
Urban Knight

In the vibrant streets of Cebu City, Reese Urban leads a double life as the enigmatic Urban Knight. When a wave of strange occurrences threatens the city, Reese must confront these evil beings, uncovering dark secrets that challenge his resolve. With the help of his friends, Reese embarks on a perilous journey to save his city from destruction, facing danger at every turn. Urban Knight is a thrilling tale of action and adventure, where courage and strength are put to the ultimate test in the fight against evil.

SoLaR89 · Urban
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92 Chs

Chapter 76: Magician

Forty minutes later, Alex and Reese arrived at the warehouse. As they pulled up to the secluded location, Alex's confusion grew. "Why are we here? This place gives me the creeps," he admitted, a hint of fear in his voice.

Reese noticed Alex's unease and offered reassurance. "Relax, Alex. This is where the kidnappers brought Chloe last night."

Hearing this, Alex sighed in relief. "Alright, that makes sense."

Reese then turned to Alex. "Do you want to come with me, or would you prefer to stay here?"

Alex hesitated for a moment but then nodded. "I'll come with you."

Reese smiled approvingly. "Alright, let's go."

They exited the car and approached the warehouse. The atmosphere was tense, and the memory of the previous night's events was still fresh in Reese's mind. He pushed open the door, and they stepped inside.

Mr. Fernandez was waiting for them, standing near the bound men. He gave Reese a respectful nod. "Welcome back, Reese."

Reese acknowledged him with a nod and turned to the men. Their faces were a mixture of fear and hatred as they saw Reese. "You remember what I said to Mr. Fernandez last night?" Reese asked the leader, his voice calm but firm.

The leader's face drained of color as he stammered, "Y-yes. We remember."

Reese's expression hardened as he addressed the group. "You have two choices: follow me and obey my orders, or face the consequences. The choice is yours, but know that defiance will not be tolerated."

Reese hated playing the role of the enforcer. These men needed to believe he was capable of anything, even if he didn't want to hurt them. Scaring them was the only way to ensure they wouldn't cause more trouble. 

Without hesitation, the fourteen men murmured their agreement, fear evident in their eyes. They had witnessed Reese's power firsthand and knew better than to challenge him again. Alex watched this unfold, his skepticism melting away. The men's immediate submission confirmed that Reese had indeed been telling the truth about what happened the previous night.

However, the leader of the men remained defiant, his eyes narrowing with a mix of fear and anger. Reese stared at him, his gaze piercing. "Oh, you don't want to follow me?"

The leader swallowed hard, but his defiance remained. "Why should I? We don't even know who you really are. You're just a kid. How can we trust you? What makes you any different from the others who try to control us?"

Reese's expression didn't change. He took a step closer to the leader, his presence commanding. "What makes me different is that I don't need to resort to fear to lead. I have the power to protect and to destroy. I give you a chance to choose because I believe everyone deserves a chance. But make no mistake, if you defy me, you will face the consequences."

The leader's bravado faltered as he looked into Reese's eyes. The certainty and strength he saw there shook his resolve. He glanced at the other men, who were already cowering, and realized he was alone in his defiance.

Alex, witnessing the scene, felt a shiver run down his spine. The ease with which the men had submitted and the leader's hesitant defiance made him fully grasp the gravity of Reese's abilities. There was no longer any doubt in his mind that Reese had been telling the truth about the events of the previous night.

Reese continued to stare at the leader, unyielding. "This is your last chance. Make your decision."

The leader's shoulders slumped, and he finally nodded, his voice barely a whisper. "Alright. I'll follow you."

Reese nodded in satisfaction. "Good. Remember this moment. The choice you make now defines your future." He then turned to Mr. Fernandez. "Unbind them." 

Mr. Fernandez immediately complied, untying the men one by one. The men stood up, rubbing their wrists and casting wary glances at Reese. Once they were all free, Reese looked at them with a steady gaze.

"Now that you've chosen to follow me, I won't mistreat you," Reese said, his voice firm but fair. "As a token of my commitment, I will give you something to show that I am a man of my word."

Reese closed his eyes for a moment, focusing his energy. He reached into the Amethyst Orb, and with a subtle motion, he began to draw out treasures. Gold coins, sparkling jewels, and ornate artifacts materialized in his hands, glistening in the dim light of the warehouse.

The men's reactions were immediate and unified. Every single one of them, including Alex, stood with their mouths wide open, their eyes bulging in disbelief. They stared at Reese, astonished by the treasures that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. It was as if they were watching a miracle unfold right before their eyes.

"How did he do that?" one of the men whispered, his voice filled with awe.

"Is he some kind of magician?" another muttered, unable to tear his eyes away from the treasures.

Reese looked at his new followers, a slight smile playing on his lips. "These treasures are yours as a sign of my promise to treat you well. Use them wisely."

He then began to distribute the treasures among the men, handing each of them a share. As they received their portions, their expressions shifted from disbelief to gratitude. They bowed their heads slightly, murmuring their thanks, their previous hostility replaced by a newfound respect for Reese.

While distributing the treasures, Reese caught a glimpse of Alex's reaction. Alex's eyes were wide with shock and curiosity. Once Reese finished with the men, he turned to Alex.

"I will give you some treasures as well, Alex," Reese said, holding out a handful of gleaming jewels. "As long as you follow me."

Without hesitation, Alex nodded. "Yes, Reese. I'll follow you."

Reese laughed a little at Alex's quick agreement and handed him the treasures. "Good. Keep these safe. They might come in handy."

Alex accepted the treasures, still reeling from the events of the past few minutes. He looked at Reese with a mix of admiration and amazement. "Thank you, Reese. I won't let you down."

After giving Alex the treasures, Mr. Fernandez approached Reese with a curious expression. "Reese, are these the treasures from the statue of Lakan?"

Reese nodded, then patted Mr. Fernandez on the shoulder, offering a brief moment of reassurance. "I know your predicament is tough, but things will get better."

Turning serious, Reese faced the men. "Are you really Mr. Fernandez's men?" he asked, his tone firm.

The men, including the leader, didn't hesitate to respond. "No, sir. We are Councilor Michael Villanueva's men. Our boss told us to come here and assist Mr. Fernandez," the leader explained.

Reese was thoughtful for a moment, considering their words. Then he made a decision. "I want you to go back to your old boss and pretend you are still loyal to Mr. Villanueva and provide me with any information regarding their plan against Mr. Ramirez."

The leader of the men looked at Reese, a question in his eyes. "What should we tell Mr. Villanueva if he asks what happened here?"

Reese held up a hand. "First, I need to know your names."

The men introduced themselves one by one, with Reese observing their appearances closely. Ramon, the leader, was a tall man with a muscular build and a scar running down his left cheek. Diego, with his short-cropped hair and sharp features, looked every bit like a street-smart survivor. Luis, with his thick beard and intense eyes, had an air of quiet strength. Javier, the lean and agile one, seemed like he could move through shadows unnoticed. Mateo, the youngest of the group, had youthful energy and a determined look.

Carlos, with his broad shoulders and intimidating presence, stood next to Antonio, who had a calm demeanor and a well-groomed appearance. Victor, with his piercing brown eyes and rugged looks, exuded a sense of resilience. Raul, the tallest among them, had a stoic expression and a powerful build. Enrique, with his mischievous grin, looked like someone who enjoyed a good challenge.

Felipe, with his neatly combed hair and confident stance, seemed like a natural leader. Jorge, the quiet one, had an analytical gaze, always observing his surroundings. Hernan, with his scarred knuckles and hardened expression, looked like a seasoned fighter. Manuel, with his wiry frame and quick reflexes, seemed ready for anything. Lastly, Pedro, with his calm eyes and composed demeanor, gave off an air of quiet authority. 

Reese nodded as he memorized their names. Then he addressed them with clear instructions. "Tell him the truth about the powerful bodyguard's intervention, but leave out any specifics about me. Focus on the confusion and the sudden appearance of the bodyguard. Make it sound chaotic and overwhelming." 

The men nodded, understanding the plan. They realized that Reese's strategy was their best chance to stay undercover and keep themselves safe.

Ramon, the leader, looked at Reese with newfound respect. "We will do as you say, boss. We won't let you down."

Reese nodded. "Good. Be careful and make sure to stay in contact. We need to know what Mr. Villanueva is planning."

As the men began to prepare to leave, Alex watched the scene unfold with a mix of curiosity and respect. Reese's ability to command and strategize was impressive, and Alex felt more confident in his decision to follow Reese.

Reese turned to Alex. "Let's head back. We've done what we needed to do here." 

As they got back into the car and drove away, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of awe for Reese's leadership. With Reese at the helm, he felt they could face whatever challenges lay ahead.