
Urban Cultivation Journey

53492 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

It was a crisp Monday morning, and Aunt Peng was up bright and early, waking Ye Xuan and his friend Wei Chen at 6 am. The day was filled with anticipation as they headed to No. 5 Elementary School for the first day of their journey as first-graders.

As he arrived outside the orphanage, he saw Wei Chen. He stood there carrying a small schoolbag with Donald Duck on it, his schoolbag had Mickey Mouse on it.

At 7 am, Aunt Peng, Ye Xuan, and Wei Chen boarded a crowded public bus to reach their destination. The bus ride proved to be a test of patience as they navigated through the congested streets. After over an hour, they finally arrived at 8:20 am, just in time for the scheduled 9 am welcome ceremony.

As they stepped off the bus, they noticed that No. 5 Elementary School appeared weathered and worn, as if it had stood there for generations. Determined to find their way, they approached a friendly and well-presented woman in her early thirties who was standing at the entrance of the school gate. They politely asked her for directions, and she kindly guided them to the welcoming hall.

The welcoming hall was immense, with a grandeur that impressed Ye Xuan and Wei Chen. At the far end of the hall, a platform adorned with ten seats stood empty. Spotting the available seats, they quickly made their way towards them and settled down, eagerly awaiting the start of the ceremony.

As 9 am approached, the seats under the stage began to fill up rapidly. Around 300 children of Ye Xuan and Wei Chen's age, accompanied by their proud parents, found their spots. Ye Xuan's eyes darted curiously around the room, trying to take in the scene. Suddenly, ten individuals entered the hall and gracefully walked towards the platform.

Ye Xuan recognized them as the principal, vice principal, and their future homeroom teachers. Each person took their place on the platform, radiating an air of authority and kindness. Ye Xuan felt a mix of excitement and nervousness as he realized that these were the individuals who would guide and shape their academic journey.

The principal stepped forward and welcomed everyone to No. 5 Elementary School. Her speech was filled with warmth and encouragement, reassuring the children and their parents that they were in good hands. The vice principal followed, emphasizing the importance of education and the school's commitment to fostering a nurturing environment.

Finally, their future homeroom teachers introduced themselves one by one. Ye Xuan listened attentively as they shared their names and expressed their excitement to embark on this new chapter with their students. Their words reassured Ye Xuan, and he felt a sense of comfort knowing that he would have caring teachers by his side.

The welcome ceremony continued with various activities and performances, showcasing the talents and creativity of the older students.

Once the principal finished introducing the subjects for the school year, the atmosphere in the hall became a mix of anticipation and nervousness. Students eagerly awaited the announcement of their homeroom teachers, hoping to be placed in the same class as their friends. Among them was Ye Xuan, he hoped to be classmates with his best friend, Wei Chen.

As the first homeroom teacher stood up, a wave of excitement and tension swept through the hall. He began calling out names, one by one, and each time he mentioned a student's name, they would obediently rise from their seats. Ye Xuan's heart raced as he anxiously waited for his name to be called.

Finally, the fifth head teacher, a woman in her 40s, stood up and began calling out the last set of names. As Ye Xuan listened attentively, his heart skipped a beat when he heard Wei Chen's name echoing through the hall. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the teacher called out Ye Xuan's name. Relief washed over him, and he let out a sigh of joy. His wish had come true, as he would be in the same class as his dear friend Wei Chen. The two boys exchanged excited glances, their smiles growing wider.

They said goodbye to Aunt Peng and prepared to go forward.

With all the names called out, the children gathered at the front of the hall. The teacher, pleased to see everyone assembled, smiled and motioned for them to follow. With a sense of unity and excitement, the students obediently trailed behind their respective homeroom teachers as they left the hall.

As the students stepped outside the echoing hall, they found themselves gathered in of the hall. The headteacher, a woman in her 40s, emerged from the crowd, her presence commanding attention. Her name was Li Xiaomu, and she exuded an air of confidence and enthusiasm as she introduced herself.

With a smile that reached her eyes, Li Xiaomu spoke with a melodic voice that immediately captivated the students. She gracefully shared her passion for teaching Chinese, her words punctuated by gestures that conveyed both warmth and authority. The students listened intently, their curiosity piqued by the prospect of learning from such a charismatic educator.

With the introductory pleasantries concluded, Li Xiaomu swiftly took charge. Instructing the students to follow her, she led the way through the bustling school grounds. The students fell into step behind her, their footsteps creating a harmonious rhythm as they traversed the corridors and courtyards. The vibrant colors of student artwork adorned the walls, showcasing the creative spirit of the school community.

As they walked, Li Xiaomu shared tidbits of information about the school, pointing out various facilities and highlighting the achievements of past students. Her anecdotes were interspersed with encouraging words, instilling a sense of belonging and pride within her new charges.

After a brisk walk of approximately three minutes, they arrived at their destination—a crowded classroom filled with desks and chairs arranged neatly in rows. Li Xiaomu stood at the front of the room. The students eagerly took their seats, their hearts brimming with excitement, eager to welcome their new school life.

Then everyone took a seat randomly, Ye Xuan seated himself next to Wei Chen.

Li Xiaomu introduced the class rules and expectations. She made sure to explain them in a way that the students could understand. Ye Xuan listened attentively, understanding the importance of respecting others and creating a supportive learning environment

After explaining the class rules and expectations, Teacher Li Xiaomu wanted to create a fun and engaging atmosphere for her students. She decided to play an introduction game to help the students get to know each other better and build a sense of camaraderie.

Teacher Li asked the students to form a circle in the middle of the classroom. She explained that they would take turns introducing themselves and sharing one interesting fact about themselves.

The game began, and one by one, the students introduced themselves. Some shared their hobbies, favorite animals, or dreams for the future. As each student spoke, the rest of the class paid close attention.

Finally, it was Ye Xuan's time to introduce himself. At the end he said he wanted to become a Martial Artist like Bruce Lee.

Teacher Li looked strangely at him but said nothing, the introduction continued.

After the introductions were completed, Teacher Li led the students out of the classroom and into the school ground. She pointed out the various areas of interest, ensuring that the students got a glimpse of the school environment.

They first visited the playground, where Teacher Li explained the importance of physical activity and play in a balanced education. She encouraged the students to have fun during their breaks and make use of the playground equipment.

Next, they moved to the school garden, a serene oasis filled with colorful flowers, plants, and a small pond. Teacher Li spoke about the significance of nature and how it could inspire creativity and tranquility.

The group then made their way to the school library, a treasure trove of books and knowledge. Teacher Li stressed the importance of reading and introduced the concept of the library as a gateway to endless possibilities. She assured the students that they would have regular library periods and access to a wide range of books to satisfy their curious minds.

As they continued their tour, Teacher Li showed them the art room, music room, and science laboratory, highlighting the opportunities for self-expression and exploration in each area. She emphasized the importance of a well-rounded education that nurtures both academic and creative pursuits.

Finally, they arrived at the school's courtyard, a spacious area where students could gather.

Throughout the tour, Teacher Li answered questions.