
Chapter 10 {Plans}

The next morning Xu Yuto Shuto Hong remember about his talented he didn't care about he now he needs to get stronger so he can tryout for Fang Shrank Academy he clenched his hands together before he turned around and he found himself smiling yes this will be excited and fun. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong walked down the stairs and he poked his head out he saw his mother who was reading a book. They are many plans he must make but no matter what he will work hard for his mother who has always been there for him.

"Mom I want to tryout for Shrank Fang Academy."

Skylar smiled at her son she closed her book and she pulled on her son cheek before he touched his head.

"I already signed you up we will go to Green Academy in three months that's when the competition will start your first test will be in a virtual world it will extremely real the pain you feel here it will feel the same inside the virtual world. From now I will train you unknown stop oh speaking of wish seat Shrank Fang Academy wants to know what needs to know what size of clothes you wear what class you want to take if you get into the school."

"I want to take piloting battle class."

"Space huh?"

"I have thought it would be different mom."

"Alright, that's all they asked the rest I just applied for you because I know my dear son go and change into your gym clothes you will be fighting from now on."

"Wait mom I am-"

"My dear son I won't go easy on you," Skylar said as she grabbed her son by the caller of his shirt. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong whined but he changed into his training clothes he grabbed a wooden stick and he spun it around his mother standing in front of him. Hair was up in ponytail as both dashed forward Skylar swing the wooden stick she jumped in the air she waved her hands and her Rin Element appeared she also used her wolf eyes that changed color. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong jumped backwards but touched the ground and waved his hand which the water that his mother put down froze. His mother was shocked that his son was already able to use water but to the next level the ice was amazing. She still has a hard time controlling her water and turning it into ice. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong rushed forward throwing the wooden stick forward he held out his hand using wind and water to fuse into one Skylar wasn't scared not at all she was able to block the attack she waved her a fire element appeared. This was her fire spell Xu Yuto Shuto Hong dashed forward forward he held out his hand this fire isn't that he slide his feet but his mother held a sword on his forehead.

"You lose let's do this again."

Four hours later. Skylar wasn't tired but her son was done she slowly looked at her son and she shook her head she looked at the gray training room she remember how everyone looked down on her son no matter what her son will show everyone what kind of person he is.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong was mocked and abused by everyone. His so-called friends stopped talking to him because he wasn't Rin Mage Magic user. He was downcast during that time, but his mother has always been there with him all the time. She was his backbone when he couldn't stand up straight. She made sure she did everything she could to assist him, she was his greatest support. He honestly lost himself many times but his mother was always there pulling him back always reminding him one day he will show them what he is and not just that you can make much better friends who will stand by yourself it will be hard they are true friends out there.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong looked up at his mother he stepped forward and hugged his mother who was shocked by this.

"Thank you mom, for everything because of you am I still here."

"My son is a big boy one day you will fall in love and bring someone home don't matter who it is."

"Yes mom I promise weather it's a girl a man I will bring them home for you to see."


"Uncle Ray and Uncle Victor are married to each other but I don't understand how kids work."

"That go take a shower."

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong laughed as he rushed off. Skylar sighed before she smiled humph if people knew who she truly was no one would dare make fun of her son I believe you in so you destroy each and everyone of them.

Even if he doesn't want to do this for himself, he has to do it for his mother. He is grateful to his mother, if not for her, he would have still been down, wallowing in self pity.

He promised himself he was going to make his mother proud. Not only that, but he would be her source of joy. The best is the only thing he wishes for her.

After this test, his life would change completely. His social status will also change. He imagined the look of shock that will be written in the faces of everyone when he gets the test done.

"How would they react, I can't wait to find out" Xu Yuto Shuto Hong smiled to himself, he was going to give it his all. For his family and so he can go to the number one academy in the whole world.