
Uzumaki Touma

The story about a survivor from the main lineage of the Uzumaki Clan. Watch how his story unfolds and how his decisions changed some of the plot and journey of his first cousin Uzumaki Naruto. Uzumaki Medical and Sealing Nin, Taijutsu expert, Body Revival Technique, and 8 Gates. I don't own the art on the cover and I only took it from google.

Daoist_Exp_Gain · Others
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24 Chs

Transparent Escape Technique

After a few minutes of trying to break free from Jiraiya's hair, Touma resigned to his fate and just dispelled his clones and closed his chakra gates.

"You finally gave up eyy? Hahaha you won't be able to break through my technique, my hair is as strong as steel wires" Jiraiya said retracting his hair while posing with a smug look.

"What was that technique?! It was really cool! Will you really teach it to me?!" Touma asked excitedly.

"Hahaha Yes, Kushina told me you suck at elemental jutsus that's why you focused on taijutsu more. You won't have any mid-range and long-range attacks so I thought of teaching this to you." Jiraiya smiles proudly at the excited boy.

"Hooray! Let's start now! Let's start now!" Touma jumps excitedly.

"Easy there kid, Easy. We'll take this one step at a time. We'll practice getting your hair to elongate first then I'll teach you the variations and attacks. We'll start it next week." Jiraiya said with his hands on his hips.

"Next week? Why can't we start now?!" Touma complained with a pout.

"I'm going to teach you my technique that will makes you invisible first." Jiraiya said with a grin.

"Whoa?! Really?! The one you used at the bathhouse?!" Touma asked excitedly.

"Yes, the transparent escape technique!" Jiraiya declared proudly while posing.

"Alright! Hooray! I want to learn how to use it before we get home!" Touma yelled excitedly.

"Okay kid, my transparent escape technique is really special so I don't want you teaching this to anyone else alright?" Jiraiya said in a serious tone.

"Don't worry I won't! I promise!" Touma said with a grin.

"The Transparent Escape Technique, as I said to you last time I invented this technique to spy on wom- I mean on the enemies of our village. I developed this earlier on, it will allow you to spy on others without being noticed as it renders you invisible to the naked-eye. Unless the wearer has an activated eye dojutsu then they won't notice you are there." Jiraiya said proudly.

"Oh? Why can I still be discovered by those eye dojutsus? Aren't I invisible?" Touma asked with a confused face.

"Well kid, the technique will mask your external appearance but your chakra signature will still be there." Jiraiya said with a smile.

"Ah so that's why. I just need to hide my chakra signatures with the technique dad taught me to be totally invisible." Touma said barely audible.

"What was that kid?" Jiraiya asked with a confused face.

"No it was nothing old man, you can continue with the explanation." Touma said with a big grin.

"The technique in theory is rather simple, you have to only control the reflection of light around your body using chakra, causing your form, shadow, and even breathing to become invisible to the unaided eye. Seems simple but without ample concentration and proper chakra control it will be really hard to do." Jiraiya explained to Touma.

Jiraiya guided Touma with the mechanics of the technique and Touma continuously worked hard to learn it, and by the time it was night time Touma managed to execute the technique flawlessly.

"Great job kid. Now Let's go I'm taking you home" Jiraiya said with a grin.

"Alright! Let's go!" Touma said excitedly while activating the technique.

"Don't tell me you're gonna go home while wearing that technique?" Jiraiya facepalms while asking Touma.

"I'm gonna prank Neesan! She's gonna be so shocked when I come home invisible!" Touma snickers with a wide grin.

"Did he forget that Kushina was an uzumaki? With her keen chakra senses I doubt this kid will be able to hide from her. Oh well I'll just leave him to his stupidity then." Jiraiya thought while shrugging quietly.

"Hey old man! What's taking you so long?! Let's go already!" Touma shouted impatiently.

Jiraiya grins and proceeds to walk with Touma towards Kushina's apartment.


On Kushina's Apartment.

"Neesan I'm home!" Touma yelled excitedly.

Kushina went towards the door and was confused when she only saw Jiraiya, she could've sworn she heard Touma but he wasn't there.

"What's wrong Neesan?" Touma grinned.

Jiraiya winked at Kushina while gesturing to his left and Kushina somehow understood and proceeded to channel chakra to her eyes and looked through Jiraiya's left discreetly. There she saw Touma's chakra signature, with him somehow jumping around excitedly.

"Good evening Jiraiya-sama I could've sworn I heard Touma shouting earlier, have you seen where he had gone?" Kushina said while pretending not to know where Touma was.

"Hehe I'm right here Neesan! You can't see me? Hahaha I'm here! I'm here! I'm here" shouted Touma while repeatedly poking at Kushina

"Yeah, your invisible Touma. Stop poking me now." Kushina said with a smile.

"Hahaha you can't see me! Poke! Poke! Poke!" Touma laughs while continuosly poking Kushina.

"You can stop now Touma." Kushina said with a rather annoyed face.

"Poke! Poke! Poke!" Touma yells excitedly while bouncing left and right.

"Touma." Kushina says in a serious tone.

"You can't catch me! Poke! Poke! Pok-" before he can finish he was punched by Kushina knocking him out.

"You may have went a little too far with that punch Kushina." Jiraiya smiles wryly.

"Hmpf it was about time someone knocked some sense into this kid. He's becoming more and more naughty the past few weeks. Besides he has that ridiculous regenerating ability." Kushina said with a smug look.

"Yeah I guess you're right. Hey! I want to ask you something about Touma." Jiraiya says with a serious tone.

"Alright come in Jiraiya-sama we'll talk in the living room." Kushina says while proceeding to carry Touma to the living room.