
Chapter 6 {The fight}

The next morning Xu Yuto Shotu Hong felt like he could do anything he felt so excited he sat up and grabbed his clean clothes. He pulled hair up in a ponytail. He ran down the stairs he grabbed breakfast from the table he was so happy both Tun Titian were excited they were both growing up. Xu Yuto Shotu Hong felt like he could see other thing that no one else couldn't see which were spiritual ghost he touched one them and he smiled as he took a deep breath he worked so hard now everything was being paid off. It's worth it he thought to himself. He touched his chest and he looked at his necklace he couldn't help himself but think about what his mother always told him to protect the weak and those who couldn't fight.

On his way to the city entrance, he noticed that even though it had been some time since the test, people still recognized him, not only that, but they mostly look at him like an anomaly, and some could even be seen whispering to little kids while pointing at him.


Xu Yuto Shuto Hong ignored them not caring about any of them. He jumped walked pasted them like they were nothing but ants.

"Oh, looks like he's starting to grow wings, good thing I noticed it early. Guess it's time to teach him another lesson. Maybe he needs a good beating," One of the boy said with a smirk on his face. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong took a deep breath let's not fight over something dumb he thought to himself yes let's fight over something useless to him just stay strong wish.The two others chuckled slightly, but didn't plan on joining him when he's teaching Xu Yuto Shuto Hong a lesson, they only planned to watch, after all, they've heard about Xu Yuto Shuto's mother's violent nature. After Xu Yuto Shuto Hong did beat up a woman who dared to hit her son and that woman never dared to say anything about her son ever again ever since then no parents dare say anything in front of Xu Yuto Shuto Hing after all his mother is powerful and no one knows how powerful she is. All the know she lives alone and she is a single mother that's it.

Most people knew Xu Yuto Shuto Hong knew that Xu Yuto Shuto Hong went up the mountain to train. Many people said that he went up the mountains because he has gone mad but Xu Yuto Shuto Hong slowly learned to just ignore everyone in this city.

Some of the people usually mocks him, saying he had gone mad because he was trash. But he stopped paying attention to them when Martha told him those were just people who had sad lives, so they were looking for an outlet to pour out their frustration.

This youth was called Derek, and surprisingly, he was recently kicked out of the Academy. He was a Wind Rin Magi, only his elemental grade was the lowest there is, pink. Not just that, but he was bad at cultivating, so when he didn't meet up with the target set by the Academy which admitted him, he was sent back home. Because of that he found ways to bully Derek who has been home schooled by his own mother. Derek family bloodline fish, his magic weapon is a staff, and his guardian is a fat dog of course many kids think his powerful for Xu Yuto Shuto Hong he thinks this is just way too weak.

After joining any academies competition and the pressure on students are extremely high no matter what academies you join each of them are hard in their own ways. The pressure and competition at the Academies are really high. Derek and his friends were part of the students dropped. Although he was dropped, he was already in the Seventh stage of the Collection Plane. His age should usually have broken through to the Fusion Plane by now. No matter the path one works on they must understand what they are trying to do or they should just stop trying. Derek was way to weak but not just that he was a fat chubby kid. He was wearing a button down shirt well his steppdd forward he crossed his arms. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong blankly looked straight at him before he turned around he needs to go and workout he doesn't have time right now.


After his three hours training Xu Yuto Shuto jumped in the air and grabbed his shirt as he sat down on the air and he felt found himself grinning he closed his eyes and let out a yawn.

"My physical strength is already amazing because of my blacksmith, but I need to get stronger if I want to go to the same school that my siblings go to. Now Tun Titian we can't be lazy they will be many people who look down on us we must show them our power do you understand we are the strong and never give up no matter what," Xu Yuto Shuto Hong said as he eat his eight sandwiches his mother packed for him he started to write down and he notice his paint brush changing. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong was full he notice his paint brush now having mysterious powerful spiritual energy aura but the moment he closed his eyes he felt like he was learning all kinds of Genesis Ink. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong is a genius when it comes with Genesis Ink he could even teach someone that how talented he is his drawing can be used as an attack of course he doesn't know that himself.

He prepared his things and headed home.


The moment Xu Yuto Shuto Hong was down the moutain he couldn't believe this. Is this fat Derek really seeking death from him it's so freaking annoying this guy. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong tried to ignore them he wasn't feeling like fighting with anyone but one of the ring leader stepped forward and pushed Xu Yuto Shuto Hong but Xu Yuto Shuto Hong didn't move at all he looked at the boy who just pushed him his name is Justin.

"Trash come here."

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong emotionless eyes, before turning his whole body he held his bag in his right hand as he had Tun Titian in his left hand.

"Derek, what do you want now?"

He asked while thinking of a plan to get out of his current predicament. He knew what Derek wanted to do to him, and he didn't plan on having a black eye this time, he was a little tired of telling his mother lies although he knew she was aware he was lying. But still if he actually fought Derek real he would so die with just one kick his mother told him to never fight anyone so he keeps that in his mind but he truly was done being beaten up he was so sick of it.

"Derek defeat this trash," A fifteen year old girl named Lily said as she crossed her arms. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong couldn't understand what he has ever done to anyone of them all he was doing minding his own business.

"I never knew you were this stupid, you obviously offended me this morning. I called you and you snubbed me" Derek replied with a mischievous smile.

Derek's group snickered when they heard this.

"What? When? Derek, isn't this a little too much? I don't recall you called my name, I remember hearing your voice, but you were clearly talking to someone else," Xu Yuto Shuto Hong asked annoyed but he was honestly pissed off at this moment he doesn't know he could hold on his anger toward this guy who has been making fun of him for so long.

"Did you call my name?" Xu Yuto Shuto Hong asked to clarify things.

"Yes, I did." Derek affirmed

"Trash," Xu Yuto Shuto Hong said with a smirk on his lips.

"Yes," Derek responded to what Xu Yuto Shuto Hong said. After responding, he paused for a moment and realized Xu Yuto Shuto Hong was calling him trash, and he even answered. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong tried to cover his laughter.

"You see, you said your name is trash. I clearly heard when someone asked you your name, and you replied 'trash'. So I thought you were speaking to someone else," Xu Yuto Shuto Hong joked as he covered his mouth once again and his eyes were full of joy making fun of this guy.

"You Xu do you wish death?"

"Death I am not sure if I wish for death or anything but fatty didn't you get kicked out because you are just trash who isn't worth anyone's time?" Xu Yuto Shuto Hong asked annoying what he was trying to do.

"Apolo... You know what, forget about apologizing, cause even if you did, I wouldn't forgive you." Derek said.

"Shit I shouldn't have made the big bear angry," Xu Yuto Shuto Hong mattered to himself. Derek released his Rin Magi Element wind. Derek mobilized the wind elements in his body and charged towards Grey, stretching out his hands to grab hold of Xu Yuto Shuto Hong's shoulder. Being a wielder of wind it made Derek make him much faster being able to control all the wind around he could truly harm Xu Yuto Shuto Hong with.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong sidestepped quickly, and he unexpectedly managed to dodge Derek's grab.


Xu Yuto Shuto Hong, Derek, as well as the youths watching from the side all exclaimed in surprise. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong jumped in the air spinning around landing on the ground he felt so light on his feet he clenched his fists together is this because he made a breakthrough he felt a smirk on his face.

"What happened it felt so light not just that it feel like I sense his attack," he whispered to himself he was kneeling down trying to understand what just happened to him. When he saw Derek attack he found himself dodging everything like he has been fighting for so long and he was able to counter attack it was small but it was there.

The youths watching were amazed, Derek couldn't even believe Xu Yuto Shuto Hong dodged it. He only planned on hitting Xu Yuto Shuto Hong once or twice, but now, he changed his mind and prepared to beat him up properly.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong on the other hand was excited when he thought of what just happened.

'Don't get cocky, maybe it was a mistake.' He told himself.

"Hmph! Don't get full of yourself because you were able to dodge my attack and get a test of my family bloodline FISH POISON!" Derek shouted as he was ready to attack Xu Yuto Shuto Hong. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong remember he created a spell he was messing around he remembers he created his own spells in the past few years he started reading at a young age he held out his hand and a grade five water wind shield appeared blocking the attack. Derek was pushed backwards. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong couldn't believe what was happening right now.

Derek didn't stop with this attack, after his fist missed, he immediately tried to hit Xu Yuto Shuto Hong on the stomach with his knee, but just like before, Xu Yuto Shuto Hong dodged the attack, only, this time, he retreated back.

Derek kept on attacking, and Xu Yuto Shuto Hong was like an experienced fighter, easily dodging the strikes.

"How can he be so fast" One of the youths exclaimed. They knew just how fast Derek was, yet Xu Yuto Shuto Hong was still able to dodge his attacks.

"Stop..." Xu Yuto Shuto Hong wanted to try to convince Derek to stop attacking, but he was interrupted by his roar.

"Ahh!" Derek roared in anger.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong truly wishes he didn't have to deal with this at the moment. Tun Titian was ready to attack Derek but Xu Yuto Shuto Hong stopped him from making any sound.

He had been attacking for almost one minute now, yet he hadn't been able to touch Xu Yuto Shuto Hong even once, it was infuriating.

On seeing that Derek didn't plan on stopping, Xu Yuto Shuto Hong knew he shouldn't stay on the defensive anymore, he finally decided to attack if an opportunity presented itself.

It didn't take long before the said opportunity showed itself, but being someone who was inexperienced in fighting, he was unable to capitalize on it. Luckily, he was faster than Derek, so it didn't come back to haunt him.

Another opportunity presented itself when Xu Yuto Shuto Hong threw a reckless punch towards him which was enforced with the wind element. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong dodged the attack by bending down, after dodging it, Derek's body was completely exposed and defenseless due to his stance.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong gathered as much energy he could muster and sent a punch towards Derek's chest.


His fist connected, and an even more unexpected scene followed right after, Derek's body shot through the air and hit one of the trees that was at the side of the road. He passed out right after.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong eyes widen he was shocked with what just happened he grabbed his bag from the ground he didn't bother wondering if he was okay that guy can make it if not his just way to fucking weak.

This was his first time he was able to fight back, and he was elated by it. On getting home, he didn't tell his mother of it, not because he wanted to hide it, but since he had refrained from telling her when he was bullied by him, he decided to let the matter go.

He took a warm bath before eating dinner, then the thought struck him to try cultivating.