
Urban Knight

In the vibrant streets of Cebu City, Reese Urban leads a double life as the enigmatic Urban Knight. When a wave of strange occurrences threatens the city, Reese must confront these evil beings, uncovering dark secrets that challenge his resolve. With the help of his friends, Reese embarks on a perilous journey to save his city from destruction, facing danger at every turn. Urban Knight is a thrilling tale of action and adventure, where courage and strength are put to the ultimate test in the fight against evil.

SoLaR89 · Urban
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92 Chs

Chapter 78: Back Home

When they arrived at Hagnaya Port, the group disembarked, blending into the bustling crowd of travelers. They headed straight to the van that Dwight had left on the day they arrived. Once everyone was settled in, Reese took out his phone to call his parents.

"Hey, Mom," Reese said when his mother answered. "I'm coming home today. I've got some friends with me, and we'll be there for lunch."

His mother's voice was warm and enthusiastic. "Oh, that's wonderful, Reese! It's been a while since we had a full house. I'll prepare a feast. Your father will be thrilled to see you."

Reese smiled, feeling a wave of nostalgia. "Thanks, Mom. We'll see you soon."

After hanging up, Reese dialed his brother's number. It rang a few times before Ryan answered, sounding a bit groggy. "Hey, Kuya. What's up?"

"Hey, Ryan," Reese greeted. "I'm coming home today with some friends. Make sure you're there. Mom's preparing lunch for us."

Ryan's voice perked up. "Seriously? That's awesome! No worries. It'll be good to see you."

"Great," Reese replied. "See you soon, bro."

Reese hung up and turned to Dwight, who was in the driver's seat. "Alright, Dwight, just follow my directions, and we'll be there in no time."

The van set off from Hagnaya Port, and Reese guided Dwight through the scenic roads leading to Bogo City. The journey was pleasant, with the landscape changing from coastal views to lush greenery and bustling small towns.

As they approached Bogo City, Reese pointed out familiar landmarks and shared stories from his childhood, making the drive enjoyable and engaging for everyone.


When they arrived at Reese's house, they found a modest yet inviting home with a well-kept garden and a cozy front porch. The house had a simple charm, painted in soft, warm colors, with flowering plants lining the walkway. It was an average-sized home, but it exuded a sense of warmth and family.

As they got out of the van and walked towards the front door, Reese turned to Jasper and Chloe with a slightly apologetic smile. "I know it's not much, just an average house, but I hope it's okay."

Chloe shook her head, smiling warmly. "Reese, it's perfect. It's not about the size of the house; it's about the people inside."

Jasper nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Reese. This place feels really welcoming. Don't worry about it."

Reese felt a sense of relief and gratitude for their understanding. He led them to the front door, which opened before they could knock. Reese's parents, Robert and Rema, stood there with wide smiles.

"Honey!" Rema exclaimed, pulling her son into a tight hug. "It's so good to see you!"

Robert clapped Reese on the back. "Welcome home, son."

They then turned their attention to Reese's friends, their eyes widening slightly in surprise. They had expected kids around Reese's age, not young adults in their twenties. However, they quickly recovered and welcomed everyone warmly.

"These are my friends," Reese began. "This is Jasper, Chloe, and Dwight."

Rema smiled warmly. "Welcome to our home! It's lovely to meet you all."

Robert nodded. "Any friend of Reese is a friend of ours. Come on in; make yourselves at home."

As they stepped inside, they were greeted by the sound of footsteps rushing down the stairs. Ryan, Reese's younger brother, came bounding down with an excited grin. "Kuya! You're back!"

Reese laughed and ruffled Ryan's hair. "Hey, kiddo. Good to see you. These are my friends, Jasper, Chloe, and Dwight."

Ryan shook hands with each of them, his enthusiasm infectious. "Hi, I'm Ryan. Nice to meet you all!"

After the warm greetings, Rema led the group to the kitchen, where a feast was already laid out on the table. The aroma of the food filled the air, making everyone's mouth water. The table was covered with a variety of Filipino dishes: crispy lechon, pancit, adobo, sinigang, and a colorful array of fresh fruits like mangoes and bananas. There were also bowls of steaming rice and freshly baked pandesal.

"Wow, this looks amazing," Chloe said, her eyes wide with delight.

"Thank you for this wonderful spread," Jasper added appreciatively.

Rema beamed. "It's our pleasure. Please, help yourselves."

They all gathered around the table, and the atmosphere was filled with laughter and chatter as they enjoyed the delicious meal. 

The conversation flowed easily, touching on various casual topics, from favorite foods to childhood memories. Ryan, always full of energy, suddenly sat up straighter, his eyes bright with excitement.

"Did you guys hear about the incident at SM Seaside last Sunday?" Ryan asked, almost bouncing in his seat.

Jasper leaned forward, clearly intrigued. "Oh yeah, I saw that! It was insane! People were talking about explosions and this humanoid winged figure and the black human figure. It looked like something straight out of a movie!"

Reese was taken aback, not expecting Jasper to be so excited about it. "You watched it too, Jasper?"

Jasper nodded eagerly. "Yeah, man. It was all over the news and social media. People were going crazy trying to figure out what it was. Some think it was a stunt or some kind of government experiment."

Ryan chimed in again, his enthusiasm infectious. "There was this part where you could see the figure flying away, and then boom, a human black figure landed on the winged figure. I kept replaying it, trying to catch every detail. It was epic!"

Reese's father, Robert, who had been listening quietly, finally spoke up, his tone more somber. "It's troubling, really. Events like these can signify something much deeper. We don't know what kind of forces are at play or what it could mean for our safety. It's not just an exciting spectacle; it could be a warning."

The mood around the table shifted slightly, the gravity of Robert's words sinking in. The laughter and lighthearted conversation were momentarily replaced by a contemplative silence.

Reese couldn't help but think back to the illusion he had gone through during the test of Lakan, where he saw his parents and friends getting slain by the League of Shadows. The vivid memories of the challenges and the insights he gained played through his mind. He realized he needed a plan to ensure his true identity remained hidden, especially with the League of Shadows potentially on the lookout.

After lunch, Reese led everyone to the living room. "Mom, Dad, Ryan, can you follow me to the back? I need to talk to you."

Rema and Robert exchanged confused glances, while Ryan looked curious. "Sure, son," Robert said, standing up. "Let's go."

Reese turned to Jasper, Chloe, and Dwight. "Can you guys stay here for a bit? I'll be back after I talk with my family."

Jasper nodded. "Take your time, Reese."

Chloe smiled reassuringly. "We'll be here."

Dwight gave a thumbs-up. "No rush, man."

Then Reese followed his parents and brother to the backyard for something important.

In the living room, Jasper and Chloe were chatting about random topics while Dwight kept flipping through TV channels, looking for something interesting to watch. Suddenly, a news report caught his attention, and he stopped changing the channel.

"Guys, quiet! Listen to this," Dwight said urgently.

Baffled, Jasper and Chloe stopped talking and turned their attention to the TV. On the screen, a news anchor from GMA was speaking with a serious expression.

"We interrupt our regular programming to bring you breaking news. There has been a reported sighting of a manananggal in the Fuente Osmeña area last night. That's right folks, an honest to God manananggal. Witnesses describe the creature was flying through the night sky for about a minute."

The screen was cut to shaky footage taken by a bystander, showing a shadowy figure with bat-like wings gliding above the city. The eerie, half-human form sent shivers down their spines.

As Jasper, Chloe, and Dwight were immersed in the news, Reese and his family returned to the living room. They caught the end of the report and stood in stunned silence.

Reese's heart raced as he processed what he was hearing. "A manananggal... in Cebu City?"

Robert, his face lined with worry, spoke up suddenly. "First, it was the winged creatures at SM Seaside, and now a manananggal in Fuente Osmeña. What's happening in Cebu City?" 

Reese's mind raced as he processed the information. 'It must be the League of Shadows behind this again,' 

Reese took a deep breath and turned to his parents. "Mom, Dad, we need to head back to Cebu City now."

Rema looked worried, but she nodded in understanding. "Be careful, honey. The city isn't safe right now."

Robert placed a hand on Reese's shoulder. "Promise us you'll be careful. And come back to visit when you can."

Reese nodded, determination in his eyes. "I promise. I'll be back as soon as I can."

He turned to Jasper, Chloe, and Dwight. "Let's get going."

They all said their goodbyes, with Rema and Robert hugging Reese tightly. "Take care, son," 

Ryan hugged his older brother, looking up at him with admiration. "Come back soon, Kuya. We'll miss you."

Reese ruffled Ryan's hair affectionately. "I'll miss you too, kiddo. Take care of Mom and Dad for me."

With one last wave, Reese, Jasper, Chloe, and Dwight left the house and headed towards their vehicle.