
Chapter 5 {Cultivation and Spiritual Aura}

"Mom what's happening," Xu Yuto Shuto Hong asked worried. Skylar eyes water that bastard didn't lie to me that's good or else I would find him and beat the living hell out of him. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong didn't understand what was happening to him at all but he could sense his mother happiness he rubbed his head before he looked back at his mother.

He was right, he's lucky he didn't lie to me" Skylar was ecstatic

"Who was right mom, what's going on?"

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong was nervous because of his mother's current strange behavior.

"Your Father" Skylar said happily.

"What about that old geezer not showing his face around for so many years."

"It's not that your father didn't want to show his face it was for the best as you know your father is extremely powerful man your brother and sister have to be protect at all times when they live school grounds they are people who are protecting them from the shadows, as you know a great Rin Mage Master also has many enemies, anyways that's not the point your father told me when you turned 12 years old, if you go for the test, there was a possibility you wouldn't awaken your Rin Magic Powers" Skylar slowly explained to her son.

"Wait you knew? But why?"

"Well, it can't really be said knew. But, yes, he did. According to the scroll, it would have to stay inside of you for fifteen years"

Skylar continued

"Inside me, I don't get it, did he put something inside me?" Xu Yuto Shuto Hong still wasn't comprehending what was going on. He was worried about what happen to him and not just that his mother knew along what was happening to him this whole time his only fourteen years old almost fifteen in two and half month but still why didn't mom tell me anything. Skylar shook everything off and touched her son head.

"Yes baby, as a newborn, you had a lot of health issues and no matter what I tried, you didn't get any better. Your father came back from one of his adventures and seeing how unhealthy you were, he also tried his everything he could and even took you to the best healers he knew, but unfortunately, nothing worked," Skylar said she can't forget the day she felt like she was about to lose her son even if Xu Yuto Shuto Hong isn't her birth child no matter what in her eyes she is her son with blood so they tried everything traveled around the world to try to save the baby who was always sick no matter they were many times when Xu Yuto Shuto Hong was at death door so many times if it wasn't for Skylar or her huband Ian who knows what would of happen to the poor boy. Every single day he would feed the child her life force to help him stay together and not die. It made her weak and it made her have to retire from being a powerful Rin Mage Master but she truly didn't care any of those she was just glad her son was alright. It didn't help that they didn't know anything about their son's birth parents not even a blood DNA found anything it just led them to nothing it was if the world was empty.

"So, how was I cured?" Xu Yuto Shuto Hong asked curiously.

He never knew he had health problems when he was a baby. His older brother and sister never talked about that so it seems like he was sick when he was baby damn.

"A pearl," Skylar said.

"Pearl? How can that cure someone?"

"I am getting to it seat down."

During one of his father's adventures, he accidentally stumbled upon a ruined ancient temple. He saw a pearl with myriad colors rotating slowly in the middle of a hidden room of the temple. Beneath the rotating pearl was a scripture, after reading it, he was astounded by the information it contained. He quickly kept the pearl and the cultivation technique. Yes, cultivation technique, what he thought to be a scripture was a cultivation technique. But this place was also known to be a dangerous place no one who came ever came out alive well at list until they passed their test and not a single person has ever passed the test of this mysterious god. But once his father appeared he did the test he never once stopped not a single day the mysterious god take a liking over Ian and decided to help this man out it wasn't because Ian was greed this man was pure and he truly was just wanting to help his child which made the mysterious god extremely knowing this man was worthy and he should find a great successor in the future.

He remembered the feeling he got from the pearl and was certain it wasn't fake. The description of the cultivation technique was unique, it stated that once one assimilates with the pearl after fifteen years, they would be able to wield heaven and earth, yin yang, and the ability to wield all seven element.

Seeing this, he wanted to cultivate it, but alas, there was a catch to it. First, the pearl can only assimilate with a body that hasn't awaken any element yet. And it would need fifteen years before completing assimilating with the body. It would gave him powerful cultivation and spiritual aura he truly wanted to do this but the mysterious god wasn't a fool not at all this mysterious god has lived for millions of years and they will always be a catch when it comes to good thing no matter what.

He sadly kept the pearl and cultivation technique when he realized there was no way he could use it. He got home a week after Xu Yuto Shuto Hong's birth and realized the situation his son was in. After trying everything he could but there was still no way to save him, he placed all his hope on the pearl.

If the pearl has such a monstrous ability to give someone the ability to train all elements, then saving someone wouldn't be impossible.

Of course Skylar wouldn't allow a mysterious thing to be put in her son body over damn dead body no matter what she just wasn't going to allow it not at all. What kind of mother would do something like?

But after her husband persuaded her and seeing there was nothing they could do to save Xu Yuto Shuto Hong, she gritted her teeth and accepted it. Two days later, her baby was as healthy as he rightly should be. But after that some other mysterious thing happen to Xu Yuto Shuto Hong but it all disappeared after one night.

Although she still took Xu Yuto Shuto Hong to take part in the test, she didn't know if he would awaken his element then. She also hoped there was a possibility he would awaken an element, but unfortunately, he didn't.

The notion of telling Xu Yuto Shuto Hong about came to her when she saw how depressed he was after the test, but then again, what if after he reached fifteen years of age he didn't awaken any elements? What would she tell him then? He would be even more traumatized than when he didn't awaken it at the age of twelve. She honestly has been worried she knows her son birth parents most be some powerful people it was shock that his bloodline or even his magic weapon Grimoire didn't awaken but that was also part of Ian planned he made sure that his son was well protected and nothing would harm his body. She felt so happy at this moment.

"Mom why didn't you tell?"

"You wouldn't believe me son plus I wasn't supposed to tell I didn't was to give you false hope no I couldn't do that as a mother I would rather I lose my abilities to use Rin Powers then you not being able to race for your dreams I know you work hard and you never once whined or complained to me you never blamed your father or I which I was grateful you are so kind to many people but also in those three years you started to close yourself toward many thing and it made sad so I couldn't tell you this and for that I am sorry."

Although the thought of it being fake and probably killing him passed through his mind, he remembered what his mother said at that time, he was dying anyway.

After some time, he immediately thought back to what he heard.

"Yes, not just any ordinary Elementalist, but one who controls all elements, not just that you will have heaven and earth, and yin yang alongside isn't that amazing?" Skylar said while holding Xu Yuto Shotu Hong's hand in joy.

'Control over all elements' It kept ringing in his ear.

"How can someone have control over all the elements," Xu Yuto Shuto Hong asked with shock.

"I don't know baby but I know your father loves you and he would never lie to me, wait a moment," Skylar said as she held out her hand and a golden brown scroll appeared they was a red string wrapped around.

"Study it."

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong opened the scroll and found himself learning all kinds of different techniques he found himself deeply staring at these techniques. No wonder mother always forced him to learn Genesis Ink, and learn how to read scrolls it wasn't that he hated doing it no he liked looking at different scrolls it has become one of his favorite thing in his honest answer.

"Mom I can finally cultivate and feel my spiritual aura!" Xu Yuto Shuto Hong shouted so excited. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong wasn't about to wait and stand here he rushed to his room and he sat on his bed he closed his eyes and he held out his hand in front of him as air appeared around the room. But he couldn't onto for long he felt like his body was ready for this he let out a hissing sound before he tried again. He felt an energy flowing through his body his mind, heart lungs, legs, arms, fingers, He felt his mind learning everything about wind element within a second he felt like he could understand everything about the wind element it was nothing but breathing to him.

For the next two days Xu Yuto Shuto Hong didn't even open his eyes nor did he eat but when he opened his eyes he felt he felt different. He knows they are different levels of cultivation and spiritual aura.


Beginner Realm

Medium Realm

Peak Realm

Mortal Realm

Yuik Realm

The Bone Realm

The Double Sea

The Dormant Region

Fire Realm

Earth Realm

Wind Realm

Water Realm

Half step heavenly realm

Heavenly Realm

Beginner Immortal realm

Medium Immortal realm

Peak Immortal Realm

Immortal realm

Beginner Heaven God Realm

Medium Heaven God Realm

Peak Heaven God Realm

Eternal God heaven and earth realm

Cultivating to Eternal God Heaven and earth realm is extremely actually it's been over fifty million years since anyone has been able to reach that level no one ever reach that level many people understand the higher you are in your cultivation the harder it is to make a breakthrough same goes with your spiritual aura.

The Broken Yonder

The Cyber Sea

The Sacred Realm

The Sterile Nation

The Tempest Sea

The Shattered Planet

The Migrating Domain

The Ash Sanctum

The Shifting Nexus

The Rune Territories

The Miniature World

The Lush Isles

The Forsaken Province

The Tempest Planet

The Past Region

The God Isle

The White Sea

The Miniature Sea

The Lush Domain

The Illusion Space

The Ivory Sea

The Ethereal Nation

The Rune Yonder

The Final Dominion

The Feral Territories

Spirit Moon Realm

Heaven Region Realm

The Immortal Sanctum

The Illusion Domain

The God Region

Making a breakthrough to different spiritual energy is different each realm is different and gives you a different feeling then others It also helps you strengthen your powers. At this moment Xu Yuto Shuto Hong didn't know what happened but he knew that he made a breakthrough.

"Mom what level of cultivation and spiritual realm am I in?"

Skylar held out a ball.

"Touch this stone it will tell you the cultivation level and what state it's in."

"Mmm alright."

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong touched the ball and it was his cultivation level first. Skylar eyes widen for a moment before she covered it up amazing even though he started later he made a breakthrough to Double Sea Realm it takes kids a long time to get there and his already there this is already outstanding and amazing my son is outstanding.

"Alright I will put this helmet on you it shows your spiritual level."

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong felt a sharp pain on his forehead but numbers started to appear up from ten and their numbers didn't stop. Skylar stepped backwards 580 The Rune Territories Realm this boy his spiritual and cultivation aren't normal not just that this boy has always worked hard no matter but this is his first using Rin magic yet Skylar couldn't help it but smile at her.

"Mom so how was it."

"you level is low work harder both of your cultivation and spiritual realm," Skylar lied it's best for him to think that way so his ego doesn't grow to big but she couldn't help it but smile my son is growing up now. Honey we will be home soon.