
Urban Cultivation Journey

53492 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

Ye Xuan woke up at 5 am, his body accustomed to the early rise after spending the last two months training at the orphanage. The sound of birds chirping outside his window greeted him as he slipped into his sports clothes. The vibrant melodies lifted his spirits.

Silently, he crept out of his room, careful not to make a sound that would awaken the other children. Ye Xuan tiptoed down the hallway, navigating the stairs with practiced ease. Every step was deliberate, ensuring his footsteps remained silent against the cold, hard floor. The dormitory was still shrouded in darkness, and the dim glow of the streetlights cast long shadows across the corridor.

As he reached the entrance of the building, Ye Xuan noticed the door was slightly ajar. A rush of fresh morning air greeted his face, and he couldn't resist taking a deep breath, savoring the crispness. The coolness of the morning invigorated him, fueling his determination to embark on his daily exercise routine.

Lost in his thoughts, Ye Xuan contemplated his next move. He had never ventured beyond the orphanage grounds before, but today he felt a longing for something more. Suddenly, a shout pierced the silence, shattering his reverie. "Stop!!" the voice bellowed, jolting Ye Xuan out of his daydream.

He looked up and saw a man staring at him. It was the security guard who was stationed in front of the dormitory. Panic surged through Ye Xuan's veins as he realized his misstep. He had completely forgotten about the guard's presence. Gathering his composure, Ye Xuan mustered a calm demeanor and approached the guard.

"Hello, uncle," he started, his voice steady and confident. "I'm going to exercise."

The guard was taken aback by the young boy's composure. He hadn't expected such maturity from someone so small. After a momentary pause, the guard regained his senses and responded, "You can't go out before 7 am. It's only 5:05 am."

Ye Xuan tried to reason with the guard, explaining his routine and his eagerness to start his day early. However, the guard remained resolute, refusing to bend the rules. Disappointment washed over Ye Xuan as he retreated back into the building, his mind racing with thoughts on how to proceed.

In the midst of his contemplation, a spark of inspiration ignited within Ye Xuan's mind. An idea formed, and he quickly made his way to a nearby window. Opening it cautiously, he peered outside, his heart racing with a mix of anticipation and fear. The window was elevated, around two meters from the ground—a considerable distance for a young boy.

Summoning all his courage, Ye Xuan climbed onto the windowsill. He turned around, crouching down and firmly gripping the edge of the windowsill with his small hands. Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, he released his hold, allowing himself to fall down mid-air. Time seemed to slow as he descended, his heart pounding in his chest.

Finally, his feet made contact with the ground, and a wave of relief washed over him. He had accomplished his daring feat unharmed. Looking up at the window, a sense of pride swelled within Ye Xuan. He had overcome an obstacle and defied the boundaries set before him.

With newfound determination, Ye Xuan turned his gaze away from the dormitory. Behind the protective hedge that shielded the building, he discovered a vast field, stretching out as far as his eyes could see. He pressed himself against the hedge, determined to venture beyond the school grounds. As he slipped through the narrow opening in the hedge, Ye Xuan felt a surge of exhilaration. He walked to the next sidewalk and started running. Ye Xuan returned to the school around 7:30 am, feeling a tinge of disappointment. The delay in his morning routine had cut into his precious exercise time. He walked through the school entrance, which opened promptly at 7 am each morning, with a hint of frustration evident in his demeanor. Time was a precious commodity, and he only had two and a half hours before classes started every day, he didn't want to wake up early so as not to be exhausted during the day.

Casually making his way to his room, Ye Xuan was greeted by the curious gazes of three pairs of eyes. Wei Chen, ever inquisitive, broke the silence. "Brother Ye, where have you been?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

Ye Xuan sighed, a slight crease forming on his forehead. "Oh, nothing," he replied. "Just went to exercise."

Wei Chen nodded understandingly. He had become accustomed to Ye Xuan's rigorous training routines and relentless pursuit of martial arts. To him, Ye Xuan's dedication was admirable. As the conversation unfolded, Wei Chen took it upon himself to explain Ye Xuan's aspirations to the other two boys in the room.

Eyes widened with excitement as Wei Chen shared the grand ambitions of Ye Xuan. Ye Xuan's desire to become a martial arts master, akin to the legendary Bruce Lee, sparked the imagination of his companions. In their young minds, they envisioned themselves executing awe-inspiring moves and emulating the strength of their idol.

Ye Xuan took a quick shower and readied himself for school.

With everyone ready for the day, they gathered their school bags and made their way to the classroom. On the way to their classroom, Lao Bao and Pei Huang asked Ye Xuan to help them to become a martial artist to which he happily agreed.

Ye Xuan and Wei Chen entered their classroom, taking their seats next to each other. The room buzzed with chatter and laughter, but as soon as their homeroom teacher, Teacher Li, entered, a hush fell over the students. Her stern voice commanded attention.

"Be quiet, children," she admonished, her tone firm. The classroom quickly settled down, ready for the day's lessons to begin.

Teacher Li began by organizing the seating arrangements, allowing the students to choose their own seats next to their preferred classmates. Ye Xuan and Wei Chen eagerly took their places at a table together, while Pei Huang and Lao Bao sat side by side at another table.

Just as Ye Xuan was about to sit down, an idea struck him like lightning. He realized that he could utilize class time to continue training his horse stance. With a mischievous smile, he attempted the stance, lowering himself until his buttocks were a mere quarter of an inch away from the chair. To an outsider, it appeared as if he was sitting down, but in reality, he was engaging in a silent exercise routine. Satisfied with his solution, Ye Xuan settled into his "seated" position and turned his attention to Teacher Li.

The lessons commenced with Teacher Li leading the class in Chinese language instruction. Ye Xuan listened attentively, his eyes focused on the chalkboard. Aunt Peng's voice echoed in his mind, reminding him of the importance of education and its potential to secure a prosperous future.

The next subject was mathematics, and the class transitioned to the stern yet knowledgeable guidance of the elderly mathematics teacher. He was known for his strictness and meticulousness in his lessons. Ye Xuan, however, remained unfazed. The only noticeable strain was a slight weakness in his legs from maintaining the horse stance for an extended period.

After two hours of rigorous Chinese and mathematics lessons, fatigue began to settle in for most of the students. However, Ye Xuan felt energized, apart from his quivering legs. His physical fitness and mental fortitude lend him resilience. The clock in the classroom showed that it was nearing midday, precisely 11:30. The students were granted a two-hour break for lunch and rest.

Ye Xuan and his three friends made their way to the cafeteria to satisfy their hunger. The food, although not as tasty as what they had at the orphanage, was still acceptable. After enjoying their meal, they retreated to their room for some downtime.

Once inside, Lao Bao and Pei Huang turned to Ye Xuan, their eyes filled with anticipation. They implored him to teach them the ways of becoming martial artists. Ye Xuan agreed and decided to start with the foundational horse stance. However, after less than a minute, both Lao Bao and Pei Huang found their legs quivering, unable to bear the strain any longer.

"I can't take it anymore. It's too exhausting, Brother Ye," Lao Bao uttered, his voice filled with disappointment and frustration. Pei Huang nodded in agreement, voicing similar sentiments. They both asked Ye Xuan how long it would take to become a Martial arts Master like Bruce Lee.

Ye Xuan was taken aback by their swift surrender. He had never pondered the duration it took to become a martial arts master like Bruce Lee. Doubt flickered in his eyes as he responded, "Probably more than five years." The weight of those words seemed to hang in the air, casting uncertainty over the aspirations of his friends.

Lao Bao and Pei Huang exchanged glances, their faces reflecting a shared disappointment. "So long? Can't it be shorter?" one of them exclaimed. "I don't want to train so long either," the other chimed in.

Ye Xuan's heart sank slightly, his enthusiasm dimming momentarily. He realized that not everyone possessed the same level of determination and commitment to martial arts. With a resigned sigh, he bid his friend goodnight and retreated to his bed, seeking rest before the next round of classes.

At precisely 1:30 pm, the final class of the day began. The students, still carrying a hint of trepidation from their encounter with the strict math teacher, settled into their seats. However, their apprehension was soon replaced with surprise as a young woman in her early twenties entered the room.

"Big sister, you're in the wrong room. We're waiting for our English teacher," one of the students said, a mixture of confusion and amusement in their voice.

The young woman laughed lightly, her eyes twinkling with mirth. "Silly, I'm your English teacher," she declared, introducing herself as Lin Mei.

The class erupted in excited chatter, suddenly filled with anticipation for the English lesson to come. Lin Mei's youthfulness and enthusiasm infused the room with an air of freshness and excitement. As the lesson progressed, the students found themselves engrossed in the subject matter, eager to absorb every word and nuance.

When the clock struck 3 pm, signaling the end of the school day, the children prepared to return home or make their way back to the dormitory.

As the school day came to an end, the students were greeted by an unexpected visit. Ten older students, representatives of various clubs, entered the classroom with purposeful strides. They introduced themselves as the representatives of the Kickboxing Club, Music Club, History Club, Art Club, and Computer Club.

Their arrival sparked curiosity among the younger students, who listened intently as the representatives explained that club activities commenced after the afternoon classes, precisely at 3:20 pm. However, the representatives soon realized that only a quarter of the students expressed interest in joining a club.

Among the eager participants was Ye Xuan, who wasted no time in signing up for the Kickboxing Club. Only one other boy shared his enthusiasm for the same club. The two representatives of the Martial Arts Club, Xiang Huang, and Mao Baodong, motioned for Ye Xuan and his companion to follow them.

Together, they visited other classrooms, extending the invitation to students who might be interested in joining. In the end, approximately ten students decided to take part. With their group assembled, they made their way to the sports hall, the designated space for club activities. The hall, relatively new and spacious, boasted a basketball court, a football field, and an area covered with Tatami Mats.

As they entered the hall, the sight of over fifty children, ranging in age from seven to twelve, caught their attention. Seated in front of them was a tall, strong foreign man in his thirties, exuding an air of confidence. His European features intrigued Ye Xuan, who had never encountered someone from the Western world before.

Xiang Huang approached the foreigner, engaging in a brief conversation. The foreigner stood up, towering nearly two meters high, and introduced himself as John Smith, their future instructor.

Coach John welcomed Ye Xuan and the other new students with a warm smile. They introduced themselves to both the teacher and their fellow club members, bridging the gap between familiar faces and newcomers.

Coach John suggested that they rest for the day and return the following day after classes for their first official training session.

Ye Xuan felt a mixture of excitement and nerves as he left the sports hall. The prospect of being part of the Kickboxing Club and learning from an instructor like Coach John filled him with anticipation.