
Unwilling Marriage.

Summary of the story: Until now, Athirst had never dreamed of anything far away, she only wished for a peaceful life, a small warm family. But her life could not be controlled but changed completely, there are people with bad stomachs, only thinking of ways to harm others. She was forced by them to marry an ugly person who also had a serious illness. Athirst was still trying, trying to adapt, trying to find a way out of her misery, but the young master she was forced to marry did not let her leave, the two kept entangled, and then got caught up in a series of events. Conspiracy and struggle.

BilyMoonMoon_07 · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 6

Seductive? Is this man not only mentally ill, but also narcissistic?

Brene Brian calmly wipes her hair with a cotton towel, her body is perfect in every line, she is more beautiful than all the men she has seen on TV, a person with such looks and strength, for a reason. Why pretend to be an ugly, sick person?

As if sensing her gaze, Brene Brian raised his eyes to look, Athirst immediately withdrew his gaze, put down the towel and said:

"Are you going to stay like that?"

Athirst was startled, then ran straight into the bathroom, showered for two hours, when she came out she was still wearing Brene Brian's shirt, and he was already prepared and dressed. neat, however, what surprised Athirst was that Brene Brian was sitting in a wheelchair!

"You..." Athirst opened her mouth to ask, but Brene Brian interrupted her words:

"Your clothes are on the bed, change quickly and come downstairs with me."

Still the same cold voice, but when she looked at his face, she took a breath of cold air, no longer a handsome face like before, but instead half of her face was very wrinkled, full of pitted scars, Athirst stared blankly, Brene Brian frowned, making his face even more terrifying.

"Go change your clothes." His intonation seemed to be running out of patience.

Athirst frantically picked up her skirt and went to the bathroom, still having the image of him before, she shook her head, didn't want to pay attention anymore, after changing her dress, she walked out, pink silk dress. elegantly fit her seductive slim curves, while cleverly showing off her full circle and the previous kiss marks that he left behind.

With small hands raised to pull the collar of his shirt, to cover up those kiss marks, Athirst just walked out, Brene Brian looked at her for a few seconds, then looked at the door again and said:

"Quickly push the wheelchair for me."

Athirst walked over, grabbed the rail of the wheelchair with both hands, pushed it forward, she opened the door, not far in front of the stairs, didn't know what to do when he suddenly said:

"Press the leftmost button."

Athirst saw that there was a round button on the wall on the left, she pressed the button at his words, the stairs in front of her suddenly made a sound, then the stairs turned into a flat staircase, convenient for walking. push the stroller down.

Before, she was used to living in the mountains and poverty, now looking at modern things like this, it's a bit difficult to adapt.

Brene Brian was once again annoyed, had to speak up to remind her:

"What are you still doing there dumbfounded? Please push the car down."

Athirst regained her composure, pushed the car down, and did not get there when she heard the voice of the old lady.

"Today is a happy day, everyone has the same reward, let's grab this red envelope."

The old lady delivered each envelope to each person, at this moment Athirst and Brene Brian came down, saw him, the servants seemed very afraid of him, they did not dare to look at Brene Brian's face, simultaneously bowing or looking away.

"Athirst, Athirst are you two down?" The old lady smiled brightly, Brene Brian looked at the red packets in her hand and asked:

"Grandma, what's the matter? Why red envelopes today?"

The old lady looked at Athirst and smiled and replied:

"Didn't you two just get married? She sent red envelopes to hope that Athirst quickly had a baby."

The old lady's words made everyone gasp at the same time, Athirst needless to say, they haven't had such a thing, what kind of child will they have? Come to think of it, where did the blood stain on the bed sheet come from?

Brene Brian was used to the old lady's style of drumming and banging, so it wasn't surprising, he didn't even care, just faintly said:

"I took Athirst to visit her family."

The wise old man remembered:

"That's right, she forgot, so let's go together."

Athirst was still bewildered, when in front of her were ten luxury supercars parked, the car was full of gifts, no need to guess what its value is.

Brene Brian was carried to the car by two servants, he glanced at her, the corners of his lips slightly curved up:

"What are you doing standing there dumbfounded? Let's go."

The old lady also got in the car, Athirst stepped up, sat next to him, suddenly her small waist was hugged, Brene Brian casually pulled her close to him, half of her face pressed against his chest, She also heard the steady beat of her heart and the gentle scent of mint wafting around her nose…

"Don't move, grandma is watching." His voice came down, softly low, for some reason Athirst at this time no longer felt it was cold.

The old lady looked at the two of them in the rearview mirror with satisfaction, and after a while, ten cars rolled and lined up on the road, attracting many eyes…

Mesia family.

Anna and Nanie are sitting on the sofa talking to each other, remembering what happened yesterday, she asked her daughter:

"Anna, yesterday I saw that you and Jack were very close, what did you two talk about then?"

Referring to this, her face instantly turned pink, her voice shy:

"He said he was going to marry me."

"Really?" Nanie is happy: "Anna, that's great! Jack is the young master of a rich family, if you marry him, you will live a happy life for the rest of your life, without having to worry about anything."

Anna also hopes so, Jack is currently the person with the most family background and appearance that suits her best, the only thing that makes her unhappy is that Jack is very promiscuous, every time When he said she was going anywhere, she felt insecure.

Nanie saw her daughter's face sunk in thought and worry, she patted her shoulder and asked softly:

"Anna, how are you? Is there something wrong?"

Anna shook her head.

"It's nothing, Mom."

At this moment, ten luxury supercars of Brene Brian arrived at Messi family, the servant immediately ran in to report the news, Anna Mesia and Nanie went out, their faces were surprised when they saw the scene. There, especially Anna Mesia, she saw that Athirst was extremely beautiful, wearing the limited dress that she liked the most, jealousy and envy rose in her heart.

The old lady walked in front of Nanie and Anna Media and said:

"Hello, ma'am, I'm Brene Brian's grandmother..."

Nanie smiled reluctantly and took the old lady's hand:

"Hello, everyone, please come inside."

Nanie told the servant to wake Beckham Mesia up, then everyone went into the house together, Anna Mesia stared at Athirst, when the two of them passed, she even whispered into his ear. Athirst:

"Lin Athirst, you are very good, you can marry into a rich family, are you still deliberately flaunting your prestige?"

Her words accidentally entered Brene Brian's ears, Anna Mesia thought he didn't hear, Athirst didn't care, pushed the car with him into the house.

Anna Mesia was ignored, she was so angry that she gritted her teeth, her nails dug deep into her palms, then the phone in her pocket suddenly vibrated, the corner of her lips suddenly smiled.

Beckham Mesia heard that a family member was visiting, he quickly changed his clothes and went downstairs, it's been a long time since Athirst has seen him, since the day he abandoned her mother and daughter to welcoming Nanie and Anna Mesia to this house, she no longer considers him her father.

When the two looked into each other's eyes, Beckham Mesia also avoided looking elsewhere, Nanie needless to say, there was a ray of hatred in his eyes, all of their expressions could not escape the eyes of Brene Brian.

Athirst's face was still very calm, she did not show any emotion, the old lady sent someone to put down the present, then said:

"We're very sorry about the wedding yesterday, it was supposed to be held on that day, but something unexpected happened so it had to be postponed to another day."

"It's okay, the old lady has such a heart, we don't care." Beckham Mesia smiled.

Nanie then stepped forward to hold Athirst's hand, her eyes red and teary, and said:

"Sister Athirst, you are married, I will miss you very much, remember to take care of your health."

Athirst just wanted to pull her hand out of her hand, it was she and Anna Mesia who instigated Beckham Mesia to chase her mother and daughter back to the same lonely mountains, live a miserable life, let her mother She died of pneumonia, at that time she was too young to do anything, but now it is different, Athirst just waited a day to avenge her mother.

Nanie was about to say something more, when at this moment, Anna Mesia and Jack walked in from outside the door, she held his hand very intimately, her face was smug.

"Sister, brother-in-law, grandmother, parents, introduce to everyone, this is Jack, my fiancé."

Athirst was stunned, so was Jack, he did not expect her to introduce her like this, but in front of many people, he did not dare to show his attitude, especially when Athirst was here. .