ryan translated what Lee just said.

"He is saying that Wil did not take him but he took Wil." Ryan with a straight face took a pause and said meekly with frowned eyes. "Look Leo, you have to trust us if you let us stay here. Wil will never do something to you and Lee. He is arrogant and his emotions are very friendly as well. Once Wil considers someone a friend which he doesn't easily, he will not let happening anything to them. And trust me treachery is the last thing you expect from them."

Leo realizes that he was being paranoid without any reason so he apologizes to Wil.

"I am sorry Wil, I shouldn't have said that," Leo said meekly.

"I can understand Leo, you are histrionically emotional so let it go," Wil said with a smile.

"Wait what?" Leo said uncannily.

"Lee told him about the day you were crying for Scarlet" Ryan chuckled as he listened to what Wil just thought while saying that.

Wil was looking at Leo, smiling. Leo paused and closed his eyes in embarrassment and snorted. Leo opens his eyes and stares at Lee, Lee yawns and starts to walk upstairs after crossing Leo and Ryan.

"You have to stop doing that," Leo said while following Lee with his eyes when Lee passed him and continued from behind while Lee was walking stairs. "You can't tell everyone about it, you know right?" said out loud.

Leo turned and saw the laughing face of both Ryan and Wil.

"Funny Right?" Leo said with a glance at Ryan.

"No-no! it's not!" Ryan chuckled.

"Are we going or not?" Leo said to end this topic.

"You guys going somewhere?" Wil asked.

"Yeah, Leo is taking me somewhere. You want to come?" Ryan replied and asked back.

"No! I am good. You guys carry on" Wil replied.

Ryan narrowed his eyes at Wil mysteriously as he knew Wil's nature but Leo was happy that Wil is not going to be there. Leo starts to walk and Ryan starts to follow him after settling the mask on his face.

"Where are we going?" Ryan asked while walking beside Leo.

"The top! We call it. It's a place that I believe can also heal the broken ones. You just have to be aesthetic about it."

Ryan just nodded hearing this and keep walking.

After a while they reached the destination they were meant to be. It was an archway so as much as someone walks up, the visuals become visible. The area was filled with greenery, trees were everywhere and the ground was covered with grasses and due on top. On the right, there was a waterfall and its water was crystal clear. Ryan's eyes were flickering with open mouth, he was amazed by the beauty of The Top. The more he walks the more beautiful it was getting.

Ryan closes his eyes for a few seconds and takes a deep breath. Ryan stops and turns towards the waterfall the moment he sees that. He looks in the water after reaching there and takes off his mask. His face was clearly visible because the water from the waterfall was pure and clean. He was looking at his face when Leo came and stands beside him. Now, it was like the mirror image came out and stood with you to look in the mirror again.

Ryan and Leo were watching each other's faces in the river.

"How do we share this much of similarities Ryan?" Leo asked meekly.

"I don't know for the moment, but I will find it out one day for sure. It is very clear that it's not just a coincidence and I will reach to the bottom of it." Ryan said in a very confident and calm voice.

"So, how is the view?" Leo asked.

"It's beautiful, I am lacking words to describe its beauty. It feels like home."

"Well, if you lack here then I am sure you lost the words when I'll show you my favorite spot," Le said with excitement in his voice.

"There is more?" Ryan asked surprisingly looking at Leo.

"Follow me!"

Leo took him to the edge of the hill. The whole valley was visible from that point. Ryan's eyes flickered once again.

"Wow! I did not think, your place can be that beautiful." Ryan was stunned by the view he just witnessed.

They stood on the edge for a while and then sat there.

"Whom do you miss the most in Valantiya?" Leo asked in a lower voice.

"I guess my father!" Ryan replied in the same voice and asked. "What about you?"

Leo smiled and said. "I don't know, It is very hard to choose one between your parents I guess."

"I understand! When I was a child, I use to be with my mother all the time. I was scared of my father most of the time, but after a few years I started to understand that a mother's love protects you, Father's protects the whole family. Both sacrifices for you but you will never be able to know the sacrifices your father is doing for you and the family. In my father's case, he is taking care of the whole kingdom." Ryan asserted meekly.

"I Never thought like that," Leo said with an expression of deep thinking.

"You said you have a fight after a few days, right? Let's see what you got!" Ryan said boisterously.

"Right now? we don't need to do this you know!" Leo reprimanded with frowned eyes.

"Don't you want to win?" Ryan asked back.

"Well, yes I do but... "

"Everyone wants to be a winner until It comes to doing what winners do." Ryan narrowed his eyes at Leo and said with slow swings of his head.

"Wow! you using quotes now," Leo mumbled. "Okay, I am ready!"