
Urban Cultivation Journey

53492 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the school campus as the students made their way back to their classroom. The chatter and laughter of excited children filled the air as they eagerly shared stories from their summer. It had been a long day of reconnecting with old friends and making new ones. Now, as the classroom door swung open, everyone returned to their seats, their anticipation building for what was to come.

Teacher Li, a kind and patient woman in her forties, stood at the front of the room. She smiled warmly at her students, their expectant gazes fixed upon her. "Good afternoon, everyone," she began. "I hope you've all had a good day. Now, I have an important announcement to make."

The room fell into a hush as Teacher Li continued. "Tomorrow, we will be deciding the sitting order for the classroom. I know many of you have friends you'd like to sit next to, and we will take that into consideration. So, be prepared to share your preferences with me tomorrow."

The students nodded eagerly, their minds already racing with thoughts of where they would sit. Teacher Li could sense their excitement and added, "But for now, let's focus on today. Class is dismissed, and we will reconvene tomorrow at 8 am. Have a good evening, everyone."

With those final words, the children eagerly packed up their belongings and prepared to leave for the day. However, Teacher Li had one more instruction. "Those of you who will be living in the school dormitory, please follow me," she said, motioning for the group of approximately 20 children who called the dormitory their home.

Among them were Ye Xuan and Wei Chen, two boys who had become close friends during their time at the orphanage. They knew that living in the dormitory meant they would only be able to return to the orphanage on holidays. Nonetheless, they were determined to make the most of their new living arrangements and seize every opportunity that came their way.

The group followed Teacher Li, walking a short distance until they reached the school gate. To their surprise, the head teacher turned and continued walking for another 50 meters. Before them stood a large, old-looking building, with a guard booth stationed in front. The children's curiosity grew as Teacher Li led them through the building's entrance.

Inside, they found Aunt Peng and several other adults waiting for them. Standing beside them was a woman in her late 50s, whom Teacher Li engaged in a brief conversation. The children watched, wondering what the discussion entailed. Soon enough, their curiosity was satisfied as they were allocated to their respective rooms.

Ye Xuan and Wei Chen were thrilled to discover that they would be sharing a room together. Joining them were two other classmates, Pei Huang, who had a round, chubby face, and Lao Bao, who was as thin as a bamboo pole. Their room was located on the second floor of the building, and Aunt Peng, accompanied by the parents of Pei Huang and Lao Bao, led the way up the stairs.

As Ye Xuan stood at the doorway, he looked into their future home before him. On the other side of the room was a big window, he could see the world outside. Two bunk beds were positioned on the left and right sides of the window, separated by a table with four chairs. Wardrobes stood next to each bed, offering storage space for their belongings.

To the left of the entrance, a second door revealed a bathroom. Inside, a toilet, shower, and sink awaited the children's use. It was modestly equipped and old looking.

Ye Xuan and Wei Chen quickly claimed the beds on the left side of the room, while Lao Bao and Pei Huang settled on the right. Their parents, along with Aunt Peng, helped organize the children's clothes in the wardrobes and placed sanitary products in the bathroom. As the adults bid their farewells and left the room, the children excitedly began introducing themselves to one another.

Ye Xuan, Wei Chen, Pei Huang, and Lao Bao formed an instant bond, their laughter, and conversations filling the room.

Later that day, as the evening approached, the children were called for dinner. They gathered in the dining hall. The chatter continued as they enjoyed their meal.

Nightfall descended upon the dormitory, signaling that bedtime had arrived. The children, exhausted from the day's excitement, prepared to rest their weary bodies. Ye Xuan, Wei Chen, Pei Huang, and Lao Bao bid each other goodnight, their voices filled with exhaustion.

As they settled into their respective beds, the children drifted off to sleep, a new chapter in their lives had begun, Ye Xuan sat up and continued to meditate for about an hour, but the sounds of rustling sheets and occasional snores from his roommates disrupted his concentration. The environment wasn't conducive to the stillness he sought.

Frustration crept into Ye Xuan's mind as he struggled to maintain his focus. He realized that he needed a space where he could retreat to find the serenity required for meditation. Thoughts of exploring the school grounds in search of a suitable place began to form in his mind. Tired, he went to bed and fell asleep.