

This is a story of a never talked about pokemon trainer whose feats and accomplishments were never recognized. This book unveils his character and portray his strength which made him the Greatest Of All Time.

harsh_sinha · Fantasy
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14 Chs

6. Showdown in Viridian City (Part 3)

"Let the battle begin". "Breloom use leaf storm and then go for sky uppercut". "Rhyhorn use harden". Breloom's attacks hit its mark and Rhyhorn was pushed a few steps back. "This Rhyhorn is atleast an ultimate level pokemon... this is just the kind of battle I have been waiting for". John thought to himself. Then he looked towards Breloom who also grined at him, he too was excited as he was facing a tough opponent.

Giovanni:- "Show me boy what more have you got!!"

John:- "Alright Breloom use frenzy plant" and wild plants came tearing the ground on to the surface and wrapped Rhyhorn. "Now use high jump kick" and Breloom lashed a super effective move on Rhyhorn. As a result Rhyhorn fell on to the ground but, soon enough he was back on its feet.

Mysterious Person:- "Hehe this is just the kind of stuff I expected from Giovanni but, this kid, he is good its a fight worth watching".

Giovanni:- "Now its my turn. Rhyhorn use magnitude" and shock waves were sent right across the field. The power of magnitide varies but this one was really strong. "And now use takedown". Rhyhorn hit Breloom with full might and Breloom flew many feets back. But, just like Rhyhorn Breloom wasn't ready to back down either, he stood back up.

Mysterious Person:- "This Breloom should be close to ultimate level if not less".

John:- "Way to go Breloom now use double team and then leaf storm". Breloom hit Rhydon again with a super effective move and since it was combined with double team that made it tough for Rhyhorn to dodge. "This should do it" John thought to himself but, to his surprise Rhyhorn was back on its feet again. "Alright Breloom return, standby for battle Horsea. Horsea is a light blue, seahorse like pokemon. It has red eyes, a long, tubular mouth, and three spike like fins on either side of its head. Its ridged belly and single dorsal fin are cream-colored. Highly adpet in the water, it uses its dorsal fin to swim in any direction while facing forward. It has tightly curled tail that it can use as both a balance and anchor when caught in a strong current.

"Rhyhorn use stone edge". barrage of stones hurled towards Horsea. "Horsea use whirlpool and nutralise them!!" both the attacks collided but, Rhyhorn being more powerful than Horsea its attack overpowered her. "Will have to finish this fast Horsea won't last long against Rhyhorn". "Rhyhorn end this, use ram". "Horsea use aqua tail" it was the final collision and when the dust cleared up both the pokemons were lying unconscious on the battle field. "Both the pokemons are unable to battle this round is a draw, now bring your next pokemon". "Come on out Rhydon". Rhydon is a large, gray, bipedal pokemon with features similar to both dinosaurs and rhinoceroses. It has narrow, red eyes and two fangs in its upper jaw. On the tip of its snout is a cream-colored horn. "You did great Horsea now take a good rest, Breloom stand by for battle". "Let the battle begin". "Breloom use frenzy plant" "Rhydon use surf!!" Rhydon was wrapped but, Breloom was hurled back by the tidal waves. "Free yourself and use stone edge" " Breloom get up, and use leaf storm" the two attacks cancelled each other out. "Time to wrap this up, Breloom use solarbeam".

Giovanni:- "I will give you the time to charge up, show me what you are capable off".

"Get ready Breloom... Now use solarbeam full power!!" "Rhydon use hyperbeam" and everything got submerged in the blinding flash of light when the two attacks collided. When the explosion was over and the smoke cleared Rhydon was still standing while Breloom was down for the count. "Breloom is unable to battle Rhydon wins!!"

"You were awesome Breloom now take a good rest, its your turn Poliwrath I need your assistance". Poliwrath is a blue, bipedal pokemon with a round body and muscular arms. It has bulbous eyes that protrude from top of its head and its belly is covered by a white and black swirl. There appear to be white gloves on its hands, and it has rounded, digit-less feet. Poliwrath's body is almost entirely muscle, and the muscles in its arms and legs never tire. When it swims, it uses all the muscles in its body and is able to swim vast distances with minimal breathing. "Let the battle begin!!"

Stay tuned as the raging battle continues...