
Chapter 8 {Chaos God}

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong's mind was calm as he felt the wind around his body and the water was moving around in a cycle. His mind was far away from this world as he kept on cultivating his spiritual power also grew alongside his cultivation.

After completing the tenth cycle, huge changes started taking place in his body.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong got in a trance when this happened. He saw a man standing majestically in the air looking down at the world. He had a noble aura spreading in all directions, it was like he was the lord over everything. He stretched out his right hand and all elements could be seen converging at the top of his hands, it was a beautiful sight. The man had long white hair his eyes were staring at Xu Yuto Shuto Hong was frozen in place he felt like he couldn't breath at all. The man landed on the ground as he touched everything around him as he crossed his legs and he let out yawn before he stared at Xu Yuto Shuto Hong. The mysterious man opened his hand elements and formed an orb at the top of his hand, the orb was captivating. But Xu Yuto Shuto Hong could feel the destructive powers hidden in the beautiful orb. This could be called a beautiful killer. The moment the man opened his eyes Xu Yuto Shuto Hong dropped on the ground so powerful he thought to himself this man isn't a joke whoever he is he could kill him with a snap of finger.

The man spread out his hands wide and the orb exploded. It was a stunning sight and was also beautiful. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong was surprised by the number of elements the man had control over. The man looked in the direction of Xu Yuto Shuto Hong and flashed a smile at him.

Only after the lights died down did Xu Yuto Shuto Hong realize they were alone. The man leisurely walked towards him, he studied him for some time before nodding his head.

"Boy what's your name."

"Senior my name is Xu Yuto Shuto Hong."

"Your bloodline is special even with my chaos eyes I can't even though your bloodline what I can say when your bloodline full awakens you unbalance this world."

"Bu why?"

"Even I don't have the question for that foolish boy," the man said.

The man raised an eyebrow and stared at him closely.

"You were the one who inherited my powers, good. You were just barely able to meet the minimum requirements, you must have a strong body if you want to use the chaos element," the man said as he stood up he was wearing black golden robe his strength was beyond anyone his eyes landed on Xu Yuto Shuto before he let out a sigh.

"Chaos Element?"

"Yes Chaos Element you will be able to control fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Lightning, Darkness, and Light elements. But you are different you have even more element then I have which will make you even more powerful do you know anything about the Chaos God?"

"Chaos God never heard of him."

"Makes since he has been long forgotten.Yes, the Chaos God. He was the strongest among all the God's and was the one who led the God's well before he died he was long forgotten he was unknown to be the strongest god thousands of gods followed him he has many disciples but that's all behind the Chaos God."

"I've never heard of this Chaos God you speak of senior," Xu Yuto Shuto Hong said in a polite tone.

"Is there no record of the Chaos God?" he asked.

"No senior, after the great war of Gods, the Gods haven't been heard about since then. And that war took place over 900,000 years ago" Xu Yuto Shuto Hong explained.

The man was alarmed but he covered it the second moment before he sat back down and he stared at the sky.

"It seems like a war broke down after that I cannot truly remember I guess what I do know after that God Realm was closed off from the human world."

"Hmm, forget about it for now. You will get to know more as time goes on. Now, since you have inherited this power, you should already know some things about it?" The man asked seriously.

"Yes senior, I know I can wield all the elements," Xu Yuto Shuto Hong said.

"Hmm, well, that isn't the strongest aspect of it. You still won't be able to form the chaos element soon," the man said with a smile.

"The can I start use my element?"

"NO! Well I guess you already awaken two elements water and wind am right?"


"The human body isn't supposed to have more then one element it's already amazing you understand the two elements extremely well anyways tell what you feel?"

"well I feel like I will soon be able to open up another element?"

"Do you know what kind?"


The man eyes widen space who the hell is this boy his bloodline is extremely powerful and mysterious he is unable to take a look even his Spirit Soul is sealed off to the world whoever this boy his identity must not be easy not at all yet his already has three elements in his hands wind, water, and space and he seems like he understands them extremely well like he has been using them for thousands and thousands of years.

"Don't think it will be easy, comprehending elements and being born with a given element are two different things. Comprehension is harder, and your talent in the element will tally with your comprehension, if your comprehension is low for the element, your talent and control over it will also be low" He patiently explained to Xu Yuto Shuto Hong.

"I understand so the more elements I get the stronger I will get?"

"Mmm yes but for you, you won't just have the chaos element I don't what you will gain but I believe you go above and beyond but when that comes I will help you but you must sure that you understand each element by heart not matter what you can't be scared of element no matter it's part of you and you are part of the element that is the power of the Chaos God do you understand my words?"

"Yes sir."

"It shouldn't be that hard. How can I get into this space?" Xu Yuto Shuto Hong said naively before asking the important question. For him, he didn't think it would be hard for him to comprehend the elements. What he was bothered about was how to get here.

The man looked at him and didn't reply. He knew how hard it was to comprehend an element and also, he didn't want to give Xu Yuto Shuto Hong a scare. So he just let him be.

"Just will it, and you can come here anytime," The man said.


"Yes this space is created by you it's already extremely powerful it's yours to control."

"Oh!, I haven't told you the strongest aspect of it yet" The man suddenly said.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong eyes widen and stared at the man.

"Element fusion."

"I have heard of it but it's extremely rare among people."

"Yes elemental fusion. As the name implies, this power gives you the ability to fuse elements. After being able to fuse all elements, you will then be able to create the chaos element, which is a combination of all elements and also the strongest element. But it also harm the person who is making the fusion if he or she doesn't understand the two elements she or he is fusing with do you understand what I am saying?"

"Was that what I saw you did earlier?" Xu Yuto Shuto Hong asked. He remembered seeing the man forming an orb at the top of his outstretched hand. It was as beautiful as it was dangerous.

"Yes, what you saw me create was the chaos element" The man didn't hide anything from him and told him more about it.

"How is such an overpower element? But not just that I know it's rare to fusion element together but when I put the wind and water together was that fusion?"

"Yes you were able to fusion water and wind together I am shocked to see you are able to do this but it shows you have the talent for elements better then anyone else."

"Thank you senior."

The man looked at him and couldn't help but sigh.

"What sort of fellow inherited this power"

He started pitying the world because an overpowered moron will soon be let loose. He held a moment of silence for everyone. He knew Xu Yuto Shuto Hong was a determined person as he was able to train himself to reach the requirements stated. If he knew Xu Yuto Shuto Hong didn't do it on purpose, he would be dismayed.

"I sure pity this world soon a true monster will appear, haha he will build his own throne just his elements will be frightening but will happen if his bloodline is awaken he will be someone even I wouldn't dare want to fight."