
Unwilling Marriage.

Summary of the story: Until now, Athirst had never dreamed of anything far away, she only wished for a peaceful life, a small warm family. But her life could not be controlled but changed completely, there are people with bad stomachs, only thinking of ways to harm others. She was forced by them to marry an ugly person who also had a serious illness. Athirst was still trying, trying to adapt, trying to find a way out of her misery, but the young master she was forced to marry did not let her leave, the two kept entangled, and then got caught up in a series of events. Conspiracy and struggle.

BilyMoonMoon_07 · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 7

Honestly, the person Jack likes is Athirst Mesia, not Anna Mesia, especially since yesterday he met her again for a wedding, Jack was even more moved, but today she is with Brian again. When Brene Brian returned, he secretly observed Brene Brian, seeing that he was just an ugly guy, and still in a wheelchair, his expression was immediately filled with contempt.

Anna Mesia did not know Jack's thoughts, she was still very proud to show off her lover in front of Athirst Mesia, Brene Brian raised her eyes to look, only seeing half of her face looking sideways and her tall and slim nose bridge. Her expression was very calm, completely devoid of any emotion.

The corner of his lips slowly turned up very slightly, reached out and pulled Athirst's wrist, she lost her momentum, so she fell and sat on his lap.

"Didn't you say you wanted to go shopping? Let's go together, then we'll eat."

His voice is very loving, and even kissed her cheek in front of everyone, Athirst Mesia opened her eyes wide in surprise, and Anna Mesia didn't have to say, she immediately exploded.

Anna Mesia also turned to cuddle with Jack:

"Ah Jack, I also want to go shopping…"

Of course, Jack did not give up, he smiled and replied:

"Of course, I'll give you whatever you want to buy."

"I want to buy Chanel bags, Dior shoes…"Anna Mesia leaned close to him, her eyes lit up, while Athirst Mesia was frantically trying to get up from Brene Brian's lap, she was held tightly by his arm.

"Wife, yesterday you also said you wanted to buy a Chanel bag, right? I'll buy it all for you."

After that, Brene Brian waved his hand, a man wearing glasses, about thirty years old, suddenly came over to give him the phone, Brene Brian dialed the number, turned on the speakerphone, and said very coolly:

"I want to buy a Chanel bag."

The person on the other end of the line was clearly a bit flustered:

"General Brian, may I ask which model do you like? I will find it soon…"

"No need, I want to buy them all."

"All of that?" The branch manager stammered three times.

"Yes, including the brand."

As soon as Brene Brian finished speaking, Anna Mesia opened her mouth.

Buying the whole brand means that from now on, the Chanel bag brand belongs to Brian family?

Playing this big, people with money can't buy it, moreover just because of a saying from Athirst Mesia, he bought the whole brand, which even Jack had to say goodbye.

He wasn't content when he lost to a crippled ugly guy, so he couldn't help but blurt out a few hints:

"If you have money, you still can't cure your illness, marrying someone like that is really hard."

Athirst Mesia glared at him, somehow she felt very uncomfortable when Jack insulted Brene Brian, only she knew that he was not an ugly or disabled person like Jack said, Athirst Mesia opened her mouth to speak, when suddenly felt his grip on her waist.

"It's okay, just treat it as a dog barking." Brene Brian spoke softly in her ear.

Athirst Mesia obediently sat still, Beckham Mesia saw the tension in the atmosphere, so he spoke to make peace:

"Probably everyone is tired from the long trip, it's almost time for lunch, invite everyone to stay and eat with us for fun."

The old lady smiled and replied, "Fine."

Of course, Athirst Mesia didn't want to stay in this house for another second, Brene Brian glanced at her face and coldly said:

"Sorry, we're a bit busy, so we'll go back first, grandma, grandson, and Sister Athirst go first."

Brene Brian didn't wait for Beckham Mesia to answer, but pressed the button on the wheelchair and left with Athirst Mesia.

When they arrived, there was a very flamboyant convoy, when returning there were only the two of them, Brene Brian saw her wandering thinking about something, so he reached out and pinched her cheek, but his strength was not big enough to make Athirst Mesia get rid of her thoughts.

"Do you want to go back there?"

His gaze was deep, his tone was very calm, making her unable to guess what he was thinking right now.


"What's your relationship with those people?" Brene Brian did not say it clearly, but somehow Athirst Mesia felt that his question included Jack.

"There's no connection at all." Athirst Mesia replied lightly.

Brene Brian of course knew about this before, the important thing was that he just wanted to see her attitude.

"An abandoned daughter now has to return to marry a disabled person like me, it seems that the Mesia family is not simple?" He smiled wryly.

As soon as Athirst Mesia heard, she knew he was making fun of her, she also smiled and replied:

"You are no different from me, pretending to be disabled, Brene Brian, we are both the same.

The smile on his lips deepened, Brene Brian slightly lifted her chin with two fingers, raised his eyebrows and said:

"OH? same? Like where?"

His fingers brushed over her soft lips, and in his mind he remembered the morning kiss and the sweet taste she brought.

Athirst Mesia sensitively discovered that Brene Brian was gradually becoming dangerous, she immediately stood up from his lap, stretching the distance between the two.

Fortunately, Brene Brian stopped the wheelchair, otherwise at this speed, Athirst Mesia would smoothly fall to the ground.

She stroked her long hair, stared at the man in front of her and said:

"Brene Brian, let's make an agreement."

He didn't answer, but just raised an eyebrow, indicating that she should continue.

Athirst Mesia said directly:

"I help you cure your illness, there will be no relationship between us at that time."

His eyes immediately turned cold.

"Heal me, do you think you can?"

"Yesterday I helped you sleep without drugs."

Seeing that confident attitude, Brene Brian just smiled and said nothing.

"But I don't want to." Brene Brian arrogantly replied.

Athirst Mesia was surprised, did he not want to be cured or did not want to let her go?

She was about to open her mouth when Brene Brian suddenly spoke:


Athirst Mesia did not understand what happened, a few seconds later Jack did not know when he came out from behind the bushes.

"But I don't want to." Brene Brian arrogantly replied.

Athirst Mesia was surprised, did he not want to be cured or did not want to let her go?

She was about to open her mouth when Brene Brian suddenly spoke:


Athirst Mesia did not understand what happened, a few seconds later Jack did not know when he came out from behind the bushes.

He came in front of her, completely regarded Brene Brian as an invisible person, his gaze swept over Athirst Mesia's body once, his unconcealed covetousness, and stopped on her chest for a while, at the end. back together on the delicate face.

"Athirst, long time no see, how are you?"

"Thanks, I'm fine."

Athirst Mesia ignored him and didn't want to shake his hand, Jack suddenly felt anger mixed with shame, was about to pull her into his arms to give her a hug when suddenly his back felt cold.

Brene Brian gave him a cold warning look, half of his face was wrinkled and even more ferocious, clearly just a crippled man still in a wheelchair, so why did Jack feel tremble?

He secretly gritted his teeth to get rid of that fear, but Athirst Mesia didn't want to be here to meddle with him anymore, even in front of Brene Brian, his eyes looked at her like before. sarcasm mixed with disdain.

In Athirst Mesia's mind, a thought appeared in his mind: is he considering her and Jack to have an unclean relationship?

Jack standing next to her felt uncomfortable because she didn't care about him, he became more and more rude, casually reached out and pulled Athirst 's wrist, saying:

"Athirst, don't you remember what you promised me before?"

Athirst Mesia startled, wanted to snatch her hand out of his hand, but Jack held it tightly, not letting her struggle.

Brene Brian instantly became a scarecrow, coldly watching the two of them act together.

"What did you say? I promise nothing."

Athirst Mesia got angry, jerked her hand away, at that moment Anna Mesia was impatient, didn't see Jack go to the toilet to come back, she ran to find it, who expected it to happen by coincidence seeing this scene? .

Anna Mesia thought she and Brene Brian had already left, she saw the two arguing with each other, jealousy and jealousy flared up, immediately rushed to slap Anna Mesia a strong slap.


"Villain! Married and still seducing other men?!"

Anna Mesia loudly cursed, Jack was surprised and did not have time to stop her, and Athirst Mesia did not have time to turn back, her right cheek received a slap from her, immediately reddened, painful.

"Stick face! On the first day back, she brazenly seduced another man right in front of her new husband! Athirst Mesia! I really have to pay homage to you!"

Anna Mesia deliberately spoke loudly to attract the attention of the people inside. As expected, only a few seconds later, Nanie, along with Beckham Mesia and the old lady, went out.

Seeing the three of them, Anna Mesia immediately hugged her face and sobbed, and Nanie immediately ran to worry:

"Anna, how are you?"

She wept bitterly and said hesitantly:

"Sister Athirst, she…she is with Jack…" She did not finish her sentence, Nanie turned to Athirst Mesia and said:

"Sister Athirst, why did you do that? Is it possible that after getting married, you still can't forget Jack, who is already your sister's fiancee, but you want to pedal two boats with one foot?"

Two boats with one foot?

Athirst Mesia sneered, the old lady was extremely surprised, her eyes were wide open, Jack at this time was dumb as a mussel, all the blame could be poured on her head.

"Athirst, what is this?"

Beckham Mesia asked with a serious face, cold tone, then gently turned to comfort Anna Mesia, obviously she was also his daughter, but he never let her in his eyes, he previously showed her coldness, disgust and abandonment….