
Uzumaki Touma

The story about a survivor from the main lineage of the Uzumaki Clan. Watch how his story unfolds and how his decisions changed some of the plot and journey of his first cousin Uzumaki Naruto. Uzumaki Medical and Sealing Nin, Taijutsu expert, Body Revival Technique, and 8 Gates. I don't own the art on the cover and I only took it from google.

Daoist_Exp_Gain · Others
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24 Chs

Sparring with the Sage

The giant frog repeatedly chewed on Touma and wiggled him inside his mouth while Touma shouts loudly in the background.

After 10 minutes...

"Alright Gamaken you can let him go now." Jiraiya said while laughing.

The Giant frog spat out Touma who was covered with goo-like saliva. Touma glared at Jiraiya as soon as he saw him and seemingly about to attempt to attack him.

"Hey kid hahaha don't try anything unless you want me let Gamaken chew you in his mouth again." Jiraiya said with sheepish grin.

"Damn you old pervert! This is going too far!" Touma said while fuming with anger.

"Everyone gets what they deserve right? This is what you get for tricking me kid." Jiraiya grins evilly.

Touma grits his teeth in annoyance and glares at Jiraiya more intensely.

"Ho ho ho it seems you're really angry, that's a lot different than your happy and determined expression when you were walking to get here." Jiraiya said in a gloating tone.

"You try getting chewed by a frog for 10 minutes let's see if you can still be happy." Touma complained with a scoff.

"Alright alright I'm sorry kid, don't worry I'm sure you won't be disappointed with what I'll be teaching you." Jiraiya said with a grin.

Touma slowly eases his expression and began to look at the sage expectantly.

"Hahaha before I teach you anything, let me see your progress first." Jiraiya said while smiling.

"Progress? You want to fight me?" Touma said with a smirk.

"Yeah, Let's go for a spar kid." Jiraiya grins.

"Okay! get ready to get beaten up old man!" Touma shouts excitedly.

"Alright when I say start we sta-"


Before Jiraiya can finish his words Touma shouts and throws a smoke bomb on the ground.

"Where the heck did you get that kid?!" Jiraiya was shocked that Touma had access to ninja tools.

Before he could ask anymore questions he found himself facing kicks and punches from six of Touma's clones. He caught two of them and proceeded to spin around to hit the others.

"Shadow clones? I guess you qualify of learning it because of your enormous reserves." Jiraya grins extensively.

His spinning causes a burst of wind that clear the smoke from Touma's bomb. As the smoke cleared Jiraiya was welcomed by hundreds of Touma's clones. Jiraiya was shocked at first but proceeds to grin afterwards.

"That's a lot of clones kid, but even if there are a lot of you it doesn't change the fact that you're a weakling" Jiraiya Laughs at the while repeatedly punching the oncoming clones.

Touma who was standing at the back of his clones was thinking of how to get over this dilemma.

"I haven't practiced this fully yet but it would be a good time to as any. Alright, Dispel!"

Touma shouted and dispelled almost all of his shadow clones.

"What happened kid? I was beggining to have fun beating up your clones." Jiraiya said with a teasing tone.

"My plan won't work if there are too much clones. I'll be fighting you with 6." Touma replied with a grin.

"Oh then let me see this plan you seem to have confidence in." Jiraya said with a grin.

"I wasn't sure it would even work at first but with my body's durability and some tweaking of the shadow clone jutsu I managed to succeed." Touma said with smirk.

"Are you ready guys?" Touma asked the others with a grin.

All of them nodded cheerfully.

"Alright! 1st gate: Gate of Opening!" All of them shouted.

"What? Opening the chakra gates? The clones won't be able to handle the strai-" but before he could finish Touma continued on.

"Open 2nd gate! Gate of healing!" Touma and his clones shouted more determined.

There were no external difference but all of his clones became stronger and more durable.

"Wha- what? How?!" Jiraiya asked rather shocked.

"Minato-Nii said shadow clones get dispersed when they take considerable damage so I worked to improve them to get them to conform to my body. Niisan said my chakra was different so I can make my clones different than normal shadow clones." Touma said with a smug face.

"What do you mean by different chakra?" Jiraiya asked rather confused.

"We'll talk later let's fight now! I can't keep this up for long!" Touma said impatiently.

"Alright I'll ask your cousin later then. Come at me boy!" Jiraiya said with a provoking grin.

Three of Touma's clones swiftly launched at him from different directions. While the other three separated and formed a ram seal.

They suddenly stopped and Jiraiya was shocked there were a lot of Touma's running around again.

"What is this? More clones? No, it's body flicker! Damn! This kid's a monster" Jiraiya was shocked at Touma.

"Here I come again old geezer!" Touma shouted excitedly.

Touma attacked but things turned out differently he was now starting to hit the sage. Whenever Jiraiya tries to block he finds what he intercepted was only an afterimage. So he made a sweeping kick around him while Touma dodges to get away.

"Hahaha This is troublesome kid, this would've been enough for a normal jounin. Sadly you still hit like a baby." Jirauya laughs.

"What? You didn't feel any of my punches at all?!" Touma replied while continuing to run around he was shocked at what the sage said.

"Hahaha You really taught you had the chance of beating me? You only know taijutsu basics and your strength hasn't even been full developed yet! It's like you were tickling me when you punch! Here let me demonstrate the technique that I'll be teaching you this month." Jiraiya said with a smirk.

"Wild Lion Mane Technique!" Jiraiya shouted and his already long hair got even longer and he spun it around to dispel the afterimages and bound Touma and his clones around his hair.

"Wha- what is this I can't escape! Why is this hair so damn strong?!" Touma shouted in annoyance as Jiraiya laughed loudly in the background.