
Usumgallu Chronicles

“Usumgallu Chronicles” is about the Ambrose Malachai's chosen sarras back and future stories. In this compilation, you will be able to witness accounts of their old or daily lives told using their own Point of Views (POVs) with or without the knowledge of their erstwhile master. = T H E C A S T = THE USUMGALLU: NICK GAUTIER: Clueless Suzerein or Uma-Šarru (leader) of the Usumgallu (generals) XEVIKAN DARAXERXES: Xenophobic Šarru-Dara (blood general and the key to Azmodea's gates) DAGON: Brooding Šarru-Gir (general which commands souls of dead) MALPHAS CALEB: Cantankerous Šarru-Namuš (death general) KODY: Righteous Ašû-Šarru (war general) AERON: Troublemaking Šarru-Tahazu (pestilence and disease general) NASHIRA: Conniving Šarru-Ninim (envy and conflict general) HELLHOUNDS / PETS?: ZAVID: Norse Aamon KAZIEL: Welsh Cwn Annwn VAWN: Irish Bean-Sidhe MEDDLING PRIMALS: MENYARA JADEN SET NOIR AZURA APOLLYMI

Delton_Ruu · Book&Literature
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Dilmon Part Two

Neratiti Island

Nick's fury was an understatement. He was livid. The Atlantean 'innocently' interfered with his set of plans for the nth time. What's worse? The latter won't listen to reason and the demon chthonian favored the Atlantean again over him. This was getting redundantly tiresome and all he and Forneus could do was stare at each other in exasperation. "Why won't both of you trust me on this for once, Sav? Having a little faith on me won't hurt any of you."

Acheron was about to say something but the Malachai gruffly cut him off. "And don't you dare say I'm not trustworthy. I silently acquiesced and complied to your guidance and orders over these past years. You never heard any complaints or contradictions from me even if most of the times said mothering was extremely suffocating. For once in your sanctimonious life you owe me THIS. I will REPEAT, the last time. Leave. The. Dilmun. Case. To. Me."

"You don't get to order or demand from me when it comes to the King of ALL dark and evil, Boy. It's Noir who we're dealing with. I can't let of all people, YOU just waltz in there and say ta-ta, I'm here!"

The leader of the Hell-Chasers ignored the Atlantean and focused his attention to the Chthonian. "Sav, I personally recommend we yield this matter to the Malachai. Allow him to prove that his loyalty belongs to us."

"Too risky. And I meant what Noir could possibly do once he detects his presence."

The demon dark hunter's blue eyes flared to neon red. A silent sign of his raging but now controlled temper. "For thousands of year-old geezers, you are both dense. I didn't say I will personally go there, Morons. I already have people doing that. What I am telling you, Dumbasses are to leave the dealings of that particular area to me. What's hard to understand there?"

"What? What people are you talking about?" Acheron fisted Nick's shirt and roughly pulled him so that they could see eye to eye. "Answer me."

"Let go of me, Asshole. You don't get to manhandle me because you can or feel like it. I'm not your dog," he growled in his demonic tone. When the Atlantean didn't budge, he used his telekinesis to grapple and bend the hand that held him. Face contorted for the unexpected pain, Acheron let go of Nick. When the Atlantean was about to come to him again to prove his point, Savitar intervened and pulled them apart.

"Enough." The Chthonian gave the Acheron a warning glare and silently glowered at the Malachai. "Explain."

"It's something I cannot disclose to you at the moment but I will when the right time comes," he later on shook his head. "Know what? Forget it. This discussion is running in circles and I am tired of it." Nick raised his hands in resignation. "Fine. Go ahead. Put your noses into my business as you usually do. Just don't blame me this time if you get your asses handed back to you once my people discover you're disrupting or interfering on the designated tasks I assigned them. They won't give you reprieve or mercy. Trust me. They are the type who seriously carries out their orders to the letter and they will mow you down if you get in their way."


"Don't Nick me Savitar. One look at you and I already know what and where your stand will be. I don't want to argue with you too," then he turned his back on them and walked towards the beach.

Savitar and Acheron helplessly watched Nick as he walked away from them. Seconds later, they turned and stared at Forneus. "What?" The Hell-chaser leader glared back.

"He changed. I can tell there's a lot going on in him that we don't know and understand. And that's what worries me. Since the Olympus incident, he's been different. It's like someone swapped our Nick with a Nick we haven't met yet. And I don't like it."

"That's because both of you are used to knowing the future and its possibilities. But with Nick, you are always second guessing. He's also unpredictable. A wild card. And we can't protect him forever. My father is persistent, gentlemen. Sooner or later he will eventually catch up with us. Then there's this malevolent but unidentified presence in the air I can feel and taste that is also after our demon. We're all fighting in the dark here. And I can see that only Nick can help us in this. So again, I'm saying, let's give him the chance he's long been asking us for and trust him."

Acheron finally let out a tiring sigh. "I think it is time we speak to Jaden."

Unknown to the three, Nick's been listening to their dialogue despite him appearing to have been walking along the serene shores. The demon dark-hunter secretly smirked at what Acheron said before he flashed away leaving Savitar and Thorn still discussing about heightening his security. Of all the primals to go to, he chose the Malachai's very own great, great, grandfather.