
Urban Knight

In the vibrant streets of Cebu City, Reese Urban leads a double life as the enigmatic Urban Knight. When a wave of strange occurrences threatens the city, Reese must confront these evil beings, uncovering dark secrets that challenge his resolve. With the help of his friends, Reese embarks on a perilous journey to save his city from destruction, facing danger at every turn. Urban Knight is a thrilling tale of action and adventure, where courage and strength are put to the ultimate test in the fight against evil.

SoLaR89 · Urban
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92 Chs

Chapter 77: Departure

Reese and Alex arrived back at the resort just past 4 p.m. As Alex parked the car, they saw Dwight walking towards them. Dwight was wrapped in full bandages, his face partially covered, but he was moving with a surprising amount of ease given the beating he had endured the previous night. Reese couldn't help but marvel at Dwight's resilience.

Before Dwight could get nearer, Reese turned to Alex. "Go ahead first," he instructed. Alex nodded, understanding the unspoken cue, and walked towards the main house.

As Dwight came closer, Reese stepped forward to meet him. "Is there something wrong?" he asked, noting the determined look in Dwight's eyes.

Dwight shook his head. "Not exactly wrong, but Mr. Ramirez wants us to go back to Cebu City."

Reese raised an eyebrow. "Why? What's the reason?"

Dwight sighed. "Mr. Barreto called Mr. Ramirez earlier and told him everything that happened last night. He thinks it's safer if we return to Cebu City."

Reese nodded, understanding the concern. "Alright, we'll leave tomorrow before 9:00 AM. Let's make sure we're prepared."

Dwight agreed, but Reese could see the tension in his friend's eyes. "You think there's more to this than just safety concerns?"

Dwight hesitated, then nodded. "Possibly. Mr. Ramirez seemed really worried. There might be more going on that we don't know about."

Reese considered this for a moment, then clapped Dwight on the shoulder. "We'll figure it out. For now, let's focus on getting ready for tomorrow."

Reese glanced at Dwight, noting his bandaged form. "How are you holding up, Dwight?"

Dwight shrugged with a faint smile. "I've had better days, but I'll live. These bandages make me look tougher than I feel. How about you? How's the superhero life treating you?"

Reese chuckled. "Busy, as always. Let's get back to the cottage and start packing."

When they arrived at their cottage, the setting sun cast a warm glow over the resort. The atmosphere was calm and peaceful, a stark contrast to the tension they had been dealing with.

Reese and Dwight started to pack their clothes and supplies, the simple task helping to clear their minds. Dwight folded his clothes neatly, while Reese methodically checked his gear and ensured they had everything they needed for the trip back to Cebu City.

"Ever thought we'd be doing something like this?" Dwight asked, placing a pair of shoes in his bag.

"Not in a million years," Reese replied, shaking his head. "But here we are, part of the adventure, I guess."

With their bags packed, they headed to the main house for dinner. The dining area was warm and inviting, filled with the aroma of delicious food. Chloe, Jasper, Alex, and his parents were already seated, and they greeted Reese and Dwight with smiles.

As they took their seats, Alex's mother looked at Reese with curiosity. "Reese, where were you earlier this afternoon? You seemed to be quite busy."

Reese smiled, taking a seat. "Just tying up some loose ends. Making sure everything is in order before we leave tomorrow."

Alex nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Reese had some business to take care of. Everything went smoothly, though."

Jasper looked relieved. "Glad to hear it. By the way, Reese, what time are we leaving tomorrow?"

Reese took a sip of his drink before responding. "We'll leave before 9:00 AM. It should give us enough time to get everything sorted and ensure we have a smooth trip back to Cebu City."

Jasper nodded, looking thoughtful. "Sounds like a plan. Do you need any help with the preparations?"

Reese shook his head with a smile. "Thanks, Jasper, but I think we've got it covered. Just make sure you and Chloe are ready to go by then."

Chloe looked at Reese with a hint of concern in her eyes. "Are you sure we're safe to travel? I mean, after everything that's happened…"

Reese gave her a reassuring nod. "I'm sure. We'll be careful, and we'll stick together. We just need to stay vigilant."

Alex's mother added, "If there's anything we can do to help, please let us know. We want to ensure everyone's safety."

Reese appreciated the support. "Thank you. I think we're all set, but I'll definitely let you know if anything comes up."

The conversation shifted to lighter topics as they continued their meal. The group shared more stories and laughter, enjoying the evening together despite the underlying tension.

After dinner, Reese and Dwight bid everyone goodnight and headed back to their cottage. The night was cool, and the stars twinkled brightly overhead.

"Think we'll get any sleep tonight?" Dwight asked with a grin as they reached the cottage.

Reese laughed softly. "Let's hope so. We've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow."


Reese and Dwight woke up before 6 AM, the first light of dawn just beginning to break. The air was cool and crisp, a gentle reminder of the early hour. They quickly got ready, and their movements were efficient and purposeful.

Shortly after, an employee delivered their breakfast. The spread was simple but hearty: fluffy scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, fresh tropical fruits like mangoes and pineapples, and warm, freshly baked pandesal. There was also a pot of strong, aromatic coffee that filled the cottage with a rich, inviting scent.

They sat down to eat, savoring the delicious meal. The bacon was perfectly cooked, and the eggs were light and creamy. The sweetness of the fruits provided a refreshing contrast, and the pandesal was still warm, its soft texture a comforting start to the day.

After finishing their breakfast, Reese and Dwight packed up their belongings and headed to the main house to meet with Jasper, Chloe, Alex, and Alex's parents. The group was already gathered, ready for their departure.

Alex's parents stepped forward; their expressions were a mix of concern and fondness. "Thank you for everything, Reese," Alex's mother said warmly. "You've been a tremendous help."

Reese smiled and shook their hands. "It was my pleasure. Thank you for your hospitality."

Jasper, Chloe, and Dwight also said their goodbyes, expressing their gratitude. Alex's parents gave each of them a warm farewell, wishing them a safe journey.

"Take care," Alex's father added. "And if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to reach out."

With their goodbyes said, Alex led the group to the car and drove them to the Santa Fe port. The drive was quiet but comfortable, with the early morning sun casting a golden glow over the landscape.

When they arrived at the port, they got out of the car and headed towards the ticket booth. The port was already bustling with activity, with travelers and workers moving about with purpose. Reese and the others purchased their tickets; the process was smooth and uneventful.

As they prepared to board the ferry, Jasper, Chloe, and Dwight said their goodbyes to Alex. "Thanks for everything, Alex," Jasper said, shaking his hand. "We'll see you soon."

Chloe hugged Alex, her voice soft. "Take care, Alex. And thank you for everything. I'll see you next month."

Alex nodded with a smile on his face. "Of course, Chloe. I'll visit you next month. Take care."

Reese was the last to say goodbye to Alex. He shook Alex's hand firmly, then leaned in to whisper, "Make sure to inform Mr. Fernandez to come to Cebu City with you. I need his help with something important."

Alex nodded, understanding the gravity of the request. "Got it, Reese. I'll take care of it."

With that, Reese joined the others, and they boarded the ferry. As the ferry pulled away from the dock, they watched Alex wave from the shore, the distance slowly growing between them.

Once aboard, they found their assigned seats and settled in. Reese glanced at his watch; it was only 9:40 AM. He estimated they would arrive at Hagnaya Port around 11 a.m. or so. Turning to the others, he shared his plan.

"We should be at Hagnaya Port by 11 a.m.," Reese said. "How about we take our lunch at my house in Bogo City? It's not too far from the port."

Jasper's eyes widened in surprise. "Your house? You're from Bogo City?"

Chloe looked equally astonished. "I had no idea! That's awesome, Reese."

Dwight grinned, nudging Reese with his elbow. "Keeping secrets, are we?"

Reese chuckled. "Well, Bogo City is my hometown. My family will be happy to have you all for lunch."

Chloe smiled warmly. "It'll be nice to see where you grew up. I'm looking forward to it."

Jasper nodded in agreement. "Me too. It'll be a nice break before we head back to Cebu City."

Dwight leaned back in his seat, a content smile on his face. "Sounds like a plan. I've always wanted to see more of Bogo City. Plus, I've heard the food there is pretty great."

Reese laughed. "You won't be disappointed. My mom's cooking is the best. She'll make sure we're well-fed before we continue our journey."

As the ferry sailed smoothly towards Hagnaya Port, the group continued to chat, sharing stories and enjoying the peaceful journey. The thought of visiting Reese's hometown added a sense of excitement and anticipation, making the trip even more special.