
Chapter 9 {Pink Talent}

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong couldn't help but smile. He found himself thinking all kinds of attack he could use with just one element but he found himself so excited he closed his eyes and he looked at his senior.

"Stop smiling I will be living soon I don't have much time," the man said,

"Senior where are you going?"

"Comprehending each element isn't as simple as you think it is. For you to have perfect control over it, you have to know everything about it you have to be one with the element. Being one with the element is the highest level of comprehension. Although you're still far away from this level I can tell that you already understanding the wind and water element it helps the fact that you have vox which makes it easier then normal people but you must remember your elements will act up on your emission if you are angry, sad, or even want to kill someone that element will do just that even the purest element can become into a deadly weapon you must remember what I say you shouldn't try to wield all the elements at once until you are much stronger do you understand me?" the man looked at Xu Yuto Shuto Hong before continuing.

"You should also know that the higher you comprehend the elements, the faster your cultivation speed."

"Senior doesn't that mean, unlike the rest people who have a fixed talent for their said element, mine isn't fixed?"

"Yes, that's basically the point. Of course, it can only increase if you can have a high comprehension of the said element" He explained patiently as a teacher would to his student. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong truly didn't understand what was happening he damn knew well he didn't want to do anything stupid or dumb but he found himself staring at the man in front of him.

had a solemn look and started having a feeling it won't really be that easy to have a high comprehension of the elements.

When the man saw Xu Yuto Shuto Hong's look, he started having a different opinion of him.

Seems like he has finally realized how hard things are going to be' He nodded in approval in his heart.

"You can actually start cultivating now, you were originally born with a powerful Rin Magic Power which will help you in the long ran."

"The more elements you comprehend, the faster your cultivation speed grows. Meaning if you can comprehend two elements, your cultivation speed will double. And your talent also matters" He said with a slightly calmer tone.

"Senior doesn't that mean I will improve much faster then everyone else?"

"Yes after all one needs a strong spiritual and cultivation realm to hold that much element and you already have the power to at least hold four elements at once but can only use two at the same time."

"Haha I am the man," Xu Yuto Shuto Hong shouted.

The man sighed he wasn't about to bother he was already tired. He just wanted to rest this boy is special and for that he can hold his own.

After Xu Yuto Shuto Hong was done making his wild imagination he remembered what the senior said.

"Senior you said that you will live soon is it true?"

"Yes boy I am already dead."

"You don't have to say anything about it. It is something that happened long ago. Now, I will tell you how to perfectly use this space" The man slowly explained to Xu Yuto Shuto Hong.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong was kneeling down and listening to the man in front of him closely. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong was able to find out how to use the chaos space. It wasn't really that hard, all you have to do is think of the element you wish to comprehend, and you will see it. There was also an object used for checking talents. It was just like the one he saw when he went for the test, only this was more sophisticated.

"Well, that is all you need to know. Remember this won't be easy, and always be careful of how many elements you show people. You can show multiple, but not too many okay. You will be surprised how far greed can push people" He warned Xu Yuto Shuto Hong sincerely.

"Yes teacher I will be careful."

"Boy I must warn you something you life won't be easy the path you have chosen will create many enemies and I can tell something deep within this world evil is larking you must get stronger you must protect yourself do you understand me?"

"Train well. Oh!, and don't forget to train your body as well. Don't allow the elements to hone it for you, that is the wrong path" He said while fading slowly.

"Yes senior, I'm already used to it. So now, I can't really go a day with doing a little training" Xu Yuto Shuto Hong said.

"Senior, how can I leave?" Xu Yuto Shuto Hong hurriedly asked, wouldn't it be embarrassing if he couldn't leave this space.

"Just will it, and you can leave," He said while shaking his head with a smile.

What an interesting young boy.

"Take care sir! Oh sorry I didn't..." Xu Yuto Shuto Hong was extremely embarrassed what he just said he covered his mouth. The man laughed and waved Xu Yuto Shuto off.

The man laughed when he saw this. Before fading away completely.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong looked at the place the man faded with a look of melancholy.

He stayed in the space for some time before leaving and returning to the real world. When he returned, he looked around calmly. He knew his life would change completely from this day.

"Wait, let me take a look at which element I'm attuned with naturally" He suddenly remembered and went back into the space.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong stood before the stone nervously. He had waited for 3 years, he had suffered countless insults all for this day. With a heart of expectation, he placed his hand on the stone. Just like what he experienced the last time, he felt an unknown energy entering into his body from the stone.

After it circulated around his body, it went back to the stone.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong waited patiently for it to read the results. After a minute, the stone lit up.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong was slack jawed when he saw the result. His heart couldn't stop racing.

"Fuck, what sort of shit luck is this, how can I have a pink talent," Xu Yuto Shuto Hong dropped on the ground what bad luck he gets two amazing thing from the senior chaos eyes and Chaos element and he finds out his Plane is pink the weakest oh my gosh this is so bad.

It was depressing, after waiting for so long, this was what he saw. A Pink talent, although he had a great element, it was annoying.

He had a Lightning element but with a Rin Pink talent, if it had been orange, he would have at least managed it. Besides his element was rare, but pink. If people knew about this, he would be a laughingstock. He was already being laughed at for not having an affinity, now that he awakened it after so long, it was a Pink talent. They are different levels Rin Plane each color shows one level and talented pink is the lowest color.

"Well let's just forget about and let's work hard yes!"