

This is a story of a never talked about pokemon trainer whose feats and accomplishments were never recognized. This book unveils his character and portray his strength which made him the Greatest Of All Time.

harsh_sinha · Fantasy
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14 Chs

8. Showing up of a mysterious pokemon (Part 1)

"Poliwrath is unable to battle, Nidoking wins and the winner of this match is Viridian city gym leader Giovanni!!". "Thanks for your help Poliwrath, you deserve a good rest".

Giovanni:- "You fought really well kid, even against my Nidoking you put up a good fight. There haven't been much trainers around against whom I had to use my elite pokemons".

John:- "Thanks a lot, I still lost though. I will train harder and will come back to challenge you again". Although he lost John was satisfied with the fact that he got to test himself against an opponent who was much stronger than him. Now he had the clear picture in mind about how much and in which aspects he had to work to make himself stronger.

Giovanni:- "Yes, its right that you lost but, you see winning is not the only thing on which a trainer is measured during gym battle. The task of a gym leader is to test the challenger with the most difficult situations during battle which his limits can endure, so that he can break them. You didn't back down till the last moment and thats why you deserve this". Giovanni showed him the Earth badge. "Go ahead take it, you have earned it". "Thank you so much!!"

Mysterious Person:- "Congratulations young man!! your battle was a remarkable display of courage".

John:- "Thanks a lot sir". John looked at him with a bit of confusion.

Mysterious Person:- "By the way I am Nova. I am the director of Ever Grande City Research Center".

John:- "Nice to meet you".

Nova:- "So John since how long have you been on this journey ?"

John:- "Well I have started recently, infact this was my first gym battle". On hearing that both Giovanni and Nova became quite serious. "For a young trainer to have a peak ultimate level and one beginner master level pokemon. That too with the way he commanded and used them in the battle, I was sure that this kid is special but, I had no idea that it would be his first gym battle". Nova thought to himself.

Giovanni:- "This new lot sure has some fine lads, before battling you, one more trainer challenged me today. He too was good, pretty good actually".

John:- "Glenn!" John was lost in his thoughts. "Well I guess I will take your leave now Giovanni. I hope we will meet again soon John".

John:- "Sure, I would like the same". After getting his first gym badge John headed towards the pokemon center for curing his pokemons and also for giving the good news to his parents. On reaching pokemon center John gave his pokemons, Breloom, Poliwrath and Horsea for checkup and went to the calling booth.

"How was the battle son ?" Andrew and Daisy appeared on the screen. "It was a tough one, I couldn't win though" John showed them his gym badge. On seeing the badge Andrew got a bit serious while Daisy was a little confused. "What pokemons did he use ? Did he use anyone from his elite pokemons ?" "Yes dad, he used his Nidoking which was a peak master level pokemon and the other two were Rhyhorn and Rhydon., both of them were peak ultimate level". "But, dear you didn't win then how come you received the badge ?" on seeing Daisy being confused Andrew explained her about the criteria on which a gym battle and challenger was examined. " I didn't expect John would face a peak master level pokemon. He has been training Breloom and Poliwrath since he was a child but, yet to make Giovanni use his elite pokemon". Andrew was proud of his son but, at the same time he was a bit scared too. A trainer as skilled as John gathered a lot of attention from every kind of person. While John finished his phone call his pokemons were all healed up as well, later he decided to call it a day. As he was resting, thinking about today's battle, a glowing figure went past the window of his room!!

Soon John will encounter a mysterious pokemon, lot of mysteries will be unveiled in the upcoming chapters. Stay tuned.

The adventure continues...