
Urban beast

Gao Yang is an orphan who crossed over to the "parallel world" at the age of six and has lived in a cozy family of five ever since. At the age of eighteen, Gao Yang stumbled upon the truth of the world: this is not a parallel world at all, but a mysterious realm where all the friends and family around him are terrible "beasts"! Gao Yang was almost killed when he found out the truth, but at the critical moment he got the system [Luck] - the longer he lives, the stronger he gets! A game of killing between lambs and wolves begins ......

Daoist5Ff1Mo · Realistic
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10 Chs

The system appears



In addition to pain, there is only the abyss -like fear: I am going to die, and I will die immediately. What does death feel? It will definitely not be the same as crossing. From now on, no matter which world, there will be no one of me. Even my thoughts and fear at the moment have disappeared.


I don't want to die!

Gao Yang tried to open the half of his eyes squeezed by the tentacles, and there seemed to be a thing floating in front of him.

Seeing it clearly, a hexagonal hexagon that exudes a weak golden light. It rotates quietly, as if waiting for someone to touch.

Gao Yang didn't know what it was, but instinctively told him that this was the only struggle he could do before he died.

He tried his best to raise his left hand, a little near the hexagonal star in the air.

Immediately ... I'm about to touch it immediately.

"Ah!" The severe pain took the strength of his body, and his left arm hanged down.

"Is this human? Human blood, human taste ..." Li Weiwei was too excited, his voice was panting, "It's so beautiful! It's great!"

Gao Yang's head was like a raw egg in Li Weiwei's hands, and it was broken as soon as he was pinched.

She couldn't bear to break him so quickly, and she tried to restrain it, holding the critical point of pinching the head of the prey. She wants to taste the fear and despair when humans dying.

These emotions are too precious.

She may not have a second chance in her life.

Finally, to usher in the last climax, Li Wei's body shuddered because of excitement: "Gao Yang, you are a good person. I like you ... I love you ..."

"I want you!"

"Give me, please give me everything!"

The power of the tentacles of the tentacles appears instantly, which is a precursor to force.

Gao Yang seized the opportunity of the moment, raised his hand suddenly, and hooked the hexagonal star in the air with his middle finger.


[System activation]

[User information loading ...]

[After loading]

[Name: Gao Yang. Age: 18 years old. .

[Sex: Male. Race: Humans. .

[Status: Awakening. .

[Talent: Luck. Serial number: 199. Rune type: miracle. .

——You is the system? Or is it plug -in? do not care! I want to use talent!

Gao Yang couldn't speak, but the sound in his heart could still be systematically identified. [Lucky is passive talent, unavailable]

—— Then what's the use of! I'm dying! Save me soon! Who can help me!

[The visit is over, the system is hidden]


The system disappears.

Everything happened in the moment, the hexagonal star in front of Gao Yang was gone, and he couldn't do anything. I am reluctant, but there is no hope.

He closed his eyes and waited for death.


strangeness! Why is I not dead yet? Why is pain began to reduce? Why did the power of the tentacles strangled by my head faded a little bit?

"Well--" The tentacle softened and returned to Li Wei's arm.

Gao Yang fell to the ground and was relieved from suffocation and pain. He covered his neck and cough desperately: "Cough ... Keke!"

He looked up while coughing.

Li Weiwei's arms have long been restored. She was widened, her face was blank, and her eyes had tears in her eyes: "For ... what ..."

Gao Yang's eyes slid down from Li Weiwei's face, and her chest was red.

Li Weiwei looked at Gao Yang unwillingly, and wanted to reach out to him: "You ... it's me ..."

"Well--" A narrow Tang knife pierced Li Weiwei's heart from behind him. Li Weiwei's body bent backwards, like a fish pierced by a fish fork.

"Let it open." The voice came from behind Li Weiwei.

Gao Yang stood up. He finally saw that it was Qingling. She stood behind Li Weiwei, holding the sword of the Tang knife with both hands, and maintained a posture of leaning over.

"Qingling? Why are you ... here?"

"Let it open!" Qing Ling repeated coldly.

"Okay ..." Gao Yang quickly stepped back.

"Stand behind me." Qing Ling said.

Gao Yangzhao does.

Qing Ling quickly pulled the knife, Li Weiwei's chest blood flow was like injection, blood was sprayed, and the road ahead was sputtering a piece of scarlet.

Gao Yang forcibly resisted that he did not vomit. He immediately found that Tang Dao's silver white in his hands had a drop of blood without staining.

I saw Qing Ling holding the black knife handle in one hand, putting the slender index finger on the tip of the knife in one hand, gently scratching the blade along the blade, and nearly 150cm Tang knife disappeared immediately, as if she was folded into another dimension space.

Gao Yang watched it and stayed

Is this magic? magic? Still power?

Qing Ling didn't look at Gao Yang: "Don't ask everything, go home immediately. The surveillance nearby has been destroyed. Everything happened here has nothing to do with you."


"You don't know anything, say." Qing Ling's eyes seemed to have a sharp blade.

"I do not know anything."


"I do not know anything."


"I do not know anything."

"Very good." Qing Ling jumped gently, turning over the two -meter courtyard wall, disappearing in the darkness. Nympho

In the middle of the night, Gao Yang quickly left the scene and ran home all the way.

Parents have already slept. Only the younger sister still brushed her mobile phone on the sofa. She saw that Gao Yang at the porch was full of scars and frightened.

"Wow, what is your face?"

"Oh, this ..." Gao Yang went home and worked hard, and he forgot that there was still injury on his face.

"Ah, I know!" My sister realized: "You are in cos zombies!"

"Ah ... yes!" Gao Yang followed the old girl: "This special makeup is realistic."

"Real! It's the same." The sister smiled badly.

This girl, I don't know which word in her mouth is true, which sentence is false.

In the case, what happened was too sudden and ridiculous. He was so numb, and he didn't spare no effort to deal with it. It was even more troublesome to be seen by the parents who got up.

Gao Yang pulled out the medical box in the living room cabinet and ran directly to the bedroom.

He closed his door, calmed down a little, took out disinfection water and cotton swabs, disinfected the wounds on his face, and pasted it. Then disinfect the wounds on the arm, and then wrapped the gauze, and the whole process was so painful to grin and sweat.

After simply handling the wound, Gaoyang tendon lying exhaustedly on the bed.

Fear and shock replaced sadness, Gao Yang only felt that everything happened tonight was extremely unreal.

Li Weiwei ... His blue horse, and the two have been together for more than ten years. They trust each other and have nothing to talk about. Suddenly, she becomes a monster for people? Intersection

Gao Yang was willing to believe that she was eaten by a monster and then impersonated by the monster. Just like the story of the little red hat, the wolf eats her grandmother and then pretend to be grandmother.

Is this really the case?

Why did Li Weiwei say that Li Weiwei still said Li Weiwei, as if she was Li Weiwei herself, it was just her second personality.

Too many things you don't understand.

The wound is still faintly painful, am I infected? Don't you wake up tomorrow morning, and you have become a monster to eat people?

Gao Yang is restless.

The hexagonal star in the air did not know when it appeared again, and quietly floated in the air in front of him.

Gao Yang turned and sat up, reached out and touched it.


[enter the system]

[Congratulations! You have successfully survived for 3 hours]

——The congratulations on this, I almost died!

[You can get 3 lucky points]


[Talent: Luck. Serial number: 199. Rune type: miracle. .

[Function: Talent owners can get 1 lucky point every 60 minutes to survive]

——It is so, what's the use of luck?

[The attribute panel has various attribute values, you can use the lucky point to permanently increase any attribute value]

—— Open the attribute panel.

[Physical strength: 10 endurance: 10]

[Power: 10 Agile: 10]

[Spirit: 10 Charm: 10]

[Luck: 0]


Gao Yang studied it for a while. He had played the game and basically understood that the six attributes in front should be blood, defense, attack, speed, magic, and control. As for what the "luck" represents, it may be dodge or explosive equipment probability?

There are only 3 lucky points on my hand, and everything is shabby. Gao Yang's sight returned to the eye -catching number.

[Luck: 0]

--luck? My talent is lucky? What is the difference between the two?

[Fortunately is talent. Luck is the attribute value]

——This is equivalent to not saying.

——In the lucky luck, this talent is not good? Can I change other talents?


—— Open the list of talents, let me see.

Instantly, a dense talent table was displayed in front of Gao Yang's eyes.

Gao Yang saw the "serial number 199" on the head at a glance, which was his own "luck". Strangely, the talent name and remarks of the serial number 198-1 are all hidden.

——As no one can see anything?

[The system cannot show you unsteady information]

——This system is too daddy! How to be different from the system in the network.

"Well." Someone knocked on the window.

[The visit is over, the system is hidden]


Gao Yang sat up sharply, and the system ended automatically.

A black shadow has opened the window and jumped into the room easily.

It is Qingling. She wore sports shorts and short sleeves during the usual training. In the moonlight, the slender limbs are white like coagulation.

She kicked off the sneakers on her feet, unbuttoned the horse's tail with one hand, and the black long hair was scattered softly and put on a plump breast.

"You ..." Gao Yangang was about to speak.

Qing Ling jumped into bed lightly, stepped on Gao Yang's chest, and pressed him back to the bed: "I ask, you answer."


"Like men or women?"

"Woman, woman."

"Okay." Qing Ling's hands crossed and pulled the corner of the clothes, quickly pulled, faded the short sleeve: "Come on."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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