

This is a story of a never talked about pokemon trainer whose feats and accomplishments were never recognized. This book unveils his character and portray his strength which made him the Greatest Of All Time.

harsh_sinha · Fantasy
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14 Chs

7. Showdown in Viridian City (Part 3)

"Poliwrath use hydropump", "Rhydon counter it with stone edge" and both the attacks cancelled each other. "Use ram", "Poliwrath use confusion and stop Rhydon" Poliwrath's confusion stopped Rhydon on its tracks. "Now send him flying" and Poliwrath threw Rhydon in corner of the field.

Mysterious Person:- "To be able to throw a heavy and strong pokemon like Rhydon using confusion, perhaps there is more to this kid than I had imagined".

"On your feet Rhydon, lets go all out use double-edge", "Poliwrath use aquajet and dodge the attack" with aquajet Poliwrath was able to evade the attack. "Now turn back and hit him hard!!" and a super effective move hit Rhydon and he was down on the field. "Rhydon is unable to batt...." and Rhydon got back on its feet with a loud roar.

Mysterious Person:- "Hahaha!! have to say I am not surprised, Giovanni's pokemons are as persistent as ever".

"Alright Rhydon use hyperbeam", "Poliwrath use bubblebeam" none of them was ready to give an inch but, Rhydon after taking some significant hits was loosing its grip and soon enough Poliwrath's attack overpowered him and Rhydown was down and out. "Rhydon is unable to battle, Poliwrath wins!!"

Giovanni:- "What is the current level of your Poliwrath? It can't be any less than Master level".

John:- "Yes, he is currently at Beginner Master level, we have been together since he was a Poliwag and been training for years". Giovanni smiled, "no wonder your Poliwrath was able to overpower my Rhydon. Guess I will have to respond with an equally powerful stratagem, no one has been able to persuade me in using one of my master level pokemons lately. I commend you kid!!" Giovanni tapped a button and two pokeballs appeared on the podium next to him. "The decisive battle starts now, I choose you Nidoking". Nidoking is a large, bipedal, purple pokemon with distinct reptilian features. It has narrow eyes, large, spiny ears, fur like tufts on its cheeks, and a short snout filled with pointed teeth. There is a long, venomous horn on its forehead and a ridge of spines hoof like nail. It has a long, powerful tail. "Let the final round begin!!"

"Nidoking use earthpower" Nidoking's body started to glow in a light brown colour as if it was absorbing power from the surface, "and now use magnitude". Nidoking's attack gave no time for Poliwrath to make any move and he was affected by the seismic currents which gave Nidoking the opportunity for another attack. "Use thunderpunch" and Poliwrath being lower on defense got hit by a super effective move. "Come on Poliwrath get up, and use bubblebeam" Poliwrath got up but, as he tried to attack his body didn't move, he was paralyzed, effect of thunderpunch was visible on him.

Giovanni:- "It seems the odds are against you, then I will finish this fast. Nidoking use another thunderpunch".

John:- "Poliwrath gather your strength and use confusion!!" Poliwrath tried to stop Nidoking but, Nidoking being more powerful than Poliwrath and he was breaking through the barrier of confusion. Soon, it did that and rushed towards Poliwrath. On seeing this John smiled "just what I wanted, Poliwrath use protect and block Nidoking's attack". Poliwrath protected itself from the attack which left Nidoking open and vulnerable. "Now Poliwrath use ice-beam". Poliwrath's attack hit its mark and Nidoking started to freeze due to the effect of ice-beam. "Lets wrap this up, Poliwrath use dynamic punch!!" "Nidoking use hyperbeam", and soon the ice started to melt due to the accumulation of energy. The ice broke and hyperbeam hit Poliwrath with an explosion. When the dust cleared, Poliwrath was lying unconscious on the field. "Poliwrath is unable to battle Nidoking wins and winner of this match is Viridian city gym leader Giovanni!!"

Though our hero has lost his first gym battle but, lets see how the turn of events will be now.

The adventure continues...