
Urban beast

Gao Yang is an orphan who crossed over to the "parallel world" at the age of six and has lived in a cozy family of five ever since. At the age of eighteen, Gao Yang stumbled upon the truth of the world: this is not a parallel world at all, but a mysterious realm where all the friends and family around him are terrible "beasts"! Gao Yang was almost killed when he found out the truth, but at the critical moment he got the system [Luck] - the longer he lives, the stronger he gets! A game of killing between lambs and wolves begins ......

Daoist5Ff1Mo · Realistic
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10 Chs

Identity Exposure

9:00 a.m., teaching office.


Officer Huang sat on the teaching director's swivel chair, his body slightly leaned back, legs crossed, hands folded on his abdomen, his demeanor relaxed and unruffled, as if he was sitting in his own interrogation room.

Gao Yang sat down in front of him in a disciplined and silent manner.

Officer Huang smiled, "Don't be nervous, there's no one else here, I'll just ask a few random questions."

"Well ..." Gao Yang slander: no one else I'm nervous, okay?

"Is your face hurt?"

"Oh, bitten by a bug." Gao Yang pretended to touch it casually.

"Okay, let's start." Officer Huang took out his transcript, "Gao Yang, what is the relationship between the deceased Li Weiwei and you?"

"We have known each other since kindergarten, the relationship has been very good, considered childhood friends." Gao Yang replied.

Officer Huang asked while taking notes, "Yesterday afternoon, you have been with Li Weiwei?"

"Well, we watched a movie in Dawan Mall, ate, played until quite late, and came home late at night."

"What time was it when you and Li Weiwei separated?"

"It seemed to be almost 11 o'clock." Gao Yang knew that the time could not be remembered too clearly, otherwise it would be more suspicious.

"So late, you didn't send her home?"

"By the way sent a section, the last section of the road she said no need to send, I did not send."

Gao Yang knew that the last section of the road monitoring was destroyed by Qingling, he deliberately asked, "Officer Huang you can watch the monitor, right, the monitor can prove."

Officer Huang pondered for a moment, his eyes faintly moved: "To tell the truth, the monitoring of the road you separated happened to be broken."

"How?" Gao Yang made a surprised expression.

"The possibility of a premeditated crime is high." Officer Huang quietly surveyed Gao Yang's face, trying to find a break in his expression.

"It could be an acquaintance who committed the crime, but it's just preliminary speculation, there's not much of a clue at the moment. After all, the murder weapon, witness these are not."

"No clues at all?" Gao Yang asked.

Officer Huang put down his legs, leaning forward: "Li Weiwei usually have a bad relationship with the classmates, or who has offended?"

Gao Yang shook his head: "She is very nice, the class likes her very much, I can not think of any enemies she has."

"What about people who are jealous of her? Or others?"

Gao Yang pondered for a moment and shook his head, "No impression."

Officer Huang nodded, his eyes never leaving Gao Yang's face, "You like Li Weiwei, right?"

Gao Yang paused for a moment, "Like ... it."

"Due to the need to investigate the case, I looked at Li Weiwei's WeChat records, you confessed your love to her, she agreed ..."

"Yes, yesterday was our first date, did not think it would turn out to be the last ..." Gao Yang lowered his head, the mood was low and sad, this is not pretend.

Officer Huang no longer asked questions, he stood up, "OK, today first here." He went up and patted Gao Yang's shoulder, his tone was somewhat meaningful: "Condolences."


The questioning ended, and Gao Yang breathed a sigh of relief, a false alarm.

He left the office and headed for the classroom.

"Gao Yang!" Someone called him.

Gao Yang didn't have time to turn around when a strong arm suddenly killed him and strangled him dead around the neck.

Gao Yang could hardly breathe: "Cough ... cough ..."

"Hahahahaha weak chicken!"

A boy with dyed blond hair and lip studs let go of his arm, it was Prince Kai.

Wang Zikai was Gao Yang's high school classmate, but not a week ago, when he finally was forced to withdraw from school after he opened the head of the boy in the next class for the nth time.

The reason for the fight was: the other guy took a look at him.

Wang Zikai's family is rich, every day to school in a sports car, plus he looks good, a proper high-flying handsome. But this is such a good hand but he was beaten up, in school, he is completely a bully that people are afraid of.

I don't know why, but this bully has been especially warm to Gao Yang since the first year of high school, and Prince Kai has stressed more than once that Gao Yang is his best and only friend.

This made Gao Yang flattered and at the same time unbelievable. The result is that in addition to his love of fighting and occasional head spasms, Prince Kai is actually quite a nice person.

Today's Prince Kai is in a good mood, should be over for withdrawal procedures.

"What's wrong with you, you look like you're eating shit." Wang Zi Kai asked.

"Li Weiwei is dead." Gao Yang said.

"Ah?!" Wang Zikai was taken aback, "How did he die?"

"Robbery, was killed ..."

"I go! Also too unlucky." Wang Zikai smacked his lips, "loss I also helped you confess to her a few days ago, eh, she promised you did not? Must have rejected it hahaha, how can a guy like you have a girl like that!"

Gao Yang rolled his eyes: this stupid thing can never get the point.

"Brother, condolences." Wang Zikai indifferently patted Gao Yang's shoulder: "Look on the bright side, from now on you no longer have to worry about her being robbed."

"..." Gao Yang forced himself not to curse.

"Today after school brother drove to pick you up, together with double row! Turn grief into motivation, this season must be on the silver!" Wang Zikai said.

"No, I have to go to Li Weiwei's funeral party tonight." Gao Yang said.

"No way," Prince Kai jumped away in an exaggerated manner, "Could it be that you kid still want to take advantage of the heat ..."


Gao Yang simply speechless, hate to give him a kick. But this is Prince Kai, you never want to hear a normal human should say from his mouth.

"See you later!" Wang Zi Kai patted his butt and ran away while waving his hand.


7:00 in the evening. Shanqing District. Funeral hall.

Gao Yang and more than ten students, followed by the class teacher attended the farewell party for Li Weiwei's body.

On the one hand, Gao Yang has feelings for Li Weiwei, although she turned into a monster last night, he still wanted to come to give her a final ride; on the other hand, he was curious why Li Weiwei was not cremated first after her death, which did not fit his understanding of this world.

The funeral hall was dim and solemn, and Li Weiwei's posthumous photo was placed on the altar, with the girl in the photo smiling brightly. The body was placed in a transparent glass coffin with a freezing function, surrounded by clusters of lush white flowers.

Li Weiwei's parents stood by the coffin in black suits and black dresses, constantly bowing to those who came to offer their condolences.

The wife could not stop crying, and the husband supported her, full of pathos.

Class teacher with a few students to Li Weiwei incense, then go forward to shake hands with parents, then walk around the glass coffin, the farewell ceremony is over.

Gao Yang followed the procession, close to the ice coffin, he took a closer look at the remains of Li Weiwei, she was wearing a black birthday suit, face makeup, it seems to be just asleep, nothing different from the living.

But the thought that this is the girl who almost crushed his own head yesterday, a deep sense of fear from the bottom of his feet again, making him sweat.

The class teacher went up to talk to Li Weiwei's parents, Gao Yang only felt dry mouth, he avoided the crowd and came to the pantry at the side of the hearth to drink water.

Pushing open the door, Qingling was also there.

Gao Yang did not dare to look at Qing Ling and went to pour water alone, but Qing Ling took the initiative to come forward: "Did the police ask you anything?"


"Tell me everything." Qingling's commanding tone.

Gao Yang looked around to make sure no one was in the pantry, and he showed his cards: "Why don't you continue acting?"

Qingling faintly froze, "Act what?"

"Those during the day, you acted very well, didn't you!" Gao Yang was a little angry.

Qingling's eyes swept, "You've seen her?"

"What do you mean?"

"My other personality?"

Gao Yang was taken aback, and then understood: "You mean, you have ... a dual personality?"


Gao Yang did not say anything.

Qingling closed the pantry door gently, "Want to live in this world, do not lie to yourself is not possible. Over time, I have a sub-personality. She is my sister, called Qing Ling. The vast majority of the time it was me, and sometimes she would disobey and run out on her own. The death of Li Weiwei, Qing Ling was not a small stimulus."

Gao Yang eyes alert: "I now no longer know which of your words is true and which is false?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Give me a reason to believe you."

"Reason?" Qingling raised an eyebrow, the right finger holding the disposable tea cup flicked, and the thin as a cicada wing blade suddenly flew out from Qingling's breast pocket, against Gao Yang's neck.

"I want to kill you, it's easier than Li Weiwei to kill you, is this reason enough?"

"Enough ..."

Stay with the green hills, not afraid of no firewood to burn.

Gao Yang briefly recapped the conversation with Officer Huang.

Qing Ling listened and fell into deep thought.

"You're still smart enough not to reveal anything."

"A police officer only." Gao Yang deliberately said, "What can be revealed?"

Qingling smiled coldly: "It seems you are not quite clear about your situation, do you know how many beasts there are in this city?"

"How many?"

"The ratio is 1 in 10,000."

"1 beast in 10,000 people, that's high indeed." Gao Yang said.

"No, it's 1 person in 10,000 beasts."

"What?!" Gao Yang almost shouted out, "Are you ... kidding?"


"This can't be!" Gao Yang couldn't believe it, just felt his scalp tingling, this is too ridiculous.

"This is the truth, now understand your situation?"

"..." Gao Yang's hands were shaking.

"Our school can have two humans, me and you, is already considered a small probability event." Qing Ling stepped forward, cold gaze, "As for your family, your friends, your neighbors, 99.99% of the people you come into contact with in your life, no surprise all beasts, all kinds of beasts."

Gao Yang pestled in place, fear like a cold snake will be his dead wind.

Grandmother, father, mother, sister, teachers, classmates, friends ... everyone, probably all beasts. And Gao Yang, since crossing over, has been living with them for twelve years!

Gao Yang's stomach churned and he just wanted to vomit.

"To tell you the truth, you're the third human I've seen so far. The first two humans were better than me, but they both died."

Gao Yang still had a hint of luck: "Impossible, if I was surrounded by beasts ... I would have died long ago."

"Because you never noticed their existence before this, beasts do not harm unawakened humans. They only kill the awakened, that is, people like us."


"I'm not sure." Qingling shook his head, "They seem to have their own set of rules, and the information I have is limited ..."

"What are you guys talking about?"

Gao Yang and Qing Ling snapped.

The door to the pantry was pushed open, and Officer Huang stood outside the door with a big smile on his face.

"The beast you guys are talking about, what is it?"

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