
Urban beast

Gao Yang is an orphan who crossed over to the "parallel world" at the age of six and has lived in a cozy family of five ever since. At the age of eighteen, Gao Yang stumbled upon the truth of the world: this is not a parallel world at all, but a mysterious realm where all the friends and family around him are terrible "beasts"! Gao Yang was almost killed when he found out the truth, but at the critical moment he got the system [Luck] - the longer he lives, the stronger he gets! A game of killing between lambs and wolves begins ......

Daoist5Ff1Mo · Realistic
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10 Chs

Prisoner's Dilemma

"Come?" Gao Yang a little panic: "Come what?"

Qing Ling's legs bent and pressed against Gao Yang, the moonlight lit her collarbone with a high light, flashing and shimmering, beautiful to the soul.

She sneered contemptuously, "What else, don't pretend to be pure."

Gao Yang was confused.

Qing Ling was no nonsense, she ruffled a handful of hair and moved towards Gao Yang's face.

"Wait a minute!"

Gao Yang shouted, he is not a traditional person, and usually did not watch a lot of small movies. But right now this car is too fast, so fast that how to look at it is a conspiracy.


"If I am guilty, the law will sanction me. You don't torture me like this ..."

"Quite guarded." Qingling said.

Gao Yang said in his heart is this not the reaction of a normal person?

Three hours ago he was almost crushed in the head by his most trusted childhood friend, and now a completely unacquainted beauty is suddenly throwing herself at him, he has every reason to suspect that the other party is trying to abuse him to death.

"Take it easy." Qing Ling's voice became soft.


"If you really hate me, you can stay into other people's faces." Qingling put his hand on Gao Yang's chest and slowly moved down.

"Or ... not it, or we still start with friends first ..."

Suddenly, Qingling stopped.

Gao Yang is full of sweat, the atmosphere is not afraid to come out.

Qingling got up and got out of bed and redressed: "All right."

Gao Yang was dumbfounded, he sat up from the bed and suddenly found that he had a sharp and small dagger hidden under his pillow.

Qing Ling, who had dressed, gently raised her hand and the dagger flew back into her hand. Qing Ling rotated her slender fingers and the dagger disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Did you just ... want to kill me?" Gao Yang was a little scared afterwards.

"It's up to you." Qing Ling said.

"What do you mean? I'm going to resist the temptation and have evil thoughts about you, and you'll kill me?" Gao Yang reasonably speculated, "So this is a test, and I pass it to gain your trust."

"All wrong." Qing Ling turned her back to Gao Yang and re-tied her ponytail, "You'll only kill you if you don't react."


"The beast has no real reproductive system."

Gao Yang instantly dawned on him, "Half the day, you're confirming my identity!"

"The one you met today is the raging beast."

"Angry beast?"

"There are many kinds of beasts, and raging beasts are one of them. In short, they are all very cunning and good at disguising themselves to disguise themselves." Qingling said, "If you want to live in this world, don't trust anyone."

"Then how can I believe you are human?" Gao Yang asked rhetorically.

"Not bad, a quick learner." Qingling's face was expressionless, "Trying to confirm if a female is a beast will be a lot of trouble, you have to do it for real."

"Uh ..."

Qingling threw over a small bottle: "This is the special effect medicine, remember to dispose of it after use, do not let anyone see."

Gao Yang took the small pill bottle and carefully examined it, it looked like an ordinary bottle of blue potion, nothing special.

He hid the medicine into the quilt, right now he still has a lot of questions to ask Qingling.

What exactly are the beasts?

Why do they want to kill?

What is the situation of himself now?

What was Green Spirit's talent? It looked much more powerful than himself.

How does one have to become stronger?


The door was suddenly kicked open and his sister rushed in.

Gao Yang jumped in shock and stood up bare-chested, "No! It's not what you see ..."

"What ah?" Sister look puzzled.

Gao Yang turned around, Qingling disappeared, only the swaying curtains and shining into the room a corner of bright moonlight.

No, this action is too fast, right? Really I arrogantly come just as I arrogantly go, I take off a strip of clothes, not take away a piece of virginity.

"So suspicious," the sister looked up and down Gao Yang, and suddenly smiled badly: "Brother, you would not be in that, right?"

"I am not! I'm not! Don't talk nonsense!" Gao Yang wanted to cry, "Also, next time, can you knock first?"

"I know!" The sister suddenly smiled eagerly and came over, grabbed Gao Yang's hand, "Brother, let's discuss a matter."


The sister immediately took out her phone: "Look at ... this lo dress, how about it?"

"Good ..." Gao Yang reacted: "Do you want to do?"

"Only 498 eh! Super cheap eh! Now buy can also save 198."

"Do not buy immediately save 498."

"I have 11 months before my birthday!" My sister pouted, "Can't you think of it as a birthday present for me?"

"I'll be dead in 70 years, can't you just pretend I'm dead now?"

"You don't care about me! You don't love me! A person like you doesn't deserve to be a brother at all!" My sister shouted, "I'm going to tell Mom and Dad that you went out tonight and fooled around and got blood all over your face!"

"Okay, okay, okay!" Gao Yang suddenly tensed up, he picked up the phone from next month's living expenses to transfer a few hundred dollars to his sister. Than heartbroken money, his immediate priority now is to put things right.

"Brother is so nice! I love you the most!"

Sister took the phone and ran away happily.

Gao Yang watched his sister happily close the door and let out a sigh of relief.


The special medicine given by Qingling was very effective, and the next day when he woke up, the wound was almost healed, leaving only some red traces, looking like a scratch after a mosquito bite.

Gao Yang ate breakfast and came to school.

In the classroom, Li Weiwei's seat was empty.

Gao Yang's chest was empty, and a dull pain came from it, like a piece being gouged away.

He thought of the twelve years, with Li Weiwei little by little: together to and from school, together to eat, together to do homework, a few New Year's Eve also together to set off fireworks, the first time to see her laugh, see her cry, see her angry ... this familiar and beautiful everything, all by the last night the "beast "tore up.

Gao Yang so hope that they are facing two creatures, a beautiful and simple human girl, one is the evil unknown ferocious beast, but the two are one and the same.

Gao Yang could not accept it.

Until the morning study, Li Weiwei's seat was still empty. A few girls in the class began to whisper, probably already know that Li Weiwei accident.

Gao Yang didn't sleep much all night, he had too many questions to ask Qing Ling.

She asked in a loud voice in front of the other students, "Gao Yang, where is Li Weiwei?"

Gao Yang was stunned: what's the situation, acting?

"I don't know." Gao Yang replied.

"Don't know? Wasn't she with you yesterday?"

"Well, we each went home at night ..."

"What's wrong? Phone calls are not answered, WeChat is not returned, and classes are not coming." The first class is a math class.

The first period is math class, math teacher is also the class teacher.

Class teacher walked in with a heavy face, he put the textbook on the podium, pushed the collapsed nose bridge of highly myopic glasses.

"Students, before class starts, I want to tell you something."

"Li Weiwei, the classmate, was ... killed last night."

The class was in an uproar.

"What?!" Qingling stood up excitedly.

Gao Yang froze and suddenly admired: life is like a drama, all depends on acting ah.

Qing Ling and Li Weiwei stay together almost every day, so good relationship, this reaction is normal. This also reminded Gao Yang, as a childhood friend, his reaction was too abnormal.

Gao Yang hurriedly stood up and made a shocked and puzzled expression: "Impossible! I saw her yesterday afternoon!"

"She was killed when she came home late at night, the preliminary conclusion is that she was a robber, stabbed in the chest and died on the spot ..." the class teacher sighed, "That's all the teacher knows."

"Oh my God! How could this happen?"

"So sad, I never thought this would happen to her."

"The murderer must be executed when caught!"

"Ooooooooo ..."

The boys who liked Li Weiwei were furious and shouted excitedly, and several girls who were close to Li Weiwei had red eyes on the spot and sobbed in small voices.

"Students, the teacher of Li Weiwei's matter is also very sad and angry."

"The police are already doing their best to search for the murderer and will definitely bring him to justice!"

"Students who want to say goodbye to Li Weiwei's body can go to the funeral home with the teacher tonight ..."

"Now, let's pack up and get back to class."

The math teacher opened his textbook and remembered something else: "Qingling, Gao Yang, you two go to my office for a moment."

Gao Yang alerted: "Something wrong teacher?"

"The police are coming, you two just cooperate with them and answer a few questions."

With red eyes, Qing Ling took the lead and rushed out of the classroom, as if she couldn't wait to see the police, Gao Yang followed.

The two walked through the corridor one after the other, with Gao Yang walking behind to make sure no one was around, he quickly caught up with Qing Ling: "Let's talk to each other first."

"What's the word?" Qingling turned his head, his eyes both sad and angry.

"The matter of Li Weiwei." Qing Ling first froze and grabbed Gao Yang's collar: "You really know something! Did you kill the person?"

"Huh?" Gao Yang was baffled.

What is this? Are you still addicted to acting?

"It's time for you to stop acting!" Gao Yang said.

"Who's acting with you?" Qing Ling expression serious, "You are really suspicious, why you did not send Li Weiwei home last night? Why was Li Weiwei killed? I think 80% of it has something to do with you!"

No! This is different from what was promised!

This Qing Ling, what is she up to?

"Say something! Didn't you always want to chase Li Weiwei? Li Weiwei didn't like you and didn't say yes to you, so you held a grudge and killed her, right?" Qing Ling aggressively pressed.

Gao Yang's brain was thinking fast, now there are only two possibilities:

One, the Qingling in front of him was not the Qingling of last night, which is extremely unlikely;

Two, Qingling is still acting, she decided to sell me to protect herself, and yesterday she said not to trust anyone.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Gao Yang ducked his head and walked around Qing Ling, too many words would be lost, he decided to shut up.

"Don't pretend! I'll have the police investigate you properly! If you killed the person, I will never let you go!" Qing Ling rushed into the office in anger.

Gao Yang was just about to follow him in when a tall figure reached out to stop him.

Gao Yang looked up, it was a man in a police uniform, about thirty-something, clean-cut inch head, wide chin, angular face, and old and sharp eyes.

"You are ... Officer Huang?"

"Oh, hello again." Officer Huang smiled, but there was no temperature in his eyes.

Three days ago, late at night, the police officer who shot down the "psycho" and "saved" Gao Yang, it was him, Huang Qi, Officer Huang.

Officer Huang patted Gao Yang's shoulder: "You go with me to the other office."

Gao Yang's heart "thud": finished, prisoner's dilemma.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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