

This is a story of a never talked about pokemon trainer whose feats and accomplishments were never recognized. This book unveils his character and portray his strength which made him the Greatest Of All Time.

harsh_sinha · Fantasy
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14 Chs

9. Showing up of a mysterious pokemon (Part 2)

John quickly got up and looked outside the window, and suddenly that glowing figure crossed in front of the window again. Pikachu also got up and looked outside when they heard a voice, as if somebody was laughing, it sounded more like a kid. When John opened his window, that glowing figure appeared again and came inside his room. Pikachu immediately took the battle stance but, then he calmed down when that figure started to reveal itself. It was a green fairy like creature, having round toeless feet, three-fingered hands, and clear wings on its back. It had a round head that comes to a curved point and large baby blue eyes with thick black rings around them, and a pair of green antennae with blue tips. It was a Celebi. Celebi is a dual type Psychic/Grass Mythical Pokemon. It is not known to evolve into or from any other pokemon. Celebi is able to travel through time and exist simultaneously throughout time, and plant life flourishes wherever it has been. John and Pikachu were completely shocked on seeing her, and Celebi started laughing again on seeing their astonished faces. Then John heard a voice "I am here to ask for your help, you don't need to be afraid John". "Wait is that you talking!! you are communicating with me telepathically. But, what is it for which you need my help and how do you know me ?"

"I have been following you ever since you battled that boy of your age near Pokemon Dome and for your second question, why I need your help. I guess it would be better if I showed you", and Celebi touched John and Pikachu. Soon, they vanished from that room. "Hey what did you just do ? What is this place, where are we ?" "You will see soon enough" and they heard a loud explosion, it came from close by where they were. "It looks like a pokemon battle is going on there, lets go check" the three of them went straight for that place. "This is as far as we should go, now wait here and watch what is happening" Celebi made a protective barrier around them.

John:- "Who are these stranger people ?" and then his gaze fell on two familiar faces "thats.. my dad and.. and Professor Oak. What is going on here ? Who are these people they are fighting against ?" "You are right that's your father and Professor Oak. We have come 20 years back in the past, when you were not even born".

Professor Oak:- "You will not succeed in your deviltry, we will stop you at any cost!!"

Dirk:- "Did you hear that Cross ? These guys think they can stop us. Are you both nuts ? You are not just outmatched but, outnumbered as well".

Cross:- "Perhaps we will have to give them a reality check of whom they are up against. Tyranitar come on out!!"

Dirk:- "You too Aggron". Tyranitar is a dual type Rock/Dark pseudo-legendary pokemon. It is a large, bipedal, dinosaurian pokemon with a green, armor like hide covering its body. It has two pairs of pointed teeth: one in the upper jaw and one in the lower. Several spikes of varying size protrude from the back of its head, neck, and shoulders. Both sides of its chest, the center of its back, and its knees have two triangular holes. There is a gray, diamond shaped patch of scales covering its belly, and a smaller one on its back. It has three claws n its feet and hands. A ring of spikes surrounds the tip of its tail.

Aggron is a dual type Steel/Rock pokemon. It is a huge, bipedal pokemon. It is primarily black with plates of silever colored armor. The armor on its head has two pairs of holes with horns protruding from the foremost holes. Its forehead plating extends past its upper jaw in a small point. It has sky blue eyes, and two nostril like holes on the tip of its upper jaw. On the rim of its mouth are several pointed, fang like protrusions and the nape of its neck and back have gray silver armor sections. It has wide, blunt spikes on its shoulders, and gray silver bands on its arms and legs. Its hands and feet each have three ckaws. It has a thick, long, black tail that it can swing at enemies.

Professor Oak:- "Then so be it, Venasaur I need your assistance".

Andrew:- "I choose you Alakazam".

"Aggron, Tyranitar use stone edge!!" "Alakazam use psybeam". "Venasaur use leaf storm".

Why Celebi has brought John 20 years back ? and who are these people Professor Oak and Andrew are up against ? Find out in the next chapter.

The adventure continues...