
Unwilling Marriage.

Summary of the story: Until now, Athirst had never dreamed of anything far away, she only wished for a peaceful life, a small warm family. But her life could not be controlled but changed completely, there are people with bad stomachs, only thinking of ways to harm others. She was forced by them to marry an ugly person who also had a serious illness. Athirst was still trying, trying to adapt, trying to find a way out of her misery, but the young master she was forced to marry did not let her leave, the two kept entangled, and then got caught up in a series of events. Conspiracy and struggle.

BilyMoonMoon_07 · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 8

Athirst Mesia coldly replied:

"It's not what people think."

Anna Mesia burst into tears and said:

"I've seen it with my own eyes, are you saying it's not?! Athirst, your heart is really cruel, in the past, you killed your mother, now you have a husband and want to rob your sister's fiance!"

As soon as she mentioned her mother, her face immediately changed, Anna Mesia can insult her no matter how much, but when it comes to her mother, Athirst Mesia certainly does not ignore it.

"Wait." Brene Brian saw that she was about to take out the silver needle when suddenly spoke up.

"I've been here ever since, but you pretend you didn't see me, insulting my wife whatever you want?"

His voice seemed to be echoing from the underworld, extremely cold, Anna Mesia was startled, her face was full of panic, cold sweat broke out on her spine... That's right, she was so angry. I just didn't pay attention to Brene Brian, but he was clearly just a crippled, ugly guy, what should she be afraid of? So, with just one look, she felt the pressure that Brene Brian brought?

Beckham Mesia and Nanie were silent at the same time, and Jack's face was already extremely unsightly, he was afraid that Brene Brian would say that he was the one who wanted to mess with Athirst Mesia, like that. then his reputation will be gone.

Jack quickly said: "Aunt, uncle, Anna, things are not as people think, just misunderstandings?"

"Can you still defend it?! With my own eyes, I have seen you pull its hand, and are you going to hug it?!"

Anna Mesia seemed to have lost her mind, Jack was disgusted, if it weren't for Beckham Mesia and Nanie here, he would not have bothered to explain.

Nanie knows how to be a girl, Beckham Mesia also doesn't want to make a big deal in front of the old lady, he sternly corrected Anna Mesia:

"Stop it! Let's talk about this later!" Then turned to the old lady, shyly said:

"Sorry old lady, let me make you laugh, it was just a misunderstanding between the children."

The old lady smiled and replied, "It's okay."

Anna Mesia was very angry, and Jack did not want to stay here anymore, he asked permission to go back first, she wanted to chase but Nanie prevented, Brene Brian then said:

"If your sister-in-law feels inadequate, you can turn on the camera to see it again, everything will be clear."

He pointed to the camera installed in a hidden corner, how many years Anna Mesia lived in the house did not know, but Brene Brian was able to see it.

This is the camera that Beckham Mesia secretly installed, unexpectedly discovered by him.

"Okay." Anna Mesia turned to Beckham Mesia and said:

"Dad, please clarify this, the camera in the house can only be viewed by you, if nothing happens to you and Jack, I will apologize, otherwise, I hope you will admit your mistake. mine."

Her eyes glared at her maliciously, Athirst Mesia did nothing wrong so there was nothing to be afraid of, but Beckham Mesia did not agree.

"Okay, let's talk about this later, Anna, don't make any more noise.

Losing face of the Mesia family!"

Anna Mesia was frustrated, bit her lip and lowered her face, he apologized to the old lady and Brene Brian, in the end only the old lady stayed, Athirst Mesia and him got in the car to return to the Brian family.

When she got into the car, she thought he was going to ask her what happened earlier, but Brene Brian closed his eyes and didn't say a word, as if he didn't care

Athirst Mesia increasingly could not understand this man's mind, when he defended her and showed his love, behind his back, he coldly showed no interest, but did not agree to let her go. come on, what are you calculating?

Brene Brian suddenly opened her eyes at this time, suddenly, without warning, lifted Athirst Mesia's chin to kiss him passionately, she rolled her eyes, took a few seconds to react, her hands raised and pushed him away , and worked hard to wipe his lips several times as if he hated him so much.

"What are you doing?"

Athirst Mesia gave him a look like a grenade, while sitting back to the side, Brene Brian smirked, looked out of the car window and looked at Anna Mesia's figure, so angry that she gritted her teeth and stomped her feet. placid, crossed his arms in front of his chest and said:

"I just helped you."

"Help?" Do you really want to see if this man's brain has a mental problem, is it even called a helper to force kiss someone else?

Brene Brian shrugged, did not explain further, but returned to the state of closing his eyes to take care of his spirit as before, Athirst Mesia was angry, she said:

"Brene Brian, whether you are sick or you want to act in front of my family, I listen to you, but I don't agree with intimate touching."

The atmosphere in the car sank into silence, Secretary Kim was secretly sweating, waiting for him to get angry, but after a long time he still did not speak, Athirst Mesia was ignored by him, more and more inhibited than.

"Did you hear what I said?"


Brene Brian only replied coldly, then quickly pulled her to sit on her lap, buried her face in the hollow of her neck, and then breathed steadily.

"What is this? Who let you touch me?"

Athirst Mesia struggled to push him away, but this man's arms were like pincers, preventing her from escaping.

"Good boy." Brene Brian lowered his voice, took a deep breath, and then slept again.

The corner of her lips twitched, is this bastard coaxing the dog?