
Chapter 4 {Awakening}

On top of a cliff there stood up a boy sitting in meditation position he hasn't moved a single muscle this whole time he has tried to call upon his spiritual and cultivation energy but no luck seems to come in mind not even when he works so hard. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong opened his eyes and he leaned against his hands and he frowned at how he couldn't feel anything he stood up and he put his hand over his forehead to cover the sunset. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong took off his shoes and he started to move around like in his dream. In the past Xu Yuto Shuto Hong has dreams of a person moving around but these kinds of martial arts are different he truly doesn't understand it but for the past eight years he has been working on this martial arts.

After two hours of working on his martial arts he found a table and he pulled out an empty scroll.

When Xu Yuto Shuto Hong raised his face, a stunningly handsome face could be seen. He had long black hair and an inverted triangular-shaped face, he had bow-shaped lips with beautiful grayish bluish eyes. His skin was toned, from being in the sun for too long each day. He measured 5 '7' in height and has a slender body, adding his chiseled-like muscles, further made physique just amazing. Any girl will fall head over heels for him.

It's been three years since the day of that test he still hasn't found anything but these past three years he decided to not feel sad for himself he has made his force on his blacksmith, painting, and spell casting he took a deep breath as he waved his hand over and over again before he looked at the sky and he stood up. Tun Titian's head was on Xu Yuto Shuto Hong lap he raised his right hand and petted Tun Titian before he stood up and carried him away. Three years for the past three years he found his three friends stopped talking to him and started to call him trash and telling him he was worthless after that day Xu Yuto Shuto Hong found how people can be trash and not even care about anyone. He remembers one day during dinner, Skylar suggested he should start training his body since there was no way he could hone it using the element which would in turn keep him healthy. At first, he rejected the idea, but after multiple convincing from Martha, he finally decided to try it out. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong took up the idea and started training ever since, it has been 3 years already. He had forgotten just how many times he had trained himself so hard he couldn't stand up. He has always been a determined person, so he decided, if he couldn't cultivate, he will pour all his energy into honing his body. Besides, spending his time here helps him escape from the reality of what happened to him. But still he has closed off his heart toward making any friends being back stabbed by your three best friends sucked so much.

Xu Yuto Shuto knows the rules of Shrank Fang Academy from age fifteen years old kids can actually go to Shrank Fang Academy. How does it work when kids are twelve and they decide to go to Shrank Fang Academy they go to Star Fang Academy that school is owned by Shrank Fang Academy when kids graduate from that school they is a test for everyone to take even outside students can take this test. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong knows that he must work even harder if he wants to go to the same school as his siblings he clenched his fists together he doesn't matter where he ends up at all he cares about is going that school. Mom, dad, older sister, and older brother also went to Shrank Fang Academy if he doesn't go to that school it just means he failed his family that won't happen.

"Well I am done for today it's nice out today Tun Titian maybe after eating dinner let's go to the beach and play together," Xu Yuto Shuto Hong said as he carried Tun Titian in his arms.


"Mom! I'm home!" Xu Yuto Shuto Hong shouted as he took off his shoes. For the past three years he hasn't seen his father well his mother has seen his father but he himself hasn't seen his father for so long it sometimes makes him wonder if his dad just doesn't want to see him at all. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong was sweating so he walked to his bedroom where he had a bathroom he turned on the shower and he started to wash his body. He ran his fingers through his body and he touched his abs he found himself grinning and nodded to himself.

So handsome and beautiful this world can't handle my beauty he thought to himself.

Twenty minutes later. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong came down stairs and he stretched out his legs and arms before he flipped his back when his hair fell back. He sat down at the kitchen table as he watched his mother cook. In the past three years his mother has become an amazing cook after all his mother wants to cook for her own son.

"Son did nothing strange happen to you today?" Skylar asked. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong frowned for a moment and he rolled his beautiful eyes.

"Mom why must you always ask me this? Nothing strange happened to me honestly I have been working on my blacksmith, Genesis Ink, and my martial art nothing strange happens after that is something wrong?" Xu Yuto Shuto Hong asked worried that something will happen to his body if he over works.

'Why isn't it happening yet, could it be that he hasn't met the requirements. He said it should awaken after he clocks 15 years old, it has already been 5 months now' Skylar couldn't help but begin to worry about her son's future. She hid it to herself though and didn't show any visible reactions.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong stared at his mother for a long while before he gave up on trying to see what she was hiding whatever if she wants to tell him what she is hiding she will tell me. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong stared at the food in front of him he clapped his hands together and he let out a small smile before he shoved food in his mouth. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong has become a huge glutton well even more glutton then he was before the awakening he always felt hungry but he truly didn't care about anything else he found himself shoving food in his mouth none stop. Skylar just watched her son enjoy his food. Skylar knows her son has closed off his heart toward making any new friends they are some kids around his age who want to play with but after what happen three years ago to Xu Yuto Shuto Hong everyone is just fake and worth his time he has become colder toward stranger but only warm to those who are family no one else.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong grew as time went on and was able to put everything behind him. His situation made him find comfort in reading when he's alone. He always had Tun Titian with him so he wasn't always alone so he and Tun Titian were partners for life they will do everything together no matter what. He knows how powerful Tun Titian is and he has seen his great power and his only getting stronger. Both Tun Titian and Xu Yuto Shuto Hong don't have a contract like most people would have with a spiritual animal both of them just trust each other that much plus Tun Titian job is to protect Xu Yuto Shuto Hong.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong continued his daily routine and quickly another month went by without any major thing happening.

On a particular day, Xu Yuto Shuto Hong was in the forest doing his usual training routine. He suddenly started feeling hot and sweating more than usual. He felt maybe it was because of his training and decided to take a short rest to calm his temperature.

He got hotter as time went on and also sweated more.

"What's happening to me this normally never happens," Xu Yuto Shuto Hong mattered to himself it must be a mistake he thought to himself but the heat didn't stop this time. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong felt a powerful heat come out of him once again. He stopped working on his Genesis drawing and writing and decided to go home early he ran all the way home much faster than he would normally. He slammed the door open. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong slammed his bathroom door and turned the water into the full coldness and he took off his clothes and he sat down alright let's relax now. Maybe this would help but the heat became much hotter and hotter.

The hotness in his body continued getting hotter, and it got to the point he couldn't bear it anymore, he screamed in pain for some time before passing out.


Xu Yuto Shuto Hong whole body started to change. His tan body became much lighter back to his normal color his hair became longer and much more smooth. Scales appeared that covered his enter body, the water around him started to freeze before becoming extremely hot. They were different colors in the room like fireworks that danced around. A golden light appeared on Xu Yuto Shuto Hong forehead. At the same as Xu Yuto Shuto Hong body was changing in many different ways Tun Titian was also changing his far before much softer his eyes that were once brown became golden color they were beautiful. A small demimonde appeared on his forehead as he laid there next to his master.

By the time he woke up, it was already late in the evening, and he noticed he was fully dressed in his bed. 'Who dressed me up' That was the first question that entered his mind on seeing his condition. He remembers being in the bathroom but that's it. Mom moved me most likely. He looked around confused by everything that happened, he managed to sit up. He walked downstairs after some time and saw Skylar sitting quietly on a chair, she raised her head and looked at Xu Yuto Shuto Hong with a big smile when she noticed him coming down.

"Mom were you the one who dressed me up," Xu Yuto Shuto Hong asked the most important question on his mind after seeing her. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong felt embarrassed because he remembered being fully naked when he passed out.

Skylar was taken aback by the question, she couldn't believe the first thing Grey said after waking up was who dressed him up.

"I have no idea" Skylar replied as she looked at Xu Yuto Shuto Hong with eyes saying 'Do you live in this house with someone else, try asking that question again, and I'll beat you up'.

'He is actually embarrassed because I dressed him up, I'm his mother. This kid' Xu Yuto Shuto Hong thought wryly.

When Xu Yuto Shuto Hong heard her reply, he wanted to talk more but when he saw the look in Skylar's eyes, he quickly swallowed his words. He knew just how scary she could be if she got angry. Noway mom get's so scary when she is scary the last time he got hit on the butt it was five days ago!

Skylar looked at her son worried before she stood up and touched his face.

"Xu, why were you unconscious when I came back?" Skylar asked for worry.

"Mom I don't know Tun Titian and I passed out I was in the bathroom I turned the water extremely cold but then I passed out I can't remember anything else it's annoying really but do you know what happen mom?"

Skylar immediately fell into deep thoughts when she heard this, she glanced at Xu Yuto Shuto Hong before getting up and walking towards the kitchen to get dinner for him. As she walked past him, she froze in the spot and looked at him again from head to toe.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong was surprised by his mother's abrupt behavior and started feeling scared thinking his mother was angry.

"Xu, did you notice the changes in your skin?" Martha asked.

She clearly remembered how he looked in the morning.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong didn't really take notice of the change in his skin and looked at it. He was dumbstruck by what he saw, 'How is this possible' He looked at his skin and his eyes drifted to his palm.