
Chapter 7 {Wind Element and Water Element}

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong woke feeling so happy. He brushed his teeth, washed his face and then changed his clothes he walked down the stairs and he saw his mother he held out his and he showed his charming smile toward his mother.

"Mom you look so beautiful," Xu Yuto Shuto Hong said with a charming smile any girl or man would fall for. Skylar crossed her arms she knows that he does this when he did something wrong all of them do this to her. She took a deep breath and touched her son's forehead making sure he isn't sick at all.

Skylar made breakfast for her son and watched him closely this boy is truly talented his able to understand his cultivation and spiritual realm so fast it takes at list a year to understand but it took him at list three days his truly something else in this world she found herself smiling at her son before she shook her head.

"How was your training yesterday?" Skylar asked.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong finished chewing his food and he leaned on his hand as he stared at Tun Titian.

"It was good I felt like I understood everything much more and not just that my Genesis Ink has made eight breakthrough honestly I can teach someone when it comes to Genesis Ink I have so many scrolls that are worth so much money maybe I shoulder start to sell them on the black market.



"Sigh saying black market I don't want you to do stupid thing anyways you are growing up and tryout for Shrank Fang Academy is coming up do you still want to do it?"

"Yes mom I still want to do it."

"It won't easy."

"Mmm I know but don't worry I will work extremely hard promise," Xu Yuto Shuto Hong said trying to dodge the question about what happened yesterday.

Skylar looked at him closely, 'Why is he hiding it from me, or did he forget about it? No need, I will just ask about it'.

"I was told you sneak attacked Derek yesterday when you were coming back from the forest" Skyler studied Xu Yuto Shuto Hong's reaction closely.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong was shocked when he heard that, then it all clicked, no wonder she was acting strange, so it was because of the small conflict he had with Derek.

"Course not he wanted to bully me so I taught him a lesson."

"Well that's not what he said he said he was minding his own busniess when you challenged him into a fight and he told you no but you wanted to bully him."

A sudden burst came out of Xu Yuto Shuto Hong so his such lair. Skylar is shocked this boy element are so powerful he already has a wind element and the water element is amazing.

"His suck a lair, I was minding own damn business he declare a fight with me I told him no but he ganged up on me I was able to dodge the attack I only punched him a little bet not much how is it my problem his weak?" Xu Yuto Shuto Hong mattered and underneath his breath.

"Tell me what happened."

So Xu Yuto Shuto Hong told his mother what happened from the start to end. Skylar was shocked to hear that his son was able to dodge all the attack from Derek and his stage in Rin Magi Element is stage seven it's already outstanding yet her son was able to dodge all of those.

"Okay, don't worry about this. I will take care of it. I don't want to hear something like this happened again. Focus fully on your cultivation and try to complete the circulations as soon as possible, so you can start the real cultivation" Martha told him seriously. She really didn't want him to waste his time with all these little things. So long as he can start cultivating for real, I will be happy."

"Yes mom," Xu Yuto Shuto Hong understands that his mother is strict when it comes toward him but he knows the reason for that.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong continued his training that day, only now, his routine had changed. He would train in the day, and meditate at night.

Slowly, time passed and a month quickly went by. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong didn't hear from Derek or anyone later. He was given a rare moment of peace. He was happy as now all his focus was on his training. During this month, he was able to get to the seventh circle. The more the cycles, the harder it was for him. He was determined, so he didn't stop or give up halfway because he felt it was too hard. He kept on pushing himself to the brink and surpassing himself.

Whenever he wants to train, he will set himself as the target to beat. If could do more than what he usually does, then he had successfully surpassed his previous self.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong also started working with water element and wind element he notice he can fuse them together but also his water was easily able to turn into ice he found himself training harder and harder each day. He loved the peace he and Tun Titian trained together non-stop. Another month went by without any major event taking place. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong continued his frenzied training and Martha even began worrying over him.

They were different levels of each element for Xu Yuto Shuto Hong he was able to breakthrough both elements. When he opened his eyes he felt the water and wind around him he could understand them better then anyone he closed his eyes before he let out a sigh and he landed on the ground he held out his hand trying to see what the wind could he found himself understanding what was going around so fast he pulled the wind back before he tried water element the water element turned into ice and changed back he was able to go back and fourth he found himself smiling brightly.

Now it's time to take a simple test after that he will be able to tryout for Shrank Fang Academy when he gets in he can see his brother and sister he found himself extremely excited to see his family once again.